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Jon Rauch Likely Finished in Sox Organization

Obi-Wan Kenobi

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Too bad Rauch has NO trade value.

Oh has value - you win POY and then post a 3.00 ERA in a Charlotte park, there'll be a team that will take a chance on you.


But yes, if there was any chance of Rauch being a throw in in a Randy Johnson deal, it's gone. Boy was he terrible today - batting practice city. :lol:


Might as well keep him and pray for a miracle.

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I hate to say something like I told you so, but I have several times mentioned that Rauch is selfish and there was more to him not pitching for the Sox than him just not being a nice guy.


Sometimes it is hard to explain, but you know when a guy just doesn't belong. Rauch had more problems upstairs than just being a little rude to aboz and other fans on occasion.

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Well it will be interesting what happens. Did Rauch sound sincere? I'm guessing though that the people within the organization know what really happened and I don't think any of us will ever know the actuality.


Maybe Kenny jumped the gun or maybe Rauch is full of balognie. Either way I don't expect to hear anything else about this other then speculation. Still, I fully believe it was the wrong thing to do, even if he was supposed to drive down, you wait until you hear from someone within the organization.


Plus, I'm assuming he would be flying and not driving so he would have to wait for the Sox to set things up for his plane ticket.


I just know I lean to it being Rauch's fault cause I've heard numerous bad things about him and his attitude.

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I caught a little bit of it, something about he feels like their not giving him a shot or something.

They gave him a shot today, and he was awful. He was lucky he only gave up 5 runs. Granted they really set him up to fail by not pitching him during his regular turn, he was held back and might not be as sharp. But its the big leagues, the team is in first place, Rauch has to realize they don't have time to dick around with him now. He needed to perform, and he didn't.

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People are upset because Rauch basically walked out on his job. If any of us in here were to do something like that, we'd be fired without a second thought. If there's one thing I won't tolerate, it's people who just give up and quit because things don't go their way


Obi-Wan Kenobi


Joined: May 19, 2004


Sorry, but opening day people were having at Billy's head. Cool off, hear both sides of the story. Besides, he pitched better than Wright, Diaz, and Cotts.

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Obi-Wan Kenobi 


Joined: May 19, 2004


Sorry, but opening day people were having at Billy's head.  Cool off, hear both sides of the story.  Besides, he pitched better than Wright, Diaz, and Cotts.

Ya, but Billy just struggled. No matter what, Billy has been nothing but a team player and I don't think anyone will deny that.

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Ya, but Billy just struggled.  No matter what, Billy has been nothing but a team player and I don't think anyone will deny that.

Agreed. There's a big difference between somone who's trying his best but can't get good results and someone who just doesn't care. Rauch doesn't care.

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Obi-Wan Kenobi 


Joined: May 19, 2004


Sorry, but opening day people were having at Billy's head.  Cool off, hear both sides of the story.  Besides, he pitched better than Wright, Diaz, and Cotts.

I heard Jon's side of the story. I still think he screwed up royally by leaving. I don't want him on the team anymore. Period.

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I buy that! Who would want to succeed in the majors.  prolly enjoys bus rides everywhere, and staying in s***ty motels.

Rauch is selfish and is not a guy you want on your team. Plain and simple, he has always had questionable makeup.

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Wills asked an interesting question to Rauch: "Do you feel that a change of scenery could do you good."


"Don't know, but I have a feeling I'll never pitch for this team again," says Rauch.


I believe him, he is good as gone. Whether or not there was intention from Jon to leave early, he just doesn't abandon a team without consulting someone. Frank Thomas did this at an ALL STAR game (which means nothing) and was lambasted by the media.

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Where was the 12-6 curve? Where was the "improving change"? I'll even settle for a good slider at this point....


Scrath that, how about NOT THROWING A STRAIGHT HEATER IN A HITTER'S WHEELHOUSE, would it be too much to ask that?


The guy was swearing at himself, the upm and opposing hitters after every other ball.....I've had enough of these head-cases.


And no, don't release him. He clearly wants out, don't give him the satisfaction.

Make him work his ass off, drop that AAA ERA under 2.50 and then we can talk a trade. Or not.

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he just doesn't abandon a team without consulting someone.

What the f*** is this?!


If Juan Uribe wants to take off to Vegas in the middle off the game he knows he won't play in, he can do that and more. If Mark Prior wants to kick somebody in the balls, well he's earned that right with his brilliant pitching. Etc.


Rauch is a scumbag, but it's not because he didn't sign an autograph for some 10yo brat. He is a scumbag because he disappointed ME by basically losing the game before Sox took the field today. He was terrible, the mutant-bastard.

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And no, don't release him.    He clearly wants out, don't give him the satisfaction.

Make him work his ass off, drop that AAA ERA under 2.50 and then we can talk a trade.  Or not.

Well said. If he really wants out of the Sox org. make him work for it. It enhances his trade value and gets him what he wants.

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What the f*** is this?!


If Juan Uribe wants to take off to Vegas in the middle off the game he knows he won't play in, he can do that and more. If Mark Prior wants to kick somebody in the balls, well he's earned that right with his brilliant pitching. Etc.

Brando, this is.......by far.....the most RIDICULOUS comment you have ever posted on this board. Listen, the players have no right to leave their team (even if there not playing) unless a situation warrants it. If Uribe ever left a game he knew he wouldn't play in to "go to vegas" his ass would be gone. Think what kind of message that sends to your teammates.


Though I can't argue with Prior kicking someone in the balls....he probably woulld have the advantage of doing that. I'm sure Cub fans would line up for the prestigious opportunity to be kicked by the Messiah.

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I was in the camp who thought he was being traded before he would ever see a White Sox Uniform this season, So the fact that he saw action today came as a surprise to me.


I, for one, love the message that this sends to others in the organization. We don't want guys in our clubhouse who don't want to be here. If you don't want to be here, you'll be shown the door. I know both Kelly Wunch and Rauch feel as if they are on thier way out of town, and it's probably true. I want a team full of guys who play hard because they like being here.

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Rauch is selfish and is not a guy you want on your team.  Plain and simple, he has always had questionable makeup.

Thank you Rex, I was tired of getting heat for bashing Rauch. I hope today showed most of you what kind of guy Rauch is on and off the field. Sianara jackass.

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