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Reagan 1911-2004: nonpartisan thread


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BTW...is there such thing as a non-wealthey Republican? Sounds like an oxymoron to me!



I'm sure that was just a poor attempt at wit, but that is really a stupid statement. This nation is approximately half Republican. So half of the country is wealthy?


Reagan was an excellent president. You don't have to be wealthy to have benefited from his service.

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I'm sure that was just a poor attempt at wit, but that is really a stupid statement. This nation is approximately half Republican. So half of the country is wealthy?


Reagan was an excellent president. You don't have to be wealthy to have benefited from his service.

According to the liberal school of thought if you make anything above the federal poverty line you are wealthy and should be taxed accordingly.

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I offer condolences to his family as going through caring for someone with his disorder is excruciatingly difficult.

From what I have heard, it is harder on the family than it is on the victim.

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From what I have heard, it is harder on the family than it is on the victim.

It is. My friend lost his mother a year or so ago and she had suffered from this for awhile. My gramma had it to some degree, but when she died it was still early stages. It's hurts like hell when your mom or gramma doesn't know who you are or has a look of fear on their face when they see you (because they don't know who you are or worse they think you are trying to hurt them).

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People are being well-mannered.  If you don't have anything nice to say about a person, then sometimes it's better not to say anything at all.

I am really impressed by the usual SLAP suspects on this issue. I was fully expecting to see a brawl thread develop out of this but by in large we're choosing to remember the man for the good things he brought to the table.


:cheers :usa :headbang

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I am really impressed by the usual SLAP suspects on this issue.  I was fully expecting to see a brawl thread develop out of this but by in large we're choosing to remember the man for the good things he brought to the table.


:cheers  :usa  :headbang

After a suitable period has passed out of respect, the political steel cage match that is SLAP will be back in action I'm sure.



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Your ignorance never ceases to amaze me.


As my Uncle said yesterday, he's probably being judged by the nuns massacred in El Salvador and the gays who died of AIDS.


While I did not like him as a President, may he rest in peace.

Why does this thread have to lead to this? :headshake

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According to the liberal school of thought if you make anything above the federal poverty line you are wealthy and should be taxed accordingly.

That's bulls*** Nuke. Giving a tax break to someone who make $22,000 a year just makes sense. Conservative don't think of giving the low income guy a break, they turn it into the wealthy paying more. Liberals believe in giving someone a help up. Take whatever the highest tax level is and that is the rate. People who make less, are given help until they too, can make more.


And quit with the ALL bulls***. That's about as valid as me comparing ALL conservatives to David Duke.

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I am really impressed by the usual SLAP suspects on this issue.  I was fully expecting to see a brawl thread develop out of this but by in large we're choosing to remember the man for the good things he brought to the table.


:cheers  :usa  :headbang

Nuke, I opposed Reagan's election both times with all the energy that I had. And I have much to say about all 8 years of his administration and his legacy.


The day he was shot, I was the only pastor in this community who threw open my church for a continual prayer vigil until we knew he was safe out of surgery. I placed a tv on the lectern and we prayed for his recovery continually for hours. When (and you all may be too young to remember) Reagan came out of surgery, the doctors said he was ok, and the NCAA basketball championship game began (Indiana won), we knew he was ok and the prayer vigil ended. The following Sunday we of course offered thanksgiving for his continued recovery.


These last ten years, as he descended into Altzheimers and Nancy Reagan has lobbied for stem cell research (which the current administration opposes) my heart has gone out to Nancy because I know how hard it is to care for an Altzheimers loved one, and for Reagan, I would not wish that or any disease on anyone. To slowly lose touch with reality and know that you are doing so, that is a cruel thing indeed.


Saturday morning I had a feeling his time had come. There was a brief clip of Reagan on some news channel; I was at the gym and the sound on the tv was turned down but I thought, how much longer can he hold on. That afternoon I was at the local bar/restaurant playing the NTN game and watching the Arena Football League game waiting for the Belmont Stakes when the news was announced. A good friend and Reagan supporter was on the other side of the restaurant. I went over and offered my condolences. I then set up several of the restaurant's variously placed tvs (it is like a sports bar) to the news channels so other customers could watch the news.


Nuke, I opposed Reagan's election both times with all the energy that I had. And I have much to say about all 8 years of his administration and his legacy. Time and place is important to me. Out of respect for the family who has suffered these past ten years with difficult care for one they loved, out of respect for those who mourn his death, and out of respect for a man with whom I had bitter political disagreements but with whom I also once had a cordial correspondence beginning in 1967 or 1968, with whom I have no personal bitterness, out of respect for the dead, this is not time and place.


My first actual contacts with Reagan were in 1965. At the time I was in a different political space than now and the question was whether he would run in Califonia (for governor) or Illinois (the Senate seat Percy won). At that time I wanted him to run in Illinois. It was a few years afterwards that as I shifted in my political philosophy that I had occasion to correspond with him. In the 1980s there were some occasions when in the course of public politics I butted heads with him and his administration which was widely noted in the Michigan statewide media. I still have my autographed Reagan 8 by 10 glossy and all the mail and such that he sent me. I have no disrespect for the man, but strenuous and deep disagreement with his policies and philosophy and administration, but not now, not now to deal with that.


And after 10 years of suffering from that horrible mind wasting disease, the words that come to mind are from the book of Isaiah: Comfort, be comforted, my people. For your warfare is ended."

Rest eternal grant Ronald, O God, and let light perpetual shine upon Ronald. And may Nancy and the family feel the support of the love that Nancy bore for her husband all these many years, by the knowledge of God's grace and the Resurrection, and the love and caring that is felt towards the family by so many.


