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gay marriage.


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If my wife or girlfriend ever cheated on me:


A)If she lived with me, her bags would be packed and they'd be sitting on the doorstep with the locks changed.


B)I'd never freaking talk to the chick again. 


Hasn't happened so far and hopefully it doesn't ever happen, but no chance in hell that I'd ever put up with it or give a girl a 2nd chance after something like that.

Woah Jason... you might want to hold off on cementing this. The door swings both ways and you might be the one to have a discression... if you love her, and it's something that you truly regret, wouldn't you want another chance..?


I've never been in such a situation, but I know a LOT of couples that have and many have stayed together and have better relationships after. Of course if kids are involved that changes things, too.

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Woah Jason... you might want to hold off on cementing this. The door swings both ways and you might be the one to have a discression... if you love her, and it's something that you truly regret, wouldn't you want another chance..?


I've never been in such a situation, but I know a LOT of couples that have and many have stayed together and have better relationships after. Of course if kids are involved that changes things, too.

I think a bad marriage and kids poses for some of the toughest questions in life.


Does the couple stick it out for their kids sake, despite a lack of love?

Does the couple divorce for their own sake?


An ugly divorce can scar a kid, but so can an ugly relationship at home.

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I've never been in such a situation, but I know a LOT of couples that have and many have stayed together and have better relationships after. Of course if kids are involved that changes things, too.

I was cheated on and dumped him as soon as I found out. it wasn't that tough because I was already thinking about breaking up with him.


That happened to Brian at least twice that I know of - once he walked in on 'the deed.' He took her back a few weeks later and dumped her scraggy ass about 4 hrs after that - they went to meet her friends at a sports bar when she said she was going to use the facilities and when she wasn't back about 20 minutes later, he went to check on her and caught her trying to pick up two guys at once. Once a whore always a whore. It was far from easy for him and he stopped dating for about 3 or 4 years.

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I was cheated on and dumped him as soon as I found out.  it wasn't that tough because I was already thinking about breaking up with him.


That happened to Brian at least twice that I know of - once he walked in on 'the deed.' He took her back a few weeks later and dumped her scraggy ass about 4 hrs after that - they went to meet her friends at a sports bar when she said she was going to use the facilities and when she wasn't back about 20 minutes later, he went to check on her and caught her trying to pick up two guys at once.  Once a whore always a whore.  It was far from easy for him and he stopped dating for about 3 or 4 years.

Oh yea... there are some real gems out there - both men and women. But there are some who can overcome the adversity of infidelity and re-build their relationship.

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Woah Jason... you might want to hold off on cementing this. The door swings both ways and you might be the one to have a discression... if you love her, and it's something that you truly regret, wouldn't you want another chance..?


I've never been in such a situation, but I know a LOT of couples that have and many have stayed together and have better relationships after. Of course if kids are involved that changes things, too.

I've never ever cheated on the girlfriends I've had and they haven't cheated on me. TO me cheating on someone is something that will be repeated. I'm pretty much case closed with this.


And Brando, to answer your question in short, no I've never really been in love. I'd be lying to the girl if I said I was. I'm still learning what all I want in a girl. Have I thought I could be falling in love, yes, but I have never had a long enough relationship to really be in love with a person and truly know them. The longest I've had is a few months.


But if I'm not going to go out and cheat, then I expect the same from someone else, no matter what. I don't want to hear the I was drunk excuse or what not. And to be honest, I may want another chance, but if I cheated on her and crushed her feelings, then I don't deserve another chance.


Somethings can be repaired, to me this isn't one of them, because trust is something you need in a relationship...its like the foundation and after something like this, I would never have trust in that person again at least not to the point I believe is needed in a serious relationship.

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Somethings can be repaired, to me this isn't one of them, because trust is something you need in a relationship...its like the foundation and after something like this, I would never have trust in that person again at least not to the point I believe is needed in a serious relationship.


There is only one little flaw in that philosophy. A foundation can be knocked down, but rebuilt stronger and more solidly than the original. It's the exception to the rule, but it can certainly happen that way.

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I wonder how old these people are..



43% MORE THAN 60 partners... my God I just can not get over that.



