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Debate on Reagan policies/politics


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I'm sure that was just a poor attempt at wit, but that is really a stupid statement. This nation is approximately half Republican. So half of the country is wealthy?


Reagan was an excellent president. You don't have to be wealthy to have benefited from his service.

My point is, in the past 30 years, wealthy people/corporations have benefitted from Republican presidencies more than ANY other group(s).


The only people that I know that are Republicans and NOT wealthy are current and/or former military personnel.


And ALL of them are white males!!!

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My point is, in the past 30 years, wealthy people/corporations have benefitted from Republican presidencies more than ANY other group(s).


The only people that I know that are Republicans and NOT wealthy are current and/or former military personnel.

You don't know enough people.

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My point is, in the past 30 years, wealthy people/corporations have benefitted from Republican presidencies more than ANY other group(s).


The only people that I know that are Republicans and NOT wealthy are current and/or former military personnel.

So that brings up an interesting point, why do military folks back Republican presidents and (not so much) Democratic ones?


(I know what I would say but I want to see what others say).

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My point is, in the past 30 years, wealthy people/corporations have benefitted from Republican presidencies more than ANY other group(s).


The only people that I know that are Republicans and NOT wealthy are current and/or former military personnel.


And ALL of them are white males!!!

Do you live in a bubble?? How can an educated person make that statement??

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My point is, in the past 30 years, wealthy people/corporations have benefitted from Republican presidencies more than ANY other group(s).


The only people that I know that are Republicans and NOT wealthy are current and/or former military personnel.


And ALL of them are white males!!!

Nice add to the post after I addressed your original.


Give me a f'in break, by the way.


White males are the downfall of America. They are all racist Republican swine.

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Please educate me!


How have the past Republican administrations helped the "common man", minorities, women, the environment, cilvil rights, etc?

You don't understand trickledown. When you give breaks to the wealthy, they feel benevolent and trickle some of it down to the common man and minorities.

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Please educate me!


How have the past Republican administrations helped the "common man", minorities, women, the environment, cilvil rights, etc?

And recent Dems have a great track record as well.


Dammit, we're turning the thread into what it wasn't supposed to be. :ph34r:

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You don't understand trickledown. When you give breaks to the wealthy, they feel benevolent and trickle some of it down to the common man and minorities.



"Trickle down" was the biggest crock of feces ever forced down the throat of the American public!!!


Except for when Ford wanted to curtail inflation by making everyone wear "WIN" (Whip Inflation Now) buttons. :puke

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So that brings up an interesting point, why do military folks back Republican presidents and (not so much) Democratic ones?


(I know what I would say but I want to see what others say).

Democratic Presidents tend to take funding away from the military and limit its spending.

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"Trickle down" was the biggest crock of feces ever forced down the throat of the American public!!!


Except for when Ford wanted to curtail inflation by making everyone wear "WIN" (Whip Inflation Now) buttons. :puke

Like me dad says (I don't know if he stole this line or not):


"Don't piss on me and tell me it's trickle down economics."

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Please educate me!


How have the past Republican administrations helped the "common man", minorities, women, the environment, cilvil rights, etc?

OK here's your education....


I am a "common man." I am not wealthy, I am not former military and I am a republican. My point was, how can someone educated make such a vast generalization.


As far as what government party has helped me as a "common man"??? I guess I never really looked to the governement for help. I worked hard and kept my sights on my goals and accomplished them without anybody GIVING me anything. What a novel idea!!!!...Not that I would have gotten any help anyway...ya see my dad was a fireman...(WE WERE LOADED) so we weren't able to get any financial assitance.


My dad was a democrat when he was a cop and then a fireman...then he realized that the democrats didn't help people like him...They didn't help the people that busted their ass every day and risked their life for cheap pay. They only helped the people that were lazy and didn't want to do anything. My dad helped himself. I am helping myself. More people should figure it out.


Here's a great article on "working poor"


The 'working poor' scam

Thomas Sowell



June 1, 2004 |



BusinessWeek magazine has joined the chorus of misleading rhetoric about "the working poor." Why is this misleading? Let me count the ways.


First of all, Census data show that most people who are working are not poor and most people who are poor are not working. The front-page headline on the May 31st issue of BusinessWeek says: "One in four workers earns $18,800 a year or less, with few if any benefits. What can be done?"


Buried inside is an admission that about a third of these are part-time workers and another third are no more than 25 years old. So we are really talking about one-third of one fourth -- or fewer than 10 percent of the workers -- who are "working poor" in any full-time, long-run sense.


