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NBA Finals Thread

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Pistons gave the game away, who knows why they keep giving it to Rasheed for last second shots, he is anti-clutch. Both times in the playoffs he got the ball for the last second shot and couldn't even catch either pass and never got a shot off, and the Pistons lost both games. Larry Brown is letting his Tar Heel bias get in the way of giving it to Billups or Hamiton. GOD I hate Kobe!!! and everything about the Lakers.

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The Flakers have to be the LUCKIEST team in the histrory of sports. How many prayers have been answered for this garbage ass team over the last 5 years? The big play believe it or not was the 3-point play by Shaq that cut it from 6 to 3. Kobe threw up a horrible shot that missed. If the Pistons get the defensive rebound the gm is essentially over. And why was Hamilton on Kobe at the end and not Prince who's longer and more athletic and has given Kobe problems? I just hope this loss doesn't demorilize the Pistons. They should beyond a shadow of a doubt be up 2-0 right now. I hope they take care of business at home.

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By the way, I want to take back any compliments and hype I had for Rip Hamilton. Just when it looked like he was breaking, he doesn't show up for the Lakers series. Ben Wallace should catch even more flack for his horrendous free throw shooting than Shaq, Shaq has a legitimate reason for sucking. He is huge and his hands are the size of the ball. Ben is a regular sized big man and shouldn't be shooting 2-8 from the line in the biggest game of his career. GOD the Lakers sicken me, I'm still fuming.

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By the way, I want to take back any compliments and hype I had for Rip Hamilton. Just when it looked like he was breaking, he doesn't show up for the Lakers series. Ben Wallace should catch even more flack for his horrendous free throw shooting than Shaq, Shaq has a legitimate reason for sucking. He is huge and his hands are the size of the ball. Ben is a regular sized big man and shouldn't be shooting 2-8 from the line in the biggest game of his career. GOD the Lakers sicken me, I'm still fuming.

Hamilton played well. He gave Kobeena a lil too much room on that last 3 though. And If I hear Doc Rivers compare Kobeena to MJ 1 more f***in time i'm gonna f***in vomit. Mj never had the security blanket that Kobeena has with Shaq. Remember gm 1 of the series against the Rockets? The Flakers were down 1 with time winding down, Kobe throws up an airball yet Shaq picks it up and slam it..Lakers go on to win by 1. Tonight..Lakers r down by 6. Kobe takes a horrible lookin 3. It misses but Shaq is there for the offensive board and gets fouled. That was the big play.

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Yeah but Rip never could create anything on his own and had to pass off everytime he wasn't open on a screen. Kobe is clutch, I have finally come to accept that. I knew already that the Pistons had to score when they were up 3 with 30 seconds to go, because I knew Kobe would make the 3. He is a great player, MJ? NO, but he's as good as it gets right now at the guard position. The Lakers were -24 when Shaq was out of the game these playoffs, that shows Kobe is no MJ. MJ had to carry the Bulls everynight with his scoring.


If the Pistons don't win atleast 2 of 3 at home, its over.

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Yeah but Rip never could create anything on his own and had to pass off everytime he wasn't open on a screen. Kobe is clutch, I have finally come to accept that. I knew already that the Pistons had to score when they were up 3 with 30 seconds to go, because I knew Kobe would make the 3. He is a great player, MJ? NO, but he's as good as it gets right now at the guard position. The Lakers were -24 when Shaq was out of the game these playoffs, that shows Kobe is no MJ. MJ had to carry the Bulls everynight with his scoring.


If the Pistons don't win atleast 2 of 3 at home, its over.

Well, Rip isn't a creator. Everybody knows that. His gm is comin off screens ala Reggie Miller. But they didn't lose tonight because of Hamilton. The Pistons hurt themsevles with a lot of unforced turnovers. 5 2nd violations. But the gm would've been over had they been able to get a defensive rebound off that Kobe miss when they were up 6. I'm sick to my stomach. How many lives can 1 f***in team have? I go all the way back to 2000 when the Blazers were on the brink of winning. Or 2002 against the Kings when Divac tapped the ball to Horry for a gm winning 3. The Fluke Fisher shot against the Spurs. Now tonight..It f***in sickens me.

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I agree about the luck, it wasn't any one person that lost this game for the Pistons. It was a collective suckiness :-(. I'm hoping their luck runs out this year, my heart will be broken otherwise.

Yup. I'll never look at the Flakers as a great team. NEVER. They'll always be a very LUCKY team to me. Remember that movie Angels in the outfield? That's what the Flakers remind me of. It's like whenever they're about to lose Angels come and save them. I can't stand it.

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Yeah I agree, I always comment to my g/f how God must be cheering for the Lakers and I can't see why. She always thinks I'm insane, but what else is new, she can't understand my total hatred and heartache over the Lakers. She's from the LA area and made the mistake of cheering for the Lakers once in front of me lol, I didn't talk to her the rest of the night lol, I know thats wrong but I just can't help it when it comes to the Lakers.

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Yeah I agree, I always comment to my g/f how God must be cheering for the Lakers and I can't see why. She always thinks I'm insane, but what else is new, she can't understand my total hatred and heartache over the Lakers. She's from the LA area and made the mistake of cheering for the Lakers once in front of me lol, I didn't talk to her the rest of the night lol, I know thats wrong but I just can't help it when it comes to the Lakers.

I feel ya. Basically, if you're a Laker fan you don't exist to me. If you bring them up in anyway i'll just go off. And anybody who dare says that this Laker team is better than the 90's Bulls in my presence best enter the witness protection program.

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