Here's a thought about this study. Since I don't live in Chicago, I can't answer it. But wouldnt it make sense that the couple of neighborhoods that make Boystown the place it is, with the reputation it has, be filled with people who created that reputation? If 3 - 10 percent of the population, depending on who you ask, is gay - wouldn't that mean that just maybe gay people live outside that area, and may lead a lifestyle as normal as you or I? Oh wait, that's right, I DO.


I hear stories all the time from straight guys about one night stands and sleeping with people whose names they don't know and all these other experiences I'd never dream about doing.


I think those numbers ARE shocking though, all being said. I just wonder how accurate they are. Measuring that might be fairly difficult, even today, from a methodology standpoint.

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I've said it before & I'll say it again: civil unions.

It's an answer that shows tolerance & equal rights without having to force acceptance.

As an added bonus we can now start collecting data on them.


On a bigger scale social liberalism is out of control! 

I saw on MSNBC that there's a legal movement out there trying to ban ladies night on the basis of it being sexual discrimination.  Yep it's unconstitutional for bar owners to have ladies night in an effort to attract more customers.


There is no area of our society that is free from social liberalism. Doesn't matter whether your a God-loving believer or not.  The liberals are using the literal context of the US Constitution as if it were the Bible. I'm pretty confident in my assessment of the founders of the US Cons that they intended it to be a framework for democracy & not a Bible to rule over democracy. I'm pretty sure the majority of Americans don't have a problem with ladies night.


Why don't these liberal activists save us all a lot of time & money & build us devices so that any action we intend to take can be put through the US Cons litmus test?  It's a F'g joke is what it is!

Civil Union is a nebulous term. Lemme put it to you this way, that's separate but (not always) equal. Unfortunately, thats not an acceptable doctrine to the United States Supreme Court. See Brown v. Board of Education.


I'm not trying to compare the gay rights movement to the 1960s civil rights movement - but i will say this - the civil unions argument follows the same logic as saying... "The drinking fountain water is the same for the black and white fountain, so why do we need to allow blacks to drink from both?"

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Yeah, you can tolerate and hate. But denying the equal rights of cohabitating couples because they happen to be same sex is not toleration. America has not had a history of tolerating homosexuality. In many states, the act itself was considered illegal until last year. And since a case had to be made to overturn the law, in some cases - those laws were ENFORCED. Oh yeah, where I live, its still legal to be fired for suspicion of f**gotry. Which might explain why I had to shut the closet door on myself a while ago.


I support Gay Marriage. Being the board's official Gaybo, you prolly already knew that. You prolly already knew that I couldnt let the thread die off without my 2 cents. That being said, I don't think that the Federal Government has the right to force an individual state to allow gay marriages in their state. However, the Federal Government has the duty to give same sex married couples the same rights as heterosexual couples, unless the definition of marriage changes to one which is recognized for the sole purpose of procreation. That would mean a lotta straight people couldnt get married either.


Not every gay guy is gonna get married or even wants to. Its not about a gay invasion, but rather about equality and the ability to live without fear.

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Here's a thought about this study. Since I don't live in Chicago, I can't answer it. But wouldnt it make sense that the couple of neighborhoods that make Boystown the place it is, with the reputation it has, be filled with people who created that reputation? If 3 - 10 percent of the population, depending on who you ask, is gay - wouldn't that mean that just maybe gay people live outside that area, and may lead a lifestyle as normal as you or I? Oh wait, that's right, I DO.


I hear stories all the time from straight guys about one night stands and sleeping with people whose names they don't know and all these other experiences I'd never dream about doing.


I think those numbers ARE shocking though, all being said. I just wonder how accurate they are. Measuring that might be fairly difficult, even today, from a methodology standpoint.

I don't care if they are gay or straight... but 60 partners for anyone, any age IMO.. is sick.

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I don't care if they are gay or straight... but 60 partners for anyone, any age IMO.. is sick.

Think about this, Steff.


Say you are a heterosexual male who started having sex when you were 17, and you are now 35. Subtract 5 years for monogamous relationships, and you now have 13 years left over.


If you average 3 partners per year, thats 40 partners right there.


So depending on one's age, 60 partners doesn't have to be a lot!





BTW...I am 42, so, the example given isn't about me!

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Think about this, Steff.


