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Why not Marte?


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Hey Brando.  How many times do we have to tell these guys that Blown Save stats for a set-up man is something entirely different than those for a closer?  Well evaluating whether a setup guy can be a good closer, the blown save stat is just, well, BS.

Thanks for making this post YAS, I thought I was going to have to make it again.


Realize this. If Marte walks into a game with the bases loaded and no one out, with the Sox up one run, and he gets a double play ball, yet a runs scores on that DP, Marte gets credit for the blown save. Middle relievers, espesially Marte, who is a lefty, are used much more situationally than closers who walk into the ninth inning with no one on base.


And as for getting the job done, this is my Koch analogy of the day. Remember Domino's 30 minute guarenteed delivery? By saying Koch's peripherals don't matter is like saying the dilevery guy could clip an old lady pushing a baby carriage on the way to his dilevery, BUT as long as that pizza was there in 30 minutes, the delivery was successful.

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