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June 2004 Quotes of the Month

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1549 in the thread about the 92 year old man that had been bite over 200 times by snakes


remind me to wear a cup if I ever handle snakes. Then again, I would have a cool story..."I lost the left one to a desert rattler in Pheonix, the other one has been to scared to come down ever since"
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Ribbie is killing me. In the thread that never ends, an article that could clear up everything is missing. Ribbie has an idea!


I'll check the Library to see of anything was printed the local paper.


SS2k4, you go down to the old Berman Farm and see what you can turn up there.


We'll all meet back at my tree house at 6:00pm and see what we've found.

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From southsider2k4 in yet another riviting Magglio thread

Anyone feel feel sorry for Juggernaut yet? He has had his ass pouned more times in the last few days than 9 year old boy in Bangkok. (yeah I know I am going to hell for that one)


"What is no, Alex"


Very good, please select. post-2-1087503667.jpg

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  • 2 weeks later...

In a thread titled "Sex in a Car" a woman was charged with a felony for crimes against nature when she was caught receiving oral sex from a gentleman friend.


RedandWhite wrote:


that sucks...
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