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Jon Rauch Likely Finished in Sox Organization

Obi-Wan Kenobi

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In Rauch's shoes, i might have done the same thing.


You're standing on the mound alone. You don't have it. You get killed. What do you do? Sit there? Here's your dream being shattered into a million pieces. He could have just walked out because he didn't have the balls to stay there postgame. Hell, he was probably scared stiff as to what everyone would think of him.

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Rauch should be able to be dealt for a veteran 5th starter on a team out of contention, who is making more than the minimum. The options are few. But Rauch does have some value.


I don't think Cincy has any guys the Sox need. They're in 1st place and won't be trading any vets.

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Guest JimH
Rauch should be able to be dealt for a veteran 5th starter on a team out of contention, who is making more than the minimum. The options are few. But Rauch does have some value.

Good point, we'll see what happens.

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from the same story, on Rauch's future with the Sox:


"We waited after the game to make the move with Rauch and he had left," said Williams, through White Sox spokesman Scott Reifert, prior to Rauch calling the radio station. "That's not something we condone here. We are a family and we root for each other.


Nice try, too bad Jon had already told his family he was told he was heading back after the game. His BS almost worked.

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If Rauch does pitch for the Sox again, he better bring a new fastball, slider, curve and change with him cuz whatever he was throwing on Sat ain't gonna get anyone out in AA.


It bears repeating that KW should not give Rauch away. Send him back and see what he does.

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Nice try, too bad Jon had already told his family he was told he was heading back after the game. His BS almost worked.

Steff, Rauch was probably told that he would only be up for one start becaue the Sox don't need another start from the 5th spot for a while. But that is not the same as the move being made official.


Leaving to go be with his family, while Rauch probably thought it was okay, was not. It is just part of a pattern of this guy's thinking and actions that are "me first". I guarantee you if he pitched well and left the game after 5 innings he still would have been in the locker room after the game.


The miscommunication was because Jon just doesn't get it. He doesn't understand the way things need to be done. He never has.....

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Guys.. FWIW, Jon was told before he even tossed a pitch that he was going back to AAA and that he was going right after he was done. He showered and left to meet his family who had driven in from Kentucky to see him pitch, and he was driving back with them. At any given time there are 20+ people in the clubhouse during a game. Jon didn't just sneak out.. he claims he spoke to Hahn and Cooper before leaving, and I'd wager high that Kenny knew he was leaving when he was leaving and spouted his mouth off to take attention away from the outcome of the game.

Take attention away from the outcome of the game? Why? They've lost 20 games this season...does he banish a player from the organization after every loss? It was a loss in late May. No need to do this to take attention away from a loss, especially when no one in Chicago is really watching.

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Guest JimH

If I were a young pitcher coming up to the big leagues with an opportunity to seize the 5th starter spot with a division contender, I would make DAMN sure I understood exactly when I could leave the clubhouse, and when I couldn't.


Unfortunately, it appears the stories about Jon's apparent immaturity (Rex, Alex) may have played a part in this.


Since Williams had a major knee jerk reaction, the best thing is for Rauch to get a fresh start elsewhere. He's somewhat of a reclamation project, so perhaps the Sox could pick up a similar asset.


It's unfortunate, but the time had come to cut bait. Other teams already know what Rauch can and cannot do ... he is well past surgery and has had multiple starts in AAA.


IMO, his market value is a similar pitcher who's been hurt and is on the comeback trail.


Ty Howington, anyone? (I'm still going with my Cincinnati Reds hunch).

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Guest JimH
I think Ty Howington just got hurt again, didn't he?

They have so many guys on the rebound in Cincy it's hard to tell what's what.


I read they've instituted a strict pitch count with A ball pitchers and below due to the alarming number of arm problems their organizational pitchers have had.


They don't let the AA guys throw more than 100 per outing, per BA.


I hadn't heard Howington was hurt again Rex, could be.

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Steff, Rauch was probably told that he would only be up for one start becaue the Sox don't need another start from the 5th spot for a while.  But that is not the same as the move being made official.


Leaving to go be with his family, while Rauch probably thought it was okay, was not.  It is just part of a pattern of this guy's thinking and actions that are "me first".  I guarantee you if he pitched well and left the game after 5 innings he still would have been in the locker room after the game.


The miscommunication was because Jon just doesn't get it.  He doesn't understand the way things need to be done.  He never has.....

:headbang :headbang :headbang :headbang


You da man Rex!

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The following quote is from an article posted on MLB.com



"To a large degree my comments were a reaction more along the lines of a player than they were as a general manager," Williams said Sunday. "As a general manager I'm fully aware if I'm going to trade someone, it's a good idea not to announce to the world that this person is not in the greatest of standing with your organization.


"There has been such a good, solid feeling of togetherness. It's one of those cliché words that teams and organizations throw out there, 'family,' but I really feel that to such a degree this year that I haven't felt since I was a player in Toronto. That has to be paramount in our thinking. "


My reaction to yesterday's event stems from the frustration of him not being out there to support his teammates."


"Yes, my reaction was more along the lines of the players, but when I went out through the clubhouse before leaving, the reaction they shared to me was certainly one that I think those comments were on the target. Again, maybe not wise from general manager's-speak, but certainly indicative of how the players felt."




Never can admit you might of made a mistake, right KW?

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Kenny has to learn when to keep his Trap to himslef tho,

Everyone in the league knows how desperate we are for a 5th starter, and now they are wise to his ambitions of trading Rauch. Other GM's in this league must feel KW is a complete idiot (not that prior mistakes haven't made that clear).


What annoyed me most was how he appeared to be justifying his trade intentions towards Rauch because it was "indicative of how the players felt" Has he asked the players how they felt about Koch as their closer, or the revolving door that is the 5th starters position? Hell no. Most likely he's using the attitude of the players (towards Rauch) as proof he's right on this issue.

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I think he is basically admitting he wishes he wouldn't have made the comments he did.

I understand the tone of his comments imply he feels regret, but would it have been too much for him to simply admit he may of acted too quickly? Instead, he attempts to word his message just right, as to suggest what he said was correct.

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I think he is basically admitting he wishes he wouldn't have made the comments he did.

Agreed...sounds to me that he knows it wasn't the right thing to say from a GM standpoint.


Personally I think sometimes a GM has to just make a statement because it could have more of an effect than the Sox holding onto a freaking cancer.


This doesn't sound like the type of player I'd want in AAA spending time with the players, nor would this be an action that I'd wnat to see somehow condoned.


What KW said sends a message to the entire organization and everyone in it that the Sox won't put up with a guy playing for himself and not for the team.


Personally I stick to my thoughts that I could give a damn about the midlevel guy the Sox could of got for Rauch cause the principle of this matter is more important, imo.

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Looks like 1 team mite want Jonny boy,


JUST ASKING: The Mets planned to inquire about Jon Rauch, the 6-11 White Sox pitcher who drove home to Louisville after getting knocked out of Saturday's game in the fourth inning, drawing the ire of GM Ken Williams. Rauch, Baseball America's 2000 minor-league Player of the Year, has a 2-2 record and 7.24 ERA in nine career big-league appearances.


"He severely hampered his chances for ever pitching for the White Sox again," Williams said in a statement. "If any team has any interest in Jon Rauch, they should contact me."

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Looks like 1 team mite want Jonny boy,


JUST ASKING: The Mets planned to inquire about Jon Rauch, the 6-11 White Sox pitcher who drove home to Louisville after getting knocked out of Saturday's game in the fourth inning, drawing the ire of GM Ken Williams. Rauch, Baseball America's 2000 minor-league Player of the Year, has a 2-2 record and 7.24 ERA in nine career big-league appearances.


"He severely hampered his chances for ever pitching for the White Sox again," Williams said in a statement. "If any team has any interest in Jon Rauch, they should contact me."

I see you like looking at prosportsdaily.com as well. Nothing like finding a one stop news source for daily baseball news.

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While this incident is cause for concern, I'm going to reserve judgement on Rauch and Williams till the whole thing plays out.  I'm sure there is quite a lot of information that hasn't hit the media yet.

This is my stance as well. I'm not about to rip into Jon when I've heard he spoke to both Cooper and Hahn to their faces and they were aware he was taking off. Kenny, on the other hand, has a history of running his mouth and BS'ing. I give the kid the advantage here. No way in hell he left that clubhouse without ANYONE knowing. It's simply NOT possible.

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Take attention away from the outcome of the game? Why? They've lost 20 games this season...does he banish a player from the organization after every loss? It was a loss in late May. No need to do this to take attention away from a loss, especially when no one in Chicago is really watching.

Perhaps I should have said take the attention off the BS 5th starter issue which was not addressed in the off season when it should have been. The "automatic loss" every fifth day was the center of conversation all week and the blame for the mess is on Kenny's shoulders.

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How much pressure is there on a 5th starter? I'm thinking this is the firing line. Bring up fresh meat. Jon has got to feel his big league career slipping away. From the heights of the Olympics, to this start, he has been on a terrible roller coaster ride. I wonder if he looked at this start as do or die for his career.


Imagine, instead of multi-million dollar contracts, a career at Foot Locker, wearing the stripes and hearing people say, "Didn't you use to play for the Bulls? No wait, you're the bum who never made it out of AAA."

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