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Government Closed Friday


Should Government workers get the day off Friday?  

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  1. 1. Should Government workers get the day off Friday?

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WASHINGTON (AP) - The federal government will be closed Friday in honor of former President Ronald Reagan, the White House announced Sunday.


Exempt from the closing are operations department and agency heads determine ``should remain open for reasons of national security or defense or other essential public business,'' according to a proclamation issued by President Bush.


Reagan's funeral service will take place Friday at the National Cathedral.


His body will be returned to California later that day for burial at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library.

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this is a cheap political stunt by the White House


we have had presidents die before and other than those who died in office never did the government shut down at all - Bush/Rove want Bush to be seen presiding over Reagan's funeral for the cheap glory and a few votes and GW isn't qualified to carry Reagan's Bedtime for Bonzo script.


In my lifetime Hoover, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon have all died and easily Ike was more beloved - yet the government did not shut down


does anyone here rationally expect that the same will happen on the deaths on Ford, Carter, Bush 1 or Clinton?


Reagan as a former president deserves all approrpriate honors but a government day off? Isn't that the opposite of everything Reagan was supposedly about?

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My parents are visiting DC right now, not related to the Reagan death, so does this mean all the attractions in DC will be closed as well? Sort of off topic, but I was just wondering.

Hey, I go to school in DC and I've been there when the federal government has shut down. Your parents will still be able to visit the monuments, but they may not be able to go into the Washington Monument. You can check the National Park Service website for more info (www.nps.gov) Walking to all the monuments can usually take a whole day, so that's what I would do. But the museums should still be open since it's not federal employees. Hope that helps and hope they enjoy their trip. :)


As for Reagan and the day of mourning. President Reagan did a lot for the country. Let's face it, he essentially ended the Cold War. So I see no problem with the government shutting down. It's they're way of honoring the man. (and just so you know, even if the government didn't shut down President Bush would still be at the funeral) Also, practically the entire country shut down after JFK died...yes I know it's different, but it shows that this is the first time it's happened. Lastly, he will be lying in state in the US Capitol and that is a huge honor. Only 9 other presidents have lain in state in the Rotunda (and there's a little bit of trivia from a former Capitol tour guide :D).

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Hey, I go to school in DC and I've been there when the federal government has shut down.  Your parents will still be able to visit the monuments, but they may not be able to go into the Washington Monument.  You can check the National Park Service website for more info (www.nps.gov)  Walking to all the monuments can usually take a whole day, so that's what I would do.  But the museums should still be open since it's not federal employees.  Hope that helps and hope they enjoy their trip. :)


As for Reagan and the day of mourning.  President Reagan did a lot for the country.  Let's face it, he essentially ended the Cold War.  So I see no problem with the government shutting down.  It's they're way of honoring the man.  (and just so you know, even if the government didn't shut down President Bush would still be at the funeral)  Also, practically the entire country shut down after JFK died...yes I know it's different, but it shows that this is the first time it's happened.  Lastly, he will be lying in state in the US Capitol and that is a huge honor.  Only 9 other presidents have lain in state in the Rotunda (and there's a little bit of trivia from a former Capitol tour guide  :D).

Thanks for the info. They should have a good trip. :)

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Damn no mail delivery.



WASHINGTON (AP) - The federal government will be closed Friday in honor of former President Ronald Reagan, the White House announced Sunday.


Exempt from the closing are operations department and agency heads determine ``should remain open for reasons of national security or defense or other essential public business,'' according to a proclamation issued by President Bush.


Reagan's funeral service will take place Friday at the National Cathedral.


His body will be returned to California later that day for burial at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library.

This shouldn't happen just because some people need their pay checks to pay off bills and bills...plus I never know when my 400 bucks for umpiring is coming in... :unsure:

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this is a cheap political stunt by the White House


we have had presidents die before and other than those who died in office never did the government shut down at all - Bush/Rove want Bush to be seen presiding over Reagan's funeral for the cheap glory and a few votes and GW isn't qualified to carry Reagan's Bedtime for Bonzo script.


In my lifetime Hoover, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon have all died and easily Ike was more beloved - yet the government did not shut down


does anyone here rationally expect that the same will happen on the deaths on Ford, Carter, Bush 1 or Clinton?


Reagan as a former president deserves all approrpriate honors but a government day off?  Isn't that the opposite of everything Reagan was supposedly about?

Vince, I think the Unions have it in their contracts now that they get the day off when the President declares a "National Day of Mourning." They probably didn't have it in their contratcs when the other Presidents died. I know fo a fact that it is in the NYSE rules that they will close the markets in the case of a National Day of Mourning.



When President Nixon died in 1994, President Clinton declared a National Day of Mourning and the Postmaster General issued an order to curtail postal operations in honor of the former President. The rules unilaterally imposed by the Postal Service were that any employee scheduled to work on the day of mourning would receive a future day of administrative leave; however, those employees who were not scheduled to work did not receive a benefit.


APWU/USPS National Day of Mourning Agreement

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this is a cheap political stunt by the White House

Not cheap. Many workers will now be paid overtime for their services.



