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Who's sick of losing?


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I am new to these boards and this site. I am a lifelong sox fan, having attended my first game in 1977. I now live in Pennsylvania, but I will make it back for a handful of games, plus I have the dish. One thing seems to amaze me about White Sox fans: We love losing. The Sox franchise is one of the most pathetic in baseball but we still keep coming back for more. Only three playoff appearances since 1959, which happens to be the last time we were in the World Series. The last time this organization won a title was in 1917. You would think there would be a little more sense of urgency. But management is like the fans, they are used to the losing and quite frankly I think they enjoy it as well. Atleast we're not as bad as the Cubs, who are nearing the 100 year mark without a title. Unfortunately for us, winning is not contagious. If that was the case, we would of racked up several World Series titles in the 1990's, while Reinsdorf's other team, the Bulls were winning six championships. Don't get you hopes up this year. This franchise can't perform in the postseason. Just go back and see the 2000, 1993 and 1983 playoffs for more on this topic. It's hard to be a Sox fan knowing your team doesn't have a chance in hell to win the World Series. I'd like to be more optimistic and say we are going to win it all this year. It would be great for the fans and the city, but look at our track record, it's absolutly horrendous and you can't ignore the facts. As a Sox fan, I have already prepared myself, so should you.

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I am not a loser, nor are any of the Sox fans that I know.


And our franchise is not pathetic.


The numbers are sparse but that does not translate automatically into anything. There are a lot of factors that go into that.


On my way to church now and no time to go into this but I am not going to leave the house with being called a loser going unanswered.

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On the contrary, I find most White Sox fans combine loyalty with a love and knowledge of the game. It's true that our teams history is difficult but we are not the only ones. The Cubs and Red Sox have long World Series droughts and the Angels never appeared in the Fall Classic until last year. You make choices in life and you see things through or eventually you bail. I decided a long time ago that as long as they were the "Chicago" White Sox they would be my team. I've been angry and frustrated many times since becoming a Sox fan way back when dinosaurs still roamed the earth. It's just not possible for me to root for another team. Life can be very unfair, everyone has to decide how best to deal with it. Now why don't you sit back, relax and enjoy the upcoming baseball season. With everything happening in the world today baseball season should be a welcome diversion, even for us long suffering White Sox fans.

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Well, no team can go into a season and expect to appear and/or win the Fall Classic every year. Some teams more than others, and many more than the Sox. We all stay true as loyal fans of the CHicago White Sox organization. We haven't had completely terrible years. We have just had a lot of ample years that will leave us somewhere around .500 and won't catapault us into the playoffs. Just like every White Sox fan, I am waiting for that coveted World Series win again. We just have to wait until our team is fine tuned enough to do so. And let me tell you, the team this year looks pretty fine tuned to me.

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Gradink, I'm new here too and also a lifelong Sox fan. I don't like losing but I absolutely Love the White Sox! I love the Sox more than the NFL, College basketball, and Boxing put together. I'm prepared to lose but i'm not sick or depressed about it. But I am hopeful once again because the Sox are really good and really have a shot at it all. One day they will do it and only us Sox fans will know how sweet it can be.

To hell with the Yankees, Raiders, Lakers. They're the ones that are sick of losing. We are hungry.

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I'm with everyone else, the Sox fans that are around are diehards. They've had to endure not winning the big games and they all stick around waiting and hoping for that day to come. None of them are bandwagonners, but the Sox will pick up quite a few bandwagon fans this year because the Sox are going to be really good.


I'm sick of the losing and the time to change is now. This organization has acted in a way I've never seen them act before and I hope that the moves pay off and this team wins it all like I think they will.


Sure I'm bias, but this team has pitching, offense, a bench and a bullpen. The defense isn't great though.

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Yes I'm sick of losing. We've had the talent to go way far for many years, and it has never all come together. EVERYTHING has to come together. No injuries, no strike when we're getting close, no being swept in the playoffs, no team controversies. EVERYTHING has to come together for us to get far. Everyone hitting and getting along well, the pitchers pitching the way we expect them to. I'm sure all of us are really excited about this season, but so were we almost every season. So God Bless the White Sox, our diehard fans have waited long enough.

