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Tragedy in Rhode Island

The Critic

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The pyro went wrong during a Great White concert and the whole club went up in flames in minutes. At least 39 people are confirmed dead so far, and there are sure to be more.


Apparently, people panicked and actually hampered the effort to escape. This is just horrible - you never think that when you go out for a night of fun, that you won't ever be coming home.


There is talk of the club being overpacked and not having a license to do pyro - the place was only supposed to hold a couple hundred people.


Terrible....just terrible...

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No, they had a max. capacity of 300, but by all accounts there weren't that many people inside. When everyone paniced in there, they charged for only one of the 4 available exits. Also, the big problem was that there were no sprinkler systems. Coupled that with the fact that they do not have a liscence for a pyrotechnic display (probably because there were no sprinklers and the size of the building), the club managers/owners are in criminal as well as civil trouble. Bless those that perished and their families and friends.


Sorry I don't have the link to the yahoo site.


CNN Coverage


Have the found the missing band member yet?

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There is talk of the club being overpacked and not having a license to do pyro - the place was only supposed to hold a couple hundred people.

They talked to a club manager on CNN Friday morning and he said that no one from the band or representing the band told them that they were going to be using pyro. According to this guy, as soon as they saw the pyro start, they ran to get fire extinguishers but, by the time they returned, the wall behind the band was fully engulfed.


The media footage from the TV station that was inside the club when the fire started was interesting. The media was there to do a story, of all things, on nightclub safety. What I found interesting on this video was that when the patrons turned to leave after the fire started, this idiot with his big, bulky, TV camera in the middle of the hallway leading to the exit that everyone ran to was facing towards the fire trying to get the shot. As he was leaving, it appeared that he was literally "swept up" in a wave of people. I wonder if some of the dead could have been alive today if it weren't for this media ass trying to get his Pulitzer shot. Lots of people+fire= Turn and leave. Not saying that all of the dead could have been saved, but, when looking at the footage, this asshole definitely didn't help things.

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They talked to a club manager on CNN Friday morning and he said that no one from the band or representing the band told them that they were going to be using pyro.

Yahoo was reporting otherwise...The band said they did request permission and the club okay's it. This will be another war of the words...


Yahoo's coverage

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I don't think the cameraman helped things, since he was another obstacle in the way, but if people had headed towards any of the other three exits, more people would definitely have gotten out. I know your first instinct is to leave the way you came in, but from now on, I'll be more aware of all the ways I can get out of a club. I'm just sorry that these two incidents are what it takes to make me think about that...


From what singer Jack Russell said, part of the back wall was foam padded, and when the pyro hit it, the fire spread like crazy.


It's just tragic, no matter whose "fault" it is...

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It just went up in flames so damn fast.  The fire chief said that the building was engulfed in about 3 minutes.  Sheesh.

He was also quoting that from the time the fire hit the ceiling, they had 30 seconds to 1 minute to get out; if they didn't get out in that time frame, they probably didn't make it.

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