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Ordonez rejects contract...


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Has this been posted yet, I heard them talking on the Score today, Im not even sure when this happened...


But if he wants more than that amount of money, I'd rather have a solid #1 or #2 for him like Zito perhaps? :) (My 2 favorite players are Zito and you know who)


Sorry if this has been posted already...

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This was the prior story.  I don't know if the Score had new info or not.

Doh... see what happens when i go back to the parents house for Memorial Day!

I have no idea what is happening in the Soxtalk world...


They were just basically talking about what the Sox should do if they are winning in July and how Sox fans would be mad if they traded him on a potential division winning club.

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Everybody wave to Magglio when you see him next. As in bu-bye.


Look, at this point, IF, and I say IF (you know, media misinformation and all) he rejected what the original offer he said he would take, he can :fyou and not let the door hit him in the ass. I like Maggs and all, but I hate it when athletes start this s***. So, they might as well trade him NOW while they can get something for him...


$14 million can get you an ACE pitcher in this market...

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No local writers have written about this supposed "rejection". Though Mariotti was talking about his writer friend Heyman [sp?] I don't give it much credence.


That the Sox and Maggs are talking during the season at all is a good sign.

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what a b****


too bad $70 MILLION isnt good enough for him


sometimes baseball makes me sick

I think it's only fair to hear the circumstances surrounding the decline. The deferred $$, the incentive clauses. If in order for him to get the $$ he has to make the AS team, I'd tell the Sox to shove it as well since Maggs is simply not popular enough with the fans to be voted on (and being selected via the manager is always a crap shoot). I wouldn't be surprised to see them trying to slip a DS clause in there (and say.. "well, Frank signed one... ").



But in all reality... I wouldn't bother even talking about it. He's not going to stay here. Why would he? He'd be crazy to with the way this team is run.

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If he came out and said he wasnt gonna stay here no matter what I would trade his ass before the deadline for the most we can get... its better to get a sure thing then a comp. draft pick on someone who you dont know will even pan out

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If he came out and said he wasnt gonna stay here no matter what I would trade his ass before the deadline for the most we can get... its better to get a sure thing then a comp. draft pick on someone who you dont know will even pan out

Hawk said at Soxfest that Maggs stated he was testing the FA market no matter what. Sounds to me like he made up his mind long ago. And this reporting of him declining is an effort to make him look bad, IMO. If he said he was going to test the market then let him test the market. :huh

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I'm with Anthony on this one. "Testing the market no matter what" is called I'm going to go to the highest bidder, PERIOD. And we all know that it's not going to be the Sox, so let's not kid ourselves.


Howdy, Payrod, er, I mean Maggs.


A comp pick comparted to getting some value for him now is a lot better option, IMO.


To discredit him or not is not really the point here.

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I'm with Anthony on this one.  "Testing the market no matter what" is called I'm going to go to the highest bidder, PERIOD.  And we all know that it's not going to be the Sox, so let's not kid ourselves.


Howdy, Payrod, er, I mean Maggs.


A comp pick comparted to getting some value for him now is a lot better option, IMO. 


To discredit him or not is not really the point here.

That's the way I understood it back in February.


Which is why I question even bothering to offer him anything. To hear him say no? To make it easier when they trade him? So the fans don't hate this organization more than they already do...?

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If hes pretty much made it clear he wont be coming back I dont think many people would hate the organization for bettering the team when they can insted of lettin him walk and we get nothing but a crapshoot pick in the draft... You never know what we could get..


Hell we could prolly send him to LA for some of those top pitching prospects that are ready to step in and play now

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If hes pretty much made it clear he wont be coming back I dont think many people would hate the organization for bettering the team when they can insted of lettin him walk and we get nothing but a crapshoot pick in the draft... You never know what we could get..