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I don't see how you think that just because the Sox haven't done well in the last three times they went to the playoffs, that they're automatically going to bad this year, should they get there, which I'm GOING to be placing my money that they will. The 1983, 1983, and 2000 Sox aren't playing this year, the 2003 Sox are, and they're going to be kicking ass!!!! :headbang

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I never questioned the loyality of Sox fans. I have spent many a cold night at Comiskey Park during the 1980's when no one was at the Park. I can remember games where the Sox were lucky if they drew 5000 fans. My family has been a season ticket holder since 1980 and I too love the Sox like you folks, but you can't deny the facts. Being a .500 team is great, but you don't play out the season just to say, "Hey, we finished .500." You play the season to win, and the goal of every team, no matter how bad they are should be to go to the World Series. I think it's sad and pathetic, that this Sox franchise, one of the oldest in the American League, hasn't been to a World Series since 1959. That is beyond pathetic. It goes beyond words of how sad that single statistic is. While we've watched expansion teams, like the Padres, Blue Jays, Marlins, Diamondbacks etc., go to the big dance we have sat on our asses watching the others play on the tv set. All i'm saying, is that the franchise in general is extremely pathetic. Look at the postseason appearances, and that is what this team plays for every season. It speaks volumes and it's impossible to refute. It's a fact. I'm hoping like you this team will be it, that we will make it. I felt the same way in 1983, when I watched the Orioles celebrate on OUR field, I felt the same way in 1993 when the Blue Jays celebrated and I felt the same way in 2000 when the Mariners scrubed us out. I want to win more than anyone. I can't wait for a World Series, but i'm not holding my breath. I'm being realistic here.

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I don't think our franchise is pathetic.


I don't think the Sox are losers, nor are its fans.


In the whole scheme of things, I have gotten back far than whatever I have put into the Sox - great friends, great times, great excitment, great memories.


Whatever you think is impossible to refute - go to it.


Baseball is life and it is far more complex than any single statistic.


And that is reality.

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I don't think our franchise is pathetic.  


I don't think the Sox are losers, nor are its fans.


In the whole scheme of things, I have gotten back far than whatever I have put into the Sox - great friends, great times, great excitment, great memories.


Whatever you think is impossible to refute - go to it.


Baseball is life and it is far more complex than any single statistic.


And that is reality.




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I am new to these boards and this site.  I am a lifelong sox fan, having attended my first game in 1977.  I now live in Pennsylvania, but I will make it back for a handful of games, plus I have the dish.  One thing seems to amaze me about White Sox fans: We love losing.  The Sox franchise is one of the most pathetic in baseball but we still keep coming back for more.  Only three playoff appearances since 1959, which happens to be the last time we were in the World Series.  The last time this organization won a title was in 1917.  You would think there would be a little more sense of urgency.  But management is like the fans, they are used to the losing and quite frankly I think they enjoy it as well.  Atleast we're not as bad as the Cubs, who are nearing the 100 year mark without a title.  Unfortunately for us, winning is not contagious.  If that was the case, we would of racked up several World Series titles in the 1990's, while Reinsdorf's other team, the Bulls were winning six championships.  Don't get you hopes up this year.  This franchise can't perform in the postseason.  Just go back and see the 2000, 1993 and 1983 playoffs for more on this topic.  It's hard to be a Sox fan knowing your team doesn't have a chance in hell to win the World Series.  I'd like to be more optimistic and say we are going to win it all this year.  It would be great for the fans and the city, but look at our track record, it's absolutly horrendous and you can't ignore the facts.  As a Sox fan, I have already prepared myself, so should you.

so what should we do??...become bandwagon fans???...should we be angel fans this year until they lose..then go on to the next winner???


none of us like losing ...we hate it..if you dont think sox fans hate losing then explain the post strike/white flag trade drop in attendance..how many sox fans really tried to shove it to reisndorf for putting other things above winning??


its crazy to say we are losers because the team we follow hasnt had much success..or if we stay fans we must love losing...thats beyond rediculous...one year, hopefully will im still on this earth , the sox will win it all..and that WS will mean more to sox fans then all 27 or whatever they are combined mean to yankee fans...because we will have been rewarded for all our years of loyalty through the long lean times...


show me a d-rays fan sitting in the outfield all by himself rooting his team on at the trop and thats a guy ill go sit with and buy him beers all game...thats a true fan..and one thats definately not a loser..


a loser is a guy that changes his alliegences whe things get tough...i imagine a guy like that will also be one that runs out on his family when times get tough...if you have loyalty..youre no loser

