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Jesica Santillan


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I find it truly tragic that she died but I find it equally tragic that the entire country is going to have to pay due to the messup of one man. Because she was smuggled in and one moron screwed up, America as a whole is going to be spat upon. She was smuggled in, and we coulda said, take a hike. But from the bottom of our hearts we decided to let her live. But we gave that promise into the hands of an idiot and now everyone is going to use this against us. Im glad we tried to save her but I just wish we woulda let someone a little brighter save her. This is truly sad...

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I don't know about you, but I cannot link up to it. Having not read the story, I don't think "America will be spat upon" for this. Even though a mistake was made by medical personnel, and even though France is filled with assholes :headbang , I don't think anyone in their right mind will blame the United States for this happening. After all, most countries medical knowledge and surgical procedures are downright archaic compared to ours and no other country in the world would have added a non-citizens name to their countries organ list let alone supplied a non-citizen with two separate sets of organs. It will be interesting to see how many lawyers contact the family of this girl to file lawsuits on their behalf even though they aren't citizens of this country.


This is the first time I heard that this girl was "smuggled" into this country. If this was not the case (I'm going on what OldRoman said and I cannot access his link), ignore everything I just posted :D

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Ill try to get the link up but for now youll just have to take my word that Santillans family had a smuggler smuggle her in so she could get medical care. If this was an American it would be tragic but it wouldnt be making headlines. I can really see America taking crap for this but I do agree with you that it wouldnt make much sense. She didnt have to be here and legally, she shouldnt have been here. She made a choice and we helped her because we were just so kind. If anyone tries to attack us for this, they can screw themselves...

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