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alright i cahnged it alittle. i wanted the whole skyline in there so i made it taller and moved the players around and i wanted to see what itd look like if i didnt do all tht cutting and im glad i did this one looks terrible chisoxfanjoe.jpg

Edited by da_sox86
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chisoxfanjoe12.jpg final copy i think

my two cents...


i like this one the best.


1) i'd move joe's name over to the right more--where it's in about the middle between shingo pic and edge. and also move it up just a little bit to where it doesn't look like it's cut off by the bottom edge.


2) i think it's too tall. you have too much white space above the skyline. bring the the top of the sig down to about the top of the tall building cutting off the antenaes (sp?). and cut out the antenaes off the small building. with the pic being edited they don't look right. i had to do the same for ss2k4's sig:




and of course you'll have to bring down shingo name along with that. you should be able to bring it down where it sits a little above shingo's hand...

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