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The Beast

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Had a bad bike accident...switching gears mean't that the chain came loose, and so I fell smack on my crotch and in shock I fell and skinned my chin and now I have a huge gashie on my chin...and i skinned my hands, knees and shoulders, and cut my arm...really hurt...anyone got any other health relation issues/stories...just curious cuz that really hurt today...

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I got hit in the nuts while catching today. I had a cup on, but it still hurt. I have had a lot of sports injuries, but I don't feel like going into details because I'm lazy.

Got 4 pins inserted into my shoulder and a 6 inch screw inserted in my elbow.


Hurted horribly.

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I bruised my elbow yesterday...thats about it for recent injuries lol.


A few years ago I was riding my bike. I looked down to change gears and just as I looked up I hit the back of a parked U-Haul truck. Enertia carried me off my bike seat and I slammed my face against the back of the truck, I was not wearing a helmet and my head felt like it was going to explode.


The movers laughed at the site of me laying on the ground moaning while my bike was on the ground next to me, all f***ed up. The chain had fallen off, and the alignment was so off that the handlebars were almost parallel to the tires, I am not quite sure why that happened.

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