And I wonder if on the occasions of the deaths of Carter and Clinton if the same respect for time and place will be shown on the other side. I do rather doubt it.

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And I wonder if on the occasions of the deaths of Carter and Clinton if the same respect for time and place will be shown on the other side.  I do rather doubt it.

I think Carter was a weak leader but he is a good hearted man & nobody with any decency would try to tarnish someone's rep like that after his death.


As for Clinton, I totally disagree with most of his policies and I found a lot of his conduct to be morally reprehensible but again, I'm not going to celebrate a presidents death.

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I think Carter was a weak leader but he is a good hearted man & nobody with any decency would try to tarnish someone's rep like that after his death.


As for Clinton, I totally disagree with most of his policies and I found a lot of his conduct to be morally reprehensible but again,  I'm not going to celebrate a presidents death.

OMG, Nuke and I agree. :lol: I am going to mark my calendar :D


In my estimation, Carter has been the best ex-President we have. His work for Habitat and Justice have shown his policies were more than just politics, they were deep convictions. Perhaps in a different time he could have had an excellent Presidency. His economic policies were about as effective as Ford's Whip Inflation Now buttons. His refusal to trade weapons for hostages also hurt him.

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And I wonder if on the occasions of the deaths of Carter and Clinton if the same respect for time and place will be shown on the other side.  I do rather doubt it.

Oomph! I just got hit with another jab from cw.


You're absolutely wrong, Sir. I have the utmost respect for any man that has had to deal with the trials of being "The most powerful man in the world." It's a job that is more difficult than any of us can imagine.


I agree with Tex. Carter might be the best ex-President ever. God bless him for all he's done!

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OMG, Nuke and I agree.  :lol: I am going to mark my calendar  :D


In my estimation, Carter has been the best ex-President we have. His work for Habitat and Justice have shown his policies were more than just politics, they were deep convictions. Perhaps in a different time he could have had an excellent Presidency. His economic policies were about as effective as Ford's Whip Inflation Now buttons. His refusal to trade weapons for hostages also hurt him.

Carter has done far more after he left office than he ever did in office. He was a lousy President but is wonderful human being. As for Clinton, I think he did a decent job in his two terms in office, the camera loved him and he was an excellent speaker (unlike our current President), I just didn't believe in his unethical behavior but I don't condem the job he did. One has nothing to do with the other.


Ronald Reagan quote:


"Recession is when your neighbor loses his job. Depression is when you lose yours. And recovery is when Jimmy Carter loses his." :D

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Oomph! I just got hit with another jab from cw.

I PMed Mr Eye but I am going to comment on this.


How this was a jab at Mr Eye is beyond me. I was not thinking of Mr Eye when I wrote that. I was not even thinking of any one on soxtalk at all. In fact I was listening to something on NPR, the Diane Rein (spelling) Show and it was something that was said there that led to my comment, in reflecting on some media coverage since the announcement. You all as individuals here are in my mind a lot, lot less than some of you think. And why it would be presumed that I had given any thought to Mr. Eye on this, I can't fathom.

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I PMed Mr Eye but I am going to comment on this.


How this was a jab at Mr Eye is beyond me.  I was not thinking of Mr Eye when I wrote that.  I was not even thinking of any one on soxtalk at all.  In fact I was listening to something on NPR, the Diane Rein (spelling) Show and it was something that was said there that led to my comment, in reflecting on some media coverage since the announcement.  You all as individuals here are in my mind a lot, lot less than some of you think.  And why it would be presumed that I had given any thought to Mr. Eye on this, I can't fathom.

Not me directly, but me

as the other side
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RIP Mr. President.


He was a controversial President, and hundreds of Punk bands had their fare share of use with his name. But it was at that time I realized that no President will ever be the ideal person for the whole country.


I always liked the guy. It felt right turning on the TV to see the President speak, and seeing that person. I haven't felt like that since him.


He may have scared us at times with his no BS attitude, and his straight-forward speeches, but I would give almost anything to have a person like him in charge of the country again.

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RIP Mr. President.


He was a controversial President, and hundreds of Punk bands had their fare share of use with his name. But it was at that time I realized that no President will ever be the ideal person for the whole country.


I always liked the guy. It felt right turning on the TV to see the President speak, and seeing that person. I haven't felt like that since him.


He may have scared us at times with his no BS attitude, and his straight-forward speeches, but I would give almost anything to have a person like him in charge of the country again.

Very excellent post!

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here is the link to the Diane Rehm Show


Diane Rehm Show for 6-7-04



here is the description of her show this morning that I was listening to while I was typing:


10:06 - Remembering Ronald Reagan


Diane talks with journalist and historian Haynes Johnson and other guests about former President Ronald Reagan, who died Saturday June 5 at the age of 93.


Haynes Johnson, journalist, historian and author

David Frum, resident fellow, American Enterprise Institute and co-author of "An End to Evil: How to Win the War on Terror"


the "other side" that I was thinking of was represented by David Frum and AEI. Not a single person on sotalk. Not a one. Can I make that more plain? I don't see anyone here on "the other side." We are on the side of the Sox. I don't draw divisions and make sides with people who are my friends, or the folks at soxtalk. Cub fans are "the other side." Folks like Frum and the AEI (and the Heritage Institute) are "the other side" to me. No one here. Not a single person here. The comment "I doubt it" was a reference to the AEI.


I suggest you looked for things that are not there, Mr. Eye, and if you do that, you can find them, even though they are not there.


No one here I see as "the other side" and I was not thinking of a single person here whe I wrote that, or soxtalk posters at all. Fact. Accept. Or reject. Your choice.

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