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Chicago White Sox @ Oakland Athletics Game Thread

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You're the one who always makes stuff up. First your absurd comment about how baseball is "littered" with players with 50+ hrs and 150+rbi in the minors who never "dented" the majors. Turns out "littered" meant one. Now you say since 2000 , Jose has only 3 less sac bunts than Robbie Alomar. Again you are wrong. Jose had 2 more than Alomar in 2000,  1 less in 2001, 3 less in 2002, 5 less in 2003. He has 2 more this season, but Alomar has hardly played. That's 5 you made up 3. At least you are getting closer. I'm sure Robbie's percentage is a lot higher, and has a lot less strikeouts after bunt failures than Valentin.

Baseball history IS littered with them, Bauman being the one who hit 70+ with 200+ RBI. In the Texas leagues alone there were several more 50+, 150+. Do the research - starting from Bill James's Historical Abstract. Or did you think I was gonna just cough up the names because you requested them? I owe you nothing, old man.


5 more over 5 years? That would make just one per year since 2000 - Robbie played in more games and often bunted on his own volition a BUNCH even when he was hitting .330. And Robbie is a great bunter, mind you, whereas Jose is just average-to-above average in the last 5 years with the Sox. What's Robbie's rate of failure? I have no idea but neither have you. You can produce no proof regarding the 4 bunt strike-outs - perhaps you meant Jose made an out after bunting off a pitch for strike 1? That's not exactly "failing to bunt" - if I were to use this criterion, then Robbie made a bunch of outs after bunting for strike 1 or even Strike 2 last year - and Willie, Sox' second best bunter, should have even more of them in his brief career.


I, on the other hand, can produce 2 bunt base hits and 3 sac bunts by Jose in the first 2 months of this year alone - and he was out for 2 weeks, so it's basically over 6 weeks. The season is young yet. Niiice try.


Jose was among the best bunters on this team since 2000. You can make up all the "failed" bunts you wish - bunt hits and sac bunts speak for themselves. He had 2 failed bunts this year, both off LHP - Sandy and Wilie hads a few failked bunts themselves. But whatever, Dickaroo.

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