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Brockton junior high sex racket probed


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Brockton junior high sex racket probed


Brockton authorities are probing an alleged junior high prostitution racket, including whether to charge a 13-year-old girl accused of pressuring her mentally impaired friend into turning tricks for as little as $5.


  Brockton School Superintendent Joseph Bage said the disturbing case that has rocked West Junior High School is being investigated by Brockton police and Plymouth District Attorney TimothyCruz's office. Bage said no disciplinary action has been taken against either girl because the incidents allegedly occurred behind a shopping plaza a half-mile from the school.


More at link :headshake :puke

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The very same thing happened at the middle school in my town this year.


I am sure most people think stuff like this only happens in innercity schools, so when it was uncovered in my suburb it created quite a stir in the community. Oddly it got no press outside of the local newspaper.


I want to know what would possess a young girl to do this kind of thing.

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I am sure most people think stuff like this only happens in innercity schools, so when it was uncovered in my suburb it created quite a stir in the community.  Oddly it got no press outside of the local newspaper.

I know what that is like. Powder puff wouldn't have been as big of a deal if it was in an urban area.

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:puke I don't know whats worse.

The fact that one of the girl was a special ed kid that more then likely didn't know any better....

Or that some of the "johns" were high school age....


There was a Law and Order were there was a special ed girl tricked into sleeping with a group of high school seniors. It was an interesting episode.

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There was a Law and Order were there was a special ed girl tricked into sleeping with a group of high school seniors.  It was an interesting episode.

I watched an ER episode last week where a 13 year old boy was experimenting havin sex without condoms with 4 girls his own age. :headshake

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Out of the blue, I got a call from a really gorgeous ex-girlfriend of mine the other day. We talked for hours, losing track of time, chatting about the wild nights we used to enjoy together. > >I couldn't BELIEVE it when she asked if I'd like to meet up and maybe rekindle a little of that magic. > >"Wow!", I said, "I don't know if I could keep pace with you now! I'm a bit older than when you last saw me!". > >She giggled and said she was sure I'd meet the challenge! > >"Yeah," I said, "Just so long as you don't mind a man with a waistband that's a few inches wider these days!". > >She laughed and told me to stop being so silly! She teased me, saying she thought tubby men were cute! > >"Anyway", she said, "I've put on a couple of pounds myself!" > >So I hung up on the fat b****.



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At one of the Glenbrooks this year, i can't remember if it was North or South, two people got caught engaging in oral sex in a stair well. Apparently this chick was giving in order to 'pay' for weed from this dude. They got caught because the stairwell has a window right next to it, and from across the courtyard and entire class saw this take place. She had been doing this for a while, i guess.


I got this story from a kid on my team, who's fiancee's sister attends the school. Found it quite weird.




What if that ended up being your daughter?


"Ya dad i got suspended from school for..."

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Ahh.. just commenting on someone  :rolleyes: not posting in SL&P anymore..  :lol:

I'll post whenever I want, where I want, I still have the right to, and I don't see why you are still upset over something that happened in the past. Please, its in the past. Leave it there.

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