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The reason I'm a registered Libertarian


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O f***. Just the title of this thread says "political brawl" all over it.  :)







I dont even bother. You cant tell liberals anything. They make up their own s*** as they go along even if it sounds completly rediculous. Oh, wait, my bad, that's Sideshow Apu. And he's not Liberal. He's more like Anti-usa.

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I dont even bother. You cant tell liberals anything. They make up their own s*** as they go along even if it sounds completly rediculous. Oh, wait, my bad, that's Sideshow Apu. And he's not Liberal. He's more like Anti-usa.

Red Red Red. Come on now. I am not Anti-US, I am anti-administrations that are lying asspopes.

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I dont even bother. You cant tell liberals anything. They make up their own s*** as they go along even if it sounds completly rediculous. Oh, wait, my bad, that's Sideshow Apu. And he's not Liberal. He's more like Anti-usa.

Red Red Red. Come on now. I am not Anti-US, I am anti-administrations that are lying asspopes.

Every post i see about the US is negative by you.

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Every post i see about the US is negative by you.

I like the United States. Mother Jones, Upton Sinclair, Howard Zinn, Noam Chomsky, the labor movement, peace protests...books by Chuck Palahniuk and tons of other things.


It is just our political regimes that are total and complete bulls*** and have pulled lots of nasty shenanigans in order to destabilize parts of the world. If the shoe fits in the evil tactics we've pulled in the past, we need to face up to them. The KGB has, the Stasi has, why not the CIA?

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Word, doubleM23.



Unless RedPinStripes is ready to put on a uni and lead the first infantry assault himself like YEsTERDAY...he needs to lay off the war-mongering/blind liberal-bashing for a change. It's getting boring. Also, equating "liberals" with "anti-Americans" is right up Ann Coultier's alley, and, trust me, you don't want to go down that rhetorical road. France may indeed have a classic case of America Envy (who doesn't? Quite of a few aspects of this country are simply GREAT), but this country is by NO means heaven, esp. considering the Oil Cabal running it into the ground.


But hey, why don't you tell me about the benefits of the "Missile Shield", the Oil War and the tax cut (buy yourself a few extra beers did we? want lower gas prices do we?) to say nothing of a few other "programs" this admini is for implementing...cuz I am all ears.

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Word, doubleM23.  



Unless RedPinStripes is ready to put on a uni and lead the first infantry assault himself like YEsTERDAY...he needs to lay off the war-mongering/blind liberal-bashing for a change. It's getting boring.  Also, equating "liberals" with "anti-Americans" is right up Ann Coultier's alley, and, trust me, you don't want to go down that rhetorical road.  France may indeed have a classic case of America Envy (who doesn't?  Quite of a few aspects of his country are simply GREAT), but this country is by NO means heaven, esp. considering the Oil Cabal running it into the ground.


But hey, why don't you tell me about the benefits of the "Missile Shield", the Oil War and the tax cut (buy yourself a few extra beers did we?  want lower gas prices do we?) to say nothing of a few other "programs" this admini is for implementing...cuz I am all ears[/color=green].



Ha, ha, ha... I knew what your political stripes were going to be before you even made this post.

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Word, doubleM23



Unless RedPinStripes is ready to put on a uni and lead the first infantry assault himself like YEsTERDAY...he needs to lay off the war-mongering/blind liberal-bashing for a change. It's getting boring.  Also, equating "liberals" with "anti-Americans" is right up Ann Coultier's alley, and, trust me, you don't want to go down that rhetorical road.  France may indeed have a classic case of America Envy (who doesn't?  Quite of a few aspects of his country are simply GREAT), but this country is by NO means heaven, esp. considering the Oil Cabal running it into the ground.


But hey, why don't you tell me about the benefits of the "Missile Shield", the Oil War and the tax cut (buy yourself a few extra beers did we?  want lower gas prices do we?) to say nothing of a few other "programs" this admini is for implementing...cuz I am all ears[/color=green].

what a great post! thank you for brightening my day!



Notice how my beloved friend RPS does not know the difference between "liberal" and "libertartian." But you just can't expect higher order reasoning from a Notre Dame now, can you?

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***hearty laughter*** Yeah, and I take it you are Mr. True&Real who knows what's up and ain't afraid to tell it like it is. Talk about true arrogance...



I am surprised you didn''t hide behind other worthless copout words like "pretentious", "snobby", "egomaniacal", "pseudo-intellectual", etc...Making progress one baby-step at a time, I see.


But you just can't expect higher order reasoning from a Notre Dame now, can you?


I actually I can and I do; ND ain't kindergarden.

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Word, doubleM23.  