Hell we could prolly send him to LA for some of those top pitching prospects that are ready to step in and play now

I dunno... you see how many here previously had been riding the "sign Maggs no matter what" bandwagon.? I don't think most Sox fans post/read on boards or even read or pay close enough attention to the details to take his comments into consideration. I can't tell you how many people I've run into that say "if they trade Maggs than that's it. I will no longer be a fan!"

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I dunno... you see how many here previously had been riding the "sign Maggs no matter what" bandwagon.? I don't think most Sox fans post/read on boards or even read or pay close enough attention to the details to take his comments into consideration. I can't tell you how many people I've run into that say "if they trade Maggs than that's it. I will no longer be a fan!"

It's a good point. I think that they would have to get a damn decent arm and another proven (albiet not all-star) outfielder with a bit of pop from the left side to get rid of Maggs. Again, I like him, it just bugs me when the money's there that they've been asking for and they say no way. I know how business works, and using the media is how you get things done to soften the blows often times.


Politics in sports SUCK.

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I will step to the front and say I would re-sign Maggs. I would overpay if I had to, just to make a good PR Move for the team. If Maggs keeps saying no, there is nothing we can do about it, but don't stop trying. I understand the market is dropping, and his skills may drop some day in the future too, but to re-sign our best player, who is very marketable, and stays out of trouble is a must.


On the other hand, I will say that all of those people who say sign Maggs or I am gone is BS. As a youngster I cried the day Ventura left, and thought I'd never get over it... heck I still haven't got over it, but I am still a fan. Magglio is a great player and seems like a good guy too, but the turn over in baseball is what it is.


I want Maggs re-signed, but if it doesn't happen....



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People say that, but it depends on who you get in the deal.


Williams trades for a big time pitcher, the White Sox get to the playoffs this year, and sign and improve in the offseason, people are saying "Maggs who"


The Sox trade Maggs, fail miserably, "I was never a fan after the Maggs trade"


People are monday morning quarterbacks, who want results.


Maggs is not going out of is way to say how much he loves the Sox and how bad he wants to be here. If he was saying that, then I would feel slighted if the Sox did not bring him back.


From all indications, Maggs is interested in leaving and hitting the jackpot.



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That's the way I understood it back in February.


Which is why I question even bothering to offer him anything. To hear him say no? To make it easier when they trade him? So the fans don't hate this organization more than they already do...?

The last reason isn't a bad one. It shows the team made an effort and it is Maggs that isn't currently interested, not the team stiffing him.


As for deferred money, I'm sorry, but I have a hard time feeling sorry for a guy who is getting 14 million a year and might have to wait for 7 million of it. I understand about lost interest and all that, but when you have cash like that coming in, I don't know, I just can't side with a player on that. Maybe it's wrong, but it's how I feel.

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The last reason isn't a bad one.  It shows the team made an effort and it is Maggs that isn't currently interested, not the team stiffing him.


As for deferred money, I'm sorry, but I have a hard time feeling sorry for a guy who is getting 14 million a year and might have to wait for 7 million of it.  I understand about lost interest and all that, but when you have cash like that coming in, I don't know, I just can't side with a player on that.  Maybe it's wrong, but it's how I feel.

Bingo. It's a hell of a lot of money, deferred or not. Shut the hell up already.

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Fan.. err.. Queen.. :lol: Great point.. however if he can get guaranteed $$ somewhere else is it wrong to take it? If your boss says maybe we'll pay you IF you do a good job.. but another offer comes along and tells you we'll pay you no matter what.. which would you take?

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Hawk said at Soxfest that Maggs stated he was testing the FA market no matter what. Sounds to me like he made up his mind long ago. And this reporting of him declining is an effort to make him look bad, IMO. If he said he was going to test the market then let him test the market.  :huh

That changed when he started negotiations. He said that he wanted to stay here, and if we offered a fair deal he would be inclined to take it. As you pointed out, we don't know all the terms of the deal, but if the only snag is deferred money, that's a problem on Magg's part IMO.

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