Say you are a heterosexual male who started having sex when you were 17, and you are now 35. Subtract 5 years for monogamous relationships, and you now have 13 years left over.


If you average 3 partners per year, thats 40 partners right there.


So depending on one's age, 60 partners doesn't have to be a lot!





BTW...I am 42, so, the example given isn't about me!

3 partners a year... IMO, :puke

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3 partners a year... IMO,  :puke

Wow Steff, not enough?! ;) Is that at one time?


I read an essay in the Village Voice a while back that suggest that the government should not recognize religious unions at all and only recognize a civil union for purposes of benefits, laws, etc. It makes sense to me.

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3 partners a year... IMO,  :puke

Did you ever hear of the "Rule of 3", Steff?


When you ask a woman how many partners she's had, whatever number she gives you, MULTIPLY it by 3...that's the "real" number.


When you ask a man how many partners he's had, whatever number he gives you, DIVIDE it by 3...that's "his real" number.



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Did you ever hear of the "Rule of 3", Steff?


When you ask a woman how many partners she's had, whatever number she gives you, MULTIPLY it by 3...that's the "real" number.


When you ask a man how many partners he's had, whatever number he gives you, DIVIDE it by 3...that's "his real" number.




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Why is that a  :puke ?  3 For 365 days, that's pretty f***in' weak.

Oh heaven for bid a person have sex 365 times a year with the SAME person... and your HAND doesn't count kids. ;)


Wana know what's "f***in' weak"... that someone would dispute MY OPINION that it's unacceptable to have SIXTY SEXUAL PARTNERS... :puke ..

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Oh heaven for bid a person have sex 365 times a year with the SAME person... and your HAND doesn't count kids.  ;)


Wana know what's "f***in' weak"... that someone would dispute MY OPINION that it's unacceptable to have SIXTY SEXUAL PARTNERS...  :puke ..

You are excluding Vegas hookers from your list. ;)


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It made a lot more sense after that, though.


(Mark Niebuhr)




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Gonna find my baby, gonna hold her tight

Gonna grab some afternoon delight

My motto's always been 'when it's right, it's right'

Why wait until the middle of a cold dark night?

When everything's a little clearer in the light of day

And we know the night is always gonna be there any way


Thinkin' of you's workin' up my appetite

Looking forward to a little afternoon delight

Rubbin' sticks and stones together makes the sparks ingite

And the thought of lovin' you is getting so exciting

Sky rockets in flight

Afternoon delight

Afternoon delight

Afternoon delight


Started out this morning feeling so polite

I always though a fish could not be caught who wouldn't bite

But you've got some bait a waitin' and I think I might try nibbling

A little afternoon delight

Sky rockets in flight

Afternoon delight

Afternoon delight

Afternoon delight


Please be waiting for me, baby, when I come around

We could make a lot of lovin' 'for the sun goes down


Thinkin' of you's workin' up my appetite

Looking forward to a little afternoon delight

Rubbin' sticks and stones together makes the sparks ingite

And the thought of lovin' you is getting so exciting

Sky rockets in flight

Afternoon delight

Afternoon delight

Afternoon delight


Afternoon delight!

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Gonna find my baby, gonna hold her tight

Gonna grab some afternoon delight

My motto's always been 'when it's right, it's right'

Why wait until the middle of a cold dark night?

When everything's a little clearer in the light of day

And we know the night is always gonna be there any way


Thinkin' of you's workin' up my appetite

Looking forward to a little afternoon delight

Rubbin' sticks and stones together makes the sparks ingite

And the thought of lovin' you is getting so exciting

Sky rockets in flight

Afternoon delight

Afternoon delight

Afternoon delight


Started out this morning feeling so polite

I always though a fish could not be caught who wouldn't bite

But you've got some bait a waitin' and I think I might try nibbling

A little afternoon delight

Sky rockets in flight

Afternoon delight

Afternoon delight

Afternoon delight


Please be waiting for me, baby, when I come around

We could make a lot of lovin' 'for the sun goes down


Thinkin' of you's workin' up my appetite

Looking forward to a little afternoon delight

Rubbin' sticks and stones together makes the sparks ingite

And the thought of lovin' you is getting so exciting

Sky rockets in flight

Afternoon delight

Afternoon delight

Afternoon delight


Afternoon delight!


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