Unless RedPinStripes is ready to put on a uni and lead the first infantry assault himself like YEsTERDAY...he needs to lay off the war-mongering/blind liberal-bashing for a change. It's getting boring.  Also, equating "liberals" with "anti-Americans" is right up Ann Coultier's alley, and, trust me, you don't want to go down that rhetorical road.  France may indeed have a classic case of America Envy (who doesn't?  Quite of a few aspects of his country are simply GREAT), but this country is by NO means heaven, esp. considering the Oil Cabal running it into the ground.


But hey, why don't you tell me about the benefits of the "Missile Shield", the Oil War and the tax cut (buy yourself a few extra beers did we?  want lower gas prices do we?) to say nothing of a few other "programs" this admini is for implementing...cuz I am all ears[/color=green].

what a great post! thank you for brightening my day!



Notice how my beloved friend RPS does not know the difference between "liberal" and "libertartian." But you just can't expect higher order reasoning from a Notre Dame now, can you?

No it was a crap post. It's only point was to put RPS down in an attempt to make his pompous, pseudo-intellectual, fragile ego ass feel better.


And not knowing the difference between liberal and libertarian is pretty common but thanks for being offended for me.

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***hearty laughter*** Yeah, and I take it you are Mr. True&Real who knows what's up and ain't afraid to tell it like it is.



I am surprised you didn''t behind other worthless copout words like "pretentious", "snobby", "egomaniacal", etc...Making progress one baby-step at a time, I see.


But you just can't expect higher order reasoning from a Notre Dame now, can you?


I actually I can and I do; ND ain't kindergarden.

No copout here, if the shoe fits...



I don't care what your opinions are and as soon as you have something substantial to say we'll have a good argument over them. All you've done is throw baseless opinions around and then look down your nose when someone voices opposition.

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I don't care what your opinion is and as soon as you have something substantial to say we'll have a good argument over them. All you've done is throw your opinions around and then look down your nose when someone says different.



Review your own scribblings on this thread fer a change, and try finding an ounce of common sense let alone "substance". I dare you. ("Emoticon" 'Bring It and "I am pissed" AIN'T what one might call fair and insighful commentary. )

If the shoe fits


I see you have graduated the BMR31 School of Silly Baiting and Empty Noise with honors. Congrads.

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I don't care what your opinion is and as soon as you have something substantial to say we'll have a good argument over them. All you've done is throw your opinions around and then look down your nose when someone says different.



Review your own scribblings on this thread fer a change, and try finding an ounce of common sence let alone "substance". I dare you. ("Emoticon" 'Bring It and "I am pissed" AIN'T what one might call fair and insighful commentary. )



If the shoe fits


I see you have graduated the BMR31 School of Silly Baiting and Empty Noise with honors. Congrads.

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha...



The BMR thing is histerical. If that aint the pot calling the kettle black. He, he, he.




As far as substance goes, I'd call you humorless if I didn't know that you were trying to bait me.

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I don't care what your opinion is and as soon as you have something substantial to say we'll have a good argument over them. All you've done is throw your opinions around and then look down your nose when someone says different.



Review your own scribblings on this thread fer a change, and try finding an ounce of common sense let alone "substance". I dare you. ("Emoticon" 'Bring It and "I am pissed" AIN'T what one might call fair and insighful commentary. )



If the shoe fits


I see you have graduated the BMR31 School of Silly Baiting and Empty Noise with honors. Congrads.

BMR, is that you? :D




C'mon and admit it already. I feel like I'm on candid camera.

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Politics and life ain't sports, buddy, so there is no reason to get your oversized panties into a twist as though Liberal-Conservative is just another Sox-Cubs pride fare in the order of "mah daddy was a GOPer and his daddy was a GOP'er...So, I'll be damned if I switched to the Dark Side". It's silly. Your trash-talk is silly. Your personal attacks are transparently silly.


I am still waiting for "substance"...unless you haven't exhaused your vocabulary of pointless insult-slinging. Arrogant, humorless, psedo-intellectual bla blah blah

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Politics and life ain't sports, so there is no reason to get your oversized panties into a twist as though Liberal-Conservative is just as another Sox-Cubs fare in the order of "mah daddy was a GOPer and his daddy was a GOP'er...".  It's silly.  Your trash-talk is silly.  Your personal attacks are transparently silly, buddy.


I am still waiting for "substance"...unless you haven't exhaused your vocabulary of pointless insult-slinging.  Arrogant, humorless, psedo-intellectual bla blah blah

I don't care if you are Democrat or Republican, I just like to argue. I also happen to think you are an arrogant prick. If you want to say that all I'm doing is calling names that's fine with me. I'd rather live my life as a silly name caller than an arrogant prick.



I do have a whole bag full of other insults to use if I felt like continuing to go back and forth like this (I haven't even gotten to the fun ones) but I'm not going to let someone like you bait me into it.


Go back to WSI where the rest of your kind live. See you later George.

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