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I am new to these boards and this site.  I am a lifelong sox fan, having attended my first game in 1977.  I now live in Pennsylvania, but I will make it back for a handful of games, plus I have the dish.  One thing seems to amaze me about White Sox fans: We love losing.  The Sox franchise is one of the most pathetic in baseball but we still keep coming back for more.  Only three playoff appearances since 1959, which happens to be the last time we were in the World Series.  The last time this organization won a title was in 1917.  You would think there would be a little more sense of urgency.  But management is like the fans, they are used to the losing and quite frankly I think they enjoy it as well.  Atleast we're not as bad as the Cubs, who are nearing the 100 year mark without a title.  Unfortunately for us, winning is not contagious.  If that was the case, we would of racked up several World Series titles in the 1990's, while Reinsdorf's other team, the Bulls were winning six championships.  Don't get you hopes up this year.  This franchise can't perform in the postseason.  Just go back and see the 2000, 1993 and 1983 playoffs for more on this topic.  It's hard to be a Sox fan knowing your team doesn't have a chance in hell to win the World Series.  I'd like to be more optimistic and say we are going to win it all this year.  It would be great for the fans and the city, but look at our track record, it's absolutly horrendous and you can't ignore the facts.  As a Sox fan, I have already prepared myself, so should you.

so what should we do??...become bandwagon fans???...should we be angel fans this year until they lose..then go on to the next winner???


none of us like losing ...we hate it..if you dont think sox fans hate losing then explain the post strike/white flag trade drop in attendance..how many sox fans really tried to shove it to reisndorf for putting other things above winning??


its crazy to say we are losers because the team we follow hasnt had much success..or if we stay fans we must love losing...thats beyond rediculous...one year, hopefully will im still on this earth , the sox will win it all..and that WS will mean more to sox fans then all 27 or whatever they are combined mean to yankee fans...because we will have been rewarded for all our years of loyalty through the long lean times...


show me a d-rays fan sitting in the outfield all by himself rooting his team on at the trop and thats a guy ill go sit with and buy him beers all game...thats a true fan..and one thats definately not a loser..


a loser is a guy that changes his alliegences whe things get tough...i imagine a guy like that will also be one that runs out on his family when times get tough...if you have loyalty..youre no loser

ANOTHER beautiful speech...we have quite a few presidential candidates over here...

LOSING is a part of the game, as much as we hate it, and unfortunely for us, we have been losing for a while. I see wut ur trying to say, gradink, and i feel ur pain. But i would rather live and die knowing im a true sox fan than jumping from bandwagon to bandwagon.

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I am new to these boards and this site.  I am a lifelong sox fan, having attended my first game in 1977.  I now live in Pennsylvania, but I will make it back for a handful of games, plus I have the dish.  One thing seems to amaze me about White Sox fans: We love losing.  The Sox franchise is one of the most pathetic in baseball but we still keep coming back for more.  Only three playoff appearances since 1959, which happens to be the last time we were in the World Series.  The last time this organization won a title was in 1917.  You would think there would be a little more sense of urgency.  But management is like the fans, they are used to the losing and quite frankly I think they enjoy it as well.  Atleast we're not as bad as the Cubs, who are nearing the 100 year mark without a title.  Unfortunately for us, winning is not contagious.  If that was the case, we would of racked up several World Series titles in the 1990's, while Reinsdorf's other team, the Bulls were winning six championships.  Don't get you hopes up this year.  This franchise can't perform in the postseason.  Just go back and see the 2000, 1993 and 1983 playoffs for more on this topic.  It's hard to be a Sox fan knowing your team doesn't have a chance in hell to win the World Series.  I'd like to be more optimistic and say we are going to win it all this year.  It would be great for the fans and the city, but look at our track record, it's absolutly horrendous and you can't ignore the facts.  As a Sox fan, I have already prepared myself, so should you.

I love losing? Are you implying that Im a loser? Screw you. I didnt even read your message. I got sick after reading the title and skimming over that bull. We arent losers! Were gonna kick everyones butt this year! Way to jump into the boards flow of things, jerk. Call us all losers. Yeah, way to go man...

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I never called you all losers, I just stated the simple facts. It's amazing that we have one common goal: for the Sox to win the World Series. It's also amazing that most of you that post here are oblivious to the facts. This team has a horrible history and if history has any chance of repeating itself, you can grab your golf bag for the October playoffs and World Series. Go Sox, win the World Series, I hope like hell it happens.

