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Jay M


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Jay's column on Frank was right on, I do not agree with much he writes but on this topic I agree.

the problem with marriotti is he never tells both sides of the story..he fails to acknowledge that thomas could have left the south side after a huge 95 season for greener pastures in new york ala jason giambi..but he chose to stay here for much less money and help the sox rebuild...then he has to watch the sox give up the ghost only 3 games out of first place in 97 in the infamous white flag trade...


there are two sides to frank thomas...one..he is baby huey like jose valentin said..but he also has shown loyalty to the sox in a business where loyalty left the building with catfish hunter in 1975...


marriotti is pretty much on target with his facts about frank..but he never tells the whole story

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Marriotti was not writiing a book; he was reporting on the press conference that Thomas staged. Frank made a bunch of stupid, self-serving comments, and the writer wrote about them. Frank's hitting exploits in 1995 or the White Flag Trade were not the subjects of that column. The press conference, and the comments made therein, were the subjects of that column.

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Marriotti was not writiing a book; he was reporting on the press conference that Thomas staged.  Frank made a bunch of stupid, self-serving comments, and the writer wrote about them.  Frank's hitting exploits in 1995 or the White Flag Trade were not the subjects of that column.  The press conference, and the comments made therein, were the subjects of that column.

i bring those points up because marriotti is not objective...he never balances out the negative with the positive..he doesnt have to balance out in this column but he never will in future columns either...every article is negative , negative , negative when it comes to thomas....if the sox were down 3-0 in game 7 of the world series and frank hit a grand slam in the bottom of the 9th to win it marriotti would still find a way to spin it negatively....saying frank didnt high 5 his teammates enough or in his post game press conference didnt give enough to credit to his teammates , thats its all about frank, blah , blah , blah.....if shamme had this same press conference marriotti would be spinning it by saying shamme was 100% right on cubs management and they havent won a series since '08 blah blah blah.......he is nothing more than a glorified tabloid journalist...

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I think Frank is sometimes his own worst enemy, but for all his faults I'd rather have a couple of beers with Frank than spend anytime with that self centered ego maniac who plays (?) right field on the north side. The man is an obnoxious cretin and I think maybe he has altered his personality a little due to the "vitamins" he ingests. Mariotti is a jerk. When I think of all the great sportswriters I grew up reading in Chicago and then read the tripe this blow dried "suit" puts out its enough to make me gag. Mariotti and company have given Sosa one journalistic blow job after another, but they are always ready to pounce on Frank. Unfortunately, he manages to give them plenty of Ammo. Zip it Frank and let your bat do the talking.

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I'm never going to read Moronotti's articles....ever. Not even if he is prasing the White Sox and what they do as a team and saying the Cubs suck ass. I won't even read that...because I already know that. He won't tell me anything I don't know and I won't like it....and with the way he apparently spins it negative, it will make me want to puke.


You just want to slap him.....because he's such a dick

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Jay's column on Frank was right on, I do not agree with much he writes but on this topic I agree.

the problem with marriotti is he never tells both sides of the story..he fails to acknowledge that thomas could have left the south side after a huge 95 season for greener pastures in new york ala jason giambi..but he chose to stay here for much less money and help the sox rebuild...then he has to watch the sox give up the ghost only 3 games out of first place in 97 in the infamous white flag trade...


there are two sides to frank thomas...one..he is baby huey like jose valentin said..but he also has shown loyalty to the sox in a business where loyalty left the building with catfish hunter in 1975...


marriotti is pretty much on target with his facts about frank..but he never tells the whole story

I agree with everything you posted here Baggs. As for Moronotti not being objective on all things Sox related..... I've grown used to it. I've also grown used to the fact that whenever Moronotti mentions ShamME that it will be an ass kissing piece. And let's not forget the diehard, lovable Cub fans that inhabit Wrigley and the classless, pissed because their team is second rate in a big city White Sox fans. Having said that and finally heard everything Frank Thomas said.....


:fyou Frank Thomas! Keep your f***ing mouth shut! Sox fans know what you've done and, believe it or not, your TEAMMATES know what you have done. STFU Frank Thomas! So you're not the highest paid player on the team anymore. STFU Frank Thomas! You are the one that signed a long term contract with the White Sox and, while us Sox fans appreciate your loyalty to the team, you signed a contract with a "Diminished Skills Clause" that, unfortunately, stated that this clause could be enacted after the 2002 season if your 'skills diminished.' Injury not-withstanding..... your skills DID DIMINISH in 2002. Blame yourself and/or your agent. Don't blame Sox management or your teammates. STFU Frank Thomas!


Hopefully, his teammates will finally realize that Frank Thomas will never be happy this season and Frank will realize that the media IS AND ALWAYS WILL BE AGAINST HIM! So shut up Frank, grab a bat, and swing your way to respect..... the type of respect that nobody, AND I MEAN NOBODY, will have the guts to try and take away from you.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

well looks like i missed a goodie huh..... i never read anything that moron jay has to say.. nor do i watch him run his mouth on the tv or listen to him on the radio........hes an idiot plain and simple......and he aggervates me to no end with his on and on about the almighty scrubs and their do nothing wrong fans...of course everyone pisses on peoples lawns on a daily basis and finds nothing wrong with it....right?.....anyhow.. frank is frank... you either love him or hate him, but you always watch closely and cross your fingers for fireworks each time hes up to bat........and he usually abliges......yeah he f***ed up each and everytime hes opened up his mouth and by now we should be used to his whinning and crying about this or that and put it on ignore.......frank the person is a very nice guy and would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it.. .frank the player/teammate is a pain in the ass and a publicists nitemare... but he does what hes paid to do and thats it....plain and simple..........i can live with him here as long as he keeps doing what he does best, and thats hit the ball, far.. very far............lol

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You just want to slap him.....because he's such a dick

a slapped dick can be very painful :o

I'd imagine so....maybe I'll just throw a baseball at his ugly-ass face.


Jeez I can't stand that prick....he is the #1 reason I don't watch Around the Horn(the #2 reason being that it does not help kids looking to become sportswriters get off to a good start....here these guys put up solid arguments(yes, even Moronotti does) only to be told shutup by Kellerman and then he gives his point of view and declares it the new bible....that's not that way it goes....if you don't agree with a guy, you can't tell him to shutup....you gotta work stuff out)

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I have found him not bad on non baseball issues or on baseball issues not related to Chicago teams - in the few times that I have read him - but he is just too biased, too ignorant, truly unworth it in his columns on the two teams -

did I get that he is on the media somewhere? I'd never watch -

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I have mixed emotions about Frank.


I don't mind Frank ripping management because we all rip management and know what an idiot Reinsdork is and also our GM.

If he rips his teammates, however, that is a different story.

I mean most of the Sox players probably realize what buffoons Reinsdork and Kenny are. They probably like

Frank ripping those two buffoons.


HOpefully Daubauch will make the team and be our heart and soul clubhouse kick ass guy and kick

Frank's ass if Frank is a mope this season.


I mean Frank can't even play in the NL cause he can't bend over to field a grounder.

Frank should be a bit more humble for that reason alone.

As far as Mariotti, I like his writing.

It's easy to read, he makes his points and it's not boring.

There's nothing worse than a boring columnist.

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Hard to say about Kansas.

KU was on a roll until Sunday when Oklahoma led by 32 before KU cut it to five late.

It would have been the greatest comeback win in school history but OU won by 7.

Falling behind by 32 is not a good sign for a team with Final Four/title aspirations even though Noble Center was rocking.


Simien has a bum shoulder which is big.

Because of a very thin bench couple with Simien's bad shoulder, coupled with the fact Kansas' starting

point guard is very inconsistent, I don't think KU's Final Four chances look too promising.


Like any team, the KU team is capable of getting hot come tourney time, clicking and making the Final Four.

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