Nevertheless, the personal human interest stories and the photographs in the article are about people in this one-twelfth, even though the statistics are about the one-fourth.


As for "What can be done?" that is a misleading question because the article is about what other people can do for the "working poor," not what they can do for themselves, much less what they did in the past -- or failed to do -- that led to their having such low earning capacity.


The theme is that these are people trapped by external circumstances, and words like "moxie" and "gumption" are mentioned only sarcastically to be dismissed, along with "Horatio Alger." But the cold fact is that what the intelligentsia call the American Dream is no dream.


An absolute majority of the people who were in the bottom 20 percent in income in 1975 have since then also been in the top 20 percent. This inconvenient fact has been out there for years -- and has been ignored for years by those who want more government programs to relieve individuals from responsibility for making themselves more productive and therefore higher income earners.


While the economy is "rewarding the growing ranks of educated knowledge workers," BusinessWeek says, this is not so for "workers who lack skills and training." In a country with free education available through high school and heavily subsidized state colleges and universities, why do some people lack skills and training?


More important, what is likely to cause them to get skills and training -- pay differentials or largess in money or in kind from the taxpayers as "entitlements"?


This is an agenda article and facts that get in the way of the welfare state agenda get little attention, if any. Meanwhile, notions that have no factual basis are asserted boldly.


For example: "Working one's way up the ladder is becoming harder, not easier." Evidence? Wage rates for people in the bottom 20 percent have not risen much over the past 30 years.


The fallacy here is that it is not the same people in the bottom 20 percent over the past 30 years. Most people in the bottom 20 percent do not stay there even one decade, much less three. Young, inexperienced beginners do not remain young or inexperienced or beginners their whole lives.


Some people, of course, never learn -- and never rise. Creating entitlements for them reduces any need to learn. But that is the way BusinessWeek urges us to go.


They want higher minimum wages imposed, despite evidence that minimum wage laws reduce employment. Why would anyone think that making labor more costly would not affect employment, when higher prices reduce the amount of anything else that is bought?


BusinessWeek wants "better day-care options" -- "especially for single moms." In other words, unmarried girls should have babies and expect the taxpayers to pick up the tab for taking care of them. And if we subsidize such irresponsible decisions, will that not have the same effects as subsidizing other things?


Another liberal notion promoted by BusinessWeek is making it "easier to form unions." Workers can get unionized right now just by voting for a union in a government-supervised election. How much easier should it be?


The problem is not a difficulty in forming unions. What has happened is that workers themselves increasingly vote against unions because they have learned the hard way that unions cost jobs, even if BusinessWeek is unwilling to learn that lesson.




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As far as what government party has helped me as a "common man"???  I guess I never really looked to the governement for help.  I worked hard and kept my sights on my goals and accomplished them without anybody GIVING me anything.

Our countries Veterans gave you the freedom, out nation's education system gave you an education, our nation's police and fire fighters gave you safety, our nation gave you the damn opportunity. Our laws gave you opportunity. Government inspectors gave you safe food, safe products. Government regulations gave you the assurance that your Doctor didn't just hang up a shingle. Our government gave you laws that kept others from swindling you. Our government gave you decent roads to drive down, the greatest system of fresh, safe drinking water, and efficient safe sewer treatment.


Typical Republican, thinks they did it on their own and everybody else had help.

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Our countries Veterans gave you the freedom, out nation's education system gave you an education, our nation's police and fire fighters gave you safety, our nation gave you the damn opportunity. Our laws gave you opportunity. Government inspectors gave you safe food, safe products. Government regulations gave you the assurance that your Doctor didn't just hang up a shingle. Our government gave you laws that kept others from swindling you. Our government gave you decent roads to drive down, the greatest system of fresh, safe drinking water, and efficient safe sewer treatment.


Typical Republican, thinks they did it on their own and everybody else had help.

:headbang :usa :headbang :usa :headbang :usa

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Our countries Veterans gave you the freedom, out nation's education system gave you an education, our nation's police and fire fighters gave you safety, our nation gave you the damn opportunity. Our laws gave you opportunity. Government inspectors gave you safe food, safe products. Government regulations gave you the assurance that your Doctor didn't just hang up a shingle. Our government gave you laws that kept others from swindling you. Our government gave you decent roads to drive down, the greatest system of fresh, safe drinking water, and efficient safe sewer treatment.


Typical Republican, thinks they did it on their own and everybody else had help.

But, correct me if I am wrong, our Nation has been built on many political parties for 200+ years now, correct? So, how can Republican be right, or Democrat be right? Or Green party or whoever? Aren't the parties kind of a moot point, when in all reality it has to do with the individual, and after many years it is the collection of the thoughts, ideas, and actions of many that have made our country what it is?

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Typical democrat...taking my argument of hand outs to people that don't want to work for themselves...and turning it into my freedoms.


Don't bother telling me of my f***in freedoms..I'm quite aware of what my grandfather died for and his brother died for. I'm aware of my Uncle who was a fighter pilot and my cousin who is in Iraq now. I'm quite aware of my freedoms the fire and police provide as my dad was both. I'm aware of the opportunities awraded to me and took full advantage of them instead of asking for more!!


You take an argument discussing poor and middle class and turn it into a lecture to me about what this country has provided to me....You want to bash me to prove a lame ass point that wasn't even part of my discussion well :fyou Take that f***in argument to the liberals that complain about this country and our government and go on and on about how terrible we are. Don't bring that s*** to me when I was discussing middle and lower class....That was a total dick head move

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"Trickle down" was the biggest crock of feces ever forced down the throat of the American public!!!


Except for when Ford wanted to curtail inflation by making everyone wear "WIN" (Whip Inflation Now) buttons. :puke


WIN, Whip Inflation Now. The Ford administration had thousands of these pins made up, to show Mr. Inflation that Americans weren't afraid.


WIN, Whip Inflation Now. Tab, 1.25 inch across. President Ford said if folks would wear these WIN items, inflation would go away. An important piece of Fordiana.



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Typical democrat...taking my argument of hand outs to people that don't want to work for themselves...and turning it into my freedoms.


Don't bother telling me of my f***in freedoms..I'm quite aware of what my grandfather died for and his brother died for.  I'm aware of my Uncle who was a fighter pilot and my cousin who is in Iraq now.  I'm quite aware of my freedoms the fire and police provide as my dad was both.  I'm aware of the opportunities awraded to me and took full advantage of them instead of asking for more!!


You take an argument discussing poor and middle class and turn it into a lecture to me about what this country has provided to me....You want to bash me to prove a lame ass point that wasn't even part of my discussion  well :fyou Take that f***in argument to the liberals that complain about this country and our government and go on and on about how terrible we are.  Don't bring that s*** to me when I was  discussing middle and lower class....That was a total dick head move

Your point was the government gave you nothing. So your point is now what you took was ok but what someone else takes is wrong?


I happen to believe what our country gives us isn't

a lame ass point


You may think it is lame ass, but as a proud America, I think you're lame ass for dismissing the opportunity. Sorry if my country gives people an extra hand up. Sorry if my country gives low cost or gasp free, immunization to poor poeple. Sorry if my country gives aid to flood victims, sorry if my country subsidizing decent child care so poor working families can try and make a better life for themselves. Sorry if my country gives students finacial aid to attend universities on top of funding the university.


I'm certain you wouldn't mind walking past starving people as long as you don't have to pay any taxes. You don't mind an out break of polio if it doesn't affect you. You don;t mind if young people cannot compete in the job market as long as your portfolio is lined with companies moving jobs to China. As long as your comfortable, f*** everybody else.

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Your point was the government gave you nothing. So your point is now what you took was ok but what someone else takes is wrong?


That was NOT my point. I didn't take anything...stop putting words in my mouth. I was given freedom and rights just like every other American.


You are saying am I am TAKING something from the government. I am not taking anything. I am awarded the same god given rights that all of us americans are awarded.


I can read your comments and realize it is useless arguing with you...


You are saying that someone that goes to school,goes to work and pays taxes is the same as someone who goes on welfare and never works...just because we are both granted certain freedoms from the government.


Nice argument...like I said you took my whole original point out of context to fit your own dilusional retort.


I'm certain you wouldn't mind walking past starving people as long as you don't have to pay any taxes. You don't mind an out break of polio if it doesn't affect you. You don;t mind if young people cannot compete in the job market as long as your portfolio is lined with companies moving jobs to China. As long as your comfortable, f*** everybody else


What makes you so certain?? You write as if you know me?? You know s*** about me? My Portfolio?? I don't even have a f***in portfolio?? What the f***?? The only thing you can be sure of is I am in Chicago and you are in Texas...lucky for you....cause putting words in my mouth, twisting my words, and assuming my positions isn't something I take too kindly too.


Have a nice day

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