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Jon Rauch Likely Finished in Sox Organization

Obi-Wan Kenobi

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It is being reported by ESPN 1000 that Jon Rauch left US Cellular Field before today's game concluded. Ken Williams has issued a statement saying that Rauch will likely never pitch for the White Sox again, and he is willing to listen to trade offers. Paul Konerko commented that everyone is upset about what happened.


Absolutely unbelieveable.

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It is being reported by ESPN 1000 that Jon Rauch left US Cellular Field before today's game concluded. Ken Williams has issued a statement saying that Rauch will likely never pitch for the White Sox again, and he is willing to listen to trade offers. Paul Konerko commented that everyone is upset about what happened.


Absolutely unbelieveable.

:o Wow, what a jerk. If Ozzie was there this might have not happened

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Beastly...Rauch left the lockeroom and left US Cellular before the game was over. His teammates were upset and thats not a classy move. I don't care how s***ty you pitch, you stay there and cheer your mates on, especially when your a freaking rookie.


Good riddance Rauch...I'd rather see you cut then ever pitch again in Chicago and Kenny I give you major props for your stance, it shows that this is a team and that the Chicago White Sox won't accept his actions.


I can honestly say this is worse then what Paniagua did last year because in this case Rauch was letting down his teammates, big time.

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What the hell is that? Obviously Rauch isn't that great, but you don't treat another human being like that...I hope Rauch got a few words in to Kenny...that bastard...

Are you a rock?


Rauch abandoned his team. For that he deserves to be treated like s***. Its not odd for a GM to issue this sort of message, remember Milton Bradley earlier this season? Difference being Milton Bradley put up great numbers last season (with the Indians) while Rauch has never proven himself. Like I said; ZERO trade value.

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Beastly...Rauch left the lockeroom and left US Cellular before the game was over.  His teammates were upset and thats not a classy move. I don't care how s***ty you pitch, you stay there and cheer your mates on, especially when your a freaking rookie.


Good riddance Rauch...I'd rather see you cut then ever pitch again in Chicago and Kenny I give you major props for your stance, it shows that this is a team and that the Chicago White Sox won't accept his actions.


I can honestly say this is worse then what Paniagua did last year because in this case Rauch was letting down his teammates, big time.

oh, I read it wrong...I thought because of his performance...KW sent him away from the Sox, not what you said...sorry

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he may have been so distraught, depressed by his poor performance that he couldn;t take seeing his teammates or staying the place of his failure - just trying to see what might have gone on in his mind - but he shouldn't have left

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he may have been so distraught, depressed by his poor performance that he couldn;t take seeing his teammates or staying the place of his failure - just trying to see what might have gone on in his mind -  but he shouldn't have left

The guy is a big leaguer. He's played professional baseball at the minor league level a long time and has a few outings at the major league level. Their is absolutely no excuse for this.


Tells me that me and some others beliefs on this guy from the very get go were true.

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Tells me that me and some others beliefs on this guy from the very get go were true.

A caller on the ESPN 1000 post game show reminded Wills that Rauch was throwing a tandrum last year when Manuel pulled him from the mound. There has been a history of showing displeasure towards being pulled.


I've never heard of any attitude problems he might of had in the minors, but todays selfish translates into his immediate removal from the White Sox organization

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Obviously what he did was wrong, and its supports the notion that a couple of people have stated here about what kind of person he is. But shouldn't they wait to get an explaination from him before this declaration? Of course, there could have been other things that have come up that we don't know about, and he could have been warned about his behavior. Either way, it doesn't appear to be much of a loss for the organization. He was lucky he only gave up 5.

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I'd say Arnie Munoz is next on the list. The only thing is, if the Sox handle Munoz like they have the previous candidates, it can really set him back.


Rex mentioned on the minor league board that he thinks Arnie could hold up at the major league level, but if the Sox are going to go his way, then they need to be willing to stick by him and do whatever they can to help him suceed.

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Last year (some caller on the ESPN 1000 post game show refresed my memory) reminded Wills that Rauch was throwing a tandrum when Manuel pulled him from the mound.  There has been a history of showing displeasure towards being pulled.


I've never heard of any attitude problems he might of had in the minors, but this selfish act displayed today translates into his immediate removal from the White Sox organization

and wasnt there somethin in spring training were when he got demoted he was throwin things around the clubhouse

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and wasnt there somethin in spring training were when he got demoted he was throwin things around the clubhouse

I think I know what you're talking about. Rauch's attitude is terrible, so I'm not at all sorry to see him go. I don't what it is about certain people, but they act as though they're entitled to special treatment by everyone they meet. Rauch seems like this type of person, so he doesn't belong in the Sox organization. He can pump gas for the rest of his life as far as I'm concerned.

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Lots of hating going on in here :headshake .  Reminds me of the opening day thread.

People are upset because Rauch basically walked out on his job. If any of us in here were to do something like that, we'd be fired without a second thought. If there's one thing I won't tolerate, it's people who just give up and quit because things don't go their way.

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