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I never called you all losers, I just stated the simple facts.  It's amazing that we have one common goal: for the Sox to win the World Series.  It's also amazing that most of you that post here are oblivious to the facts.  This team has a horrible history and if history has any chance of repeating itself, you can grab your golf bag for the October playoffs and World Series.  Go Sox, win the World Series, I hope like hell it happens.

what do you mean we are oblivious to the facts..and also that were oblivous to the fact that this season might blow up in our faces...no offense but are you nuts???...i was 18 when the '79 sox staff of kravec , baumgarten , trout and wortham were going to lead the sox to WS after WS for the next 15 years and then watched in horror as each guys arm fell off the next season....


we all know all too well about disappointments...

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I see that you are not calling us, fans, losers, but the frachise. Why? Because they haven't won that title? That entitles them to be losers? Or is it because The SOX don't go out every year overspend on some overprieced players that will screw this team when it comes time him to play, for he has the big bucks why play. Or is is because we have recently developed our farm system, and are mixing not only youth but vets as well? Oh wait, is it because, JR, during the 90's put more effort into the Bulls? Yes, this team has a long history of not winning the WS. They have had winning records, but my guess making the playoff is still a sign of losing. In order to not be considered a winner a team must win the Big one. Please define why? Besides this is Baseball, and a lot of things have to happen for a team to win the big one, WS

TO BE CONSIDERED A WINNER. I reallize that we fans come into a season with huge amounts of pessimism, but the set your self up and say your ready for another losing season the wrong out look. Just root for the team, and if we don't win the WS than hell like we always say" there's alway next year"


Sorry everyone, this was my first rant.

but I felt the urge :P

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I don't think our franchise is pathetic. 


I don't think the Sox are losers, nor are its fans.


In the whole scheme of things, I have gotten back far than whatever I have put into the Sox - great friends, great times, great excitment, great memories.


Whatever you think is impossible to refute - go to it.


Baseball is life and it is far more complex than any single statistic.


And that is reality.

One of the best posts ever on this site! Very eloquent. I'm jealous. :D

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I am new to these boards and this site.  I am a lifelong sox fan, having attended my first game in 1977.  I now live in Pennsylvania, but I will make it back for a handful of games, plus I have the dish.  One thing seems to amaze me about White Sox fans: We love losing.  The Sox franchise is one of the most pathetic in baseball but we still keep coming back for more.  Only three playoff appearances since 1959, which happens to be the last time we were in the World Series.  The last time this organization won a title was in 1917.  You would think there would be a little more sense of urgency.  But management is like the fans, they are used to the losing and quite frankly I think they enjoy it as well.  Atleast we're not as bad as the Cubs, who are nearing the 100 year mark without a title.  Unfortunately for us, winning is not contagious.  If that was the case, we would of racked up several World Series titles in the 1990's, while Reinsdorf's other team, the Bulls were winning six championships.  Don't get you hopes up this year.  This franchise can't perform in the postseason.  Just go back and see the 2000, 1993 and 1983 playoffs for more on this topic.  It's hard to be a Sox fan knowing your team doesn't have a chance in hell to win the World Series.  I'd like to be more optimistic and say we are going to win it all this year.  It would be great for the fans and the city, but look at our track record, it's absolutly horrendous and you can't ignore the facts.  As a Sox fan, I have already prepared myself, so should you.

so what should we do??...become bandwagon fans???...should we be angel fans this year until they lose..then go on to the next winner???


none of us like losing ...we hate it..if you dont think sox fans hate losing then explain the post strike/white flag trade drop in attendance..how many sox fans really tried to shove it to reisndorf for putting other things above winning??


its crazy to say we are losers because the team we follow hasnt had much success..or if we stay fans we must love losing...thats beyond rediculous...one year, hopefully will im still on this earth , the sox will win it all..and that WS will mean more to sox fans then all 27 or whatever they are combined mean to yankee fans...because we will have been rewarded for all our years of loyalty through the long lean times...


show me a d-rays fan sitting in the outfield all by himself rooting his team on at the trop and thats a guy ill go sit with and buy him beers all game...thats a true fan..and one thats definately not a loser..


a loser is a guy that changes his alliegences whe things get tough...i imagine a guy like that will also be one that runs out on his family when times get tough...if you have loyalty..youre no loser

That's what I was trying to say. Now I'm jealous of you too Baggs. :)

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thanks SI1020...appreciated very much...you just got to get here a little earlier ...beat us to it...you know us sox fans will jump all over those kinds of remarks :lol:


im sure whatever you would have wrote both me and CW would have been happy to co-sign...


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