I happen to agree that a National Day of Mourning is appropriate. Reagan served this country with honor. He was a very popular President, as Mondale can attest to.

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this is a cheap political stunt by the White House


we have had presidents die before and other than those who died in office never did the government shut down at all - Bush/Rove want Bush to be seen presiding over Reagan's funeral for the cheap glory and a few votes and GW isn't qualified to carry Reagan's Bedtime for Bonzo script.


In my lifetime Hoover, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon have all died and easily Ike was more beloved - yet the government did not shut down


does anyone here rationally expect that the same will happen on the deaths on Ford, Carter, Bush 1 or Clinton?


Reagan as a former president deserves all approrpriate honors but a government day off?  Isn't that the opposite of everything Reagan was supposedly about?

Ummm, when Nixon died, they closed the post offices and other "non-essential" government offices. I do remember that.


And since you decided to make this a partisan argument, I find it hypocritical that the Dems, who HATED Reagan when in office, are now slobbering over themselves to talk about what a great man and President he was, "for the cheap glory and a few votes".


Having said all that, "GW isn't qualified to carry Reagan's Bedtime for Bonzo script.", now that is seriously :lolhitting - that is a great line. :lol:

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Oh and one more thing. I didn't agree with Billy Clinton, but when his day comes, I would hope that whoever is in the White House, Rep. or Dem., would do at least the same. He was a very popular president as well and deserves at least the same as Reagan.

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Dems loved Reagan as well. Remember the phrase Reagan Democrats? Witness his landslide re-election. He spent like a Dem and taxed like a Rep. What's not to love?


I disagree about Clinton receiving the same respect. Perhaps on par with Nixon, but not with Reagan. I believe Reagan served with more dignity than Clinton. Reagan was a unique President and deserves the accolades he is receiving.

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Dems loved Reagan as well. Remember the phrase Reagan Democrats? Witness his landslide re-election. He spent like a Dem and taxed like a Rep. What's not to love?


I disagree about Clinton receiving the same respect. Perhaps on par with Nixon, but not with Reagan. I believe Reagan served with more dignity than Clinton. Reagan was a unique President and deserves the accolades he is receiving.

True, but I remember very well the Iran-Contra hearings and they were going to impeach his ass... etc.


I think there was as much political (note: Washington insiders) hatred for Reagan, but he was almost untouchable simply because of what you just stated.

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Ummm, when Nixon died, they closed the post offices and other "non-essential" government offices. I do remember that


I don't remember that. I probably thought that if anything had shut down, it was in memory of Kurt Colbain. ;)


I am not sure that I see the connection between a Day of Mourning and a paid day off for all governmental employees. I am asking now because I do not remember - when Challenger went down, when the space shuttle blew up in 2003, did we have National Days of Mournings and if so was it with or without governmental paid holidays in addition to the ones in their contracts?


If the unions had negotiated that, more power to them, but I just don't remember entire government shut downs for Nixon, Colbain, or the space shuttles - or even for September 11th. For the last, stuff was shut down by necessity and if a National Day of Mourning was declared I don't recall in those halcyon days but I don't recall a connection between that and a paid government shut down holdiay. But I am asking here, because, when I am saying I don't remember, I am not arguing with anyone and saying they are wrong, I simply do not remember.


I find it hypocritical that the Dems, who HATED Reagan when in office, are now slobbering over themselves to talk about what a great man and President he was, "for the cheap glory and a few votes".


Since you quote me, you mean me? Then that is not what I said at all. I worked vigorously against that man's election in 1968, 1976, 1980, and 1984. I would prefer to say I strenuously opposed or detested his polices, and I will grant you the semantic "hated" his policies, but please remember that I draw a very clear line between political oppostion and personal hatred. I never hated Reagan. I explained elsewhere I have a long history with him and had his autographed picture from him long before all you neo-cons were born. Hate the person? No way.


And I have never and I will never say he was a great president. He was a lousy president. Tripled the national debt, exploded the annual deficits that he so hypocritcally campaigned against, spoke of limited nuclear war in Europe, his voodoo economics in total, his aid to Osama Bin Laden and Sadaam Hussein, the Iranian passenger jet shot down under his watch, Iran Contra (a clear violation of the laws and the Constitution), and his legacy that government is the enemy and we can't afford to pay for it - and this is for starters - and I have never said he was a great man either, just that I felt badly that he spent the last 10 years of his life in a disease that robbed that robust person of all identity and robbed Nancy (aka, the woman with whom Reagan had adultery and for whom Reagan left and divorced his first wife, all ye who bash Clinton on personal morality) Reagan of the husband she loved very dearly.


You have mistaken respect for the man by not saying anything in the above paragraph until now. I would have preferred to hold that paragraph until after the funeral. But you threw out the word "hypocrasy" and quoted me. There is a difference between "hypocrasy" on the one side and "respect" and "time and place" on the other. Democrats know the latter.


And if you believe that Bush and Riove are looking to milk this for the the spin they can get for their relection campaign, then, I suggest, you are missing a lot of reality. Just suggesting.


Please stop trying to make things either/or and personal. Tip O'Neill detested Reagan. They were great drinking buddies. The person that I ran against in our last county election - she and I were and remain good friends. In real life, in the real world, political opposition is not personal, at least not necessarily. I am very close to some of the people with whom I differ most because what does that gave to do with anything?

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Since you quote me, you mean me?

No, I didn't mean you. You already told us about your brushes with Reagan, which are quite extraordinary!


I apologize to you if you took it personal, I meant it in a much broader scale. But your words were something I find interesting when thinking about the other side of the fence, so to speak, which got me to thinking about what I posted.


And while we're talking about "all you", I think you would find that I'm not a neo-con. I think about 3/4's of the policies of the current White House suck balls. But I think the overwhelming idea of today is what are we going to do about Nat'l Security, which is THE issue for me in this campaign, and based on the record, I cannot support Kerry. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I wish that there was someone from EITHER party that could relate to the more pressing issues of what we face today.


And furthermore, I agree with you that the Bushies are going to use this for political gain, but my point was so are the Dems and I find it a little hypocritical in light of history. At any rate, THEY ALL DO and that's the problem now in the times we live in.


Last, since it was brought up here, I've asked you this before, and I'll ask again, please do not label me in with others that you have had encounters on this board in terms of "attacking" persons, you'll find that I rarely intend anything personal. If I do, I'll PM.

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And I have never and I will never say he was a great president.  He was a lousy president.  Tripled the national debt, exploded the annual deficits that he so hypocritcally campaigned against, spoke of limited nuclear war in Europe, his voodoo economics in total, his aid to Osama Bin Laden and Sadaam Hussein, the Iranian passenger jet shot down under his watch,  Iran Contra (a clear violation of the laws and the Constitution), and his legacy that government is the enemy and we can't afford to pay for it - and this is for starters -  and I have never said he was a great man either, just that I felt badly that he spent the last 10 years of his life in a disease that robbed that robust person of all identity and robbed Nancy (aka, the woman with whom Reagan had adultery and for whom Reagan left and divorced his first wife, all ye who bash Clinton on personal morality) Reagan of the husband she loved very dearly.

Lousy president.




Since you are so wise why dont you tell me what the inflation rate was in 1980 and then 1989?


Why dont you tell me what the unemployment rate or interest rates looked like in 1980 and then 1989?


It was pretty tough to get a tank of gas in 1979-1980 wasn't it?


How many millions of jobs were created on Reagans Watch? .................Yeah, that's what I thought.


Reagan's "voodoo" ( I never accused George Bush Sr. of being terribly smart ) economic policies in addition to touching off a hitherto unprecedent economic expansion also started what would become the greatest bull market in history.


President Reagan dealt the mortal wound to the Soviet bear ( still smarting over that one aren't you??? ) and it is no longer a threat to us and for that we are all in his eternal debt.


Exploded the National Debt?? Let me deconstruct that one for you. .......



During the 1980's the debt wasn't the only thing that exploded, so were tax reciepts taken in by the Federal Government. That's how supply side economics works. Tax cuts stimulate the economy, people go back to work, people start investing again and the amount of tax money collected increased. To say his tax cuts caused the debt to go up like that is pure bulls***.


Military Spending? That's certainly part of it but that same defense buildup was what pushed the Soviet Union over the cliff and down into that famous ash heap of history. Dont even try to tell me otherwise either because Gorby himself along with countless other top Soviet officials said as much. Worth the cost? Absolutely!


Now a couple of questions.


Who writes spending bills in our government?


( Jeopardy Theme )


If you said the House of Representatives then you are right.


Question 2. Who controlled the House of Representatives during the 1980's and every year before that since 1954?


( Jeopardy Theme )


That's right. The Democrats.



The Democrats gave Reagan his military buildup but not only refused to cut spending like Reagan wanted but let it increase big time in the process.




To the uninformed your petty arguments seem reasonable. To anyone who knows better you are just another mouthpiece for tired old leftist cliches.

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Far larger may be the costs associated with productivity lost from the nationwide shutdown of the federal government on Friday, which President Bush ordered Sunday. The Office of Personnel Management estimated that a one-day stoppage in Washington alone would cost about $66 million, though officials said the observance for Mr. Reagan was apt to cost less because the State, Defense and Justice Departments and others associated with national security would remain open.
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Nancy (aka, the woman with whom Reagan had adultery and for whom Reagan left and divorced his first wife, all ye who bash Clinton on personal morality)


You are SOOOOO wrong. Shame on you. :nono :headshake

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mr eye, i wasn't jabbed first? come on.


I regret having responded to kap. I didn't want hese conversations about Reagan before the funeral and I sure as hell have been aropuind along enough to know what I know and be confident in that and others feel the same about their own things so what is the point here and now.



Fight your fights, people, because there is way too much emotionalism and way too much whatever else to make any conversation worth having because it is just going to be personalizied and that is not my intent and I don't need it or want it.

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by the way, that was not wrong. 


Selective morality.

Actress Patricia Neal on the divorce of Reagan and Wyman:


"It was, you know, just terrible because he was very unhappy. