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Originally posted by Spiff
Originally posted by doubleM23Terrorism is like a tree.  You just can't cut off the leaves of a tree and expect it to die.  You need to get down into the roots and cut off what's feeding it, and THEN and ONLY THEN will you kill the tree.


OH so now you are anti-tree?!


LOL! I should've known that bastard commie would be a tree hugger.

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Originally posted by hotsoxchick1

hence my point.. we should have blown the f***in place up the first time and did the job right.. then we wouldnt have had to have a sept 11th.......


Michelle, we got to remember just cause your arab or Persian or whatever you want to call them doesn't mean your a terrorist and you can't punish the majority for something the minority has done.


I've always said this is going to be a long war, but one where we should attack the individuals that are involved not punish those that aren't involved.


If we punish those not involved then we are only making more enemies. We may not construe it that way, but they will. Whenever you go into someone else country things are tough and its a pr nightmare. The key is to improve the way we handle things. Thats a hard thing to do.


Did innocent people deserve to die on 9-11, hell no, and I don't think anyone here would ever disagree with, but the solution isn't killing more innocent, its getting those that are the problem.

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Originally posted by hotsoxchick1

georgie is a pussy just like his dad was.. when we were over there the first time we should have leveled the sand box..... it would have been safe to divy up by now.....


In '91 the objective was to liberate Kuwait. That mission was successful. Bush was hamstrung by the legislation signed by the great Jimmy Carter which stated that the US will not actively:


1.) Participate in a coup of any foreign country; and

2.) Actively participate in the assassination of any foreign leader of a country.


There you go. Schwarzkopf wanted Saddam's ass and could have had it handed to him on a platter. But, as the civilized society and not the savages commonly found in the Middle East, we followed the laws set forth before us by past leaders..... no matter how inept some of our leaders were at the time.

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Originally posted by LDF

my friend, you are in error. what stop the US from going futher was the agreement we made with the arab league. we made promises that we would not go and topple the iraq gov. 


A multitude of factors contributed to us not turning Saddam inside out but I know for a fact this earlier legislation was one of the factors. In fact, this legislation was again brought up after 9/11 and the US stated that if a chance to assassinate BinLaden presented itself, the US would jump at the opportunity because BinLaden does not represent a country..... he represents an idea supported by a fanatical group of people. As a matter of fact, Saddam was always brought up in these conversations when people wanted to know why we didn't assassinate him during Desert Storm in '91 but wouldn't hesitate to take out BinLaden. BinLaden represents no country and is not the leader of a country.

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Originally posted by CubKilla
Originally posted by LDF

my friend, you are in error. what stop the US from going futher was the agreement we made with the arab league. we made promises that we would not go and topple the iraq gov. 


A multitude of factors contributed to us not turning Saddam inside out but I know for a fact this earlier legislation was one of the factors. In fact, this legislation was again brought up after 9/11 and the US stated that if a chance to assassinate BinLaden presented itself, the US would jump at the opportunity because BinLaden does not represent a country..... he represents an idea supported by a fanatical group of people. As a matter of fact, Saddam was always brought up in these conversations when people wanted to know why we didn't assassinate him during Desert Storm in '91 but wouldn't hesitate to take out BinLaden. BinLaden represents no country and is not the leader of a country.


alot had to do with the dirty trick that the cia have done, which included the assignation of the veit nam someone, which help get us in to the war. that is why carter made that passage of killing.


but i am with you on this. we need to take the f***er out.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

killa there were alot of other factors we had to deal with in not blasting the living s*** out of the sand lot and making it safe for all to play in .....ldf touched on it....i dont need to repeat.... heres a bit of a history lesson....this may be before your time or you probably were a youngun but... think way back to the days when we hated russia with a passion... it was our very own government who went into places like afghanstan, iraq, iran and such and tought guys such as bin laden (him espically he was one of the rebels back then)..et.el... how to fight and defend themselves against a russian take over.. hell we even gave them the f***in weapons to do it with .... our cia spent years over there teaching these assholes all the tricks of the trade... and now we see the son of a b****es using it against us......sure we went to kuwait to liberate them and protect them from suddam taking over.. but while we were there we shouldnt have pussy footed around and we should have taken suddam and his guys and blasted the living hell out of them till they were like swiss cheese.....if we had then we would have shown f***in assholes like bin laden we are not afraid to stand our ground and WE WONT PUT UP WITH THEIR s***........let me put my finger on the button ill blast the living holy hell out of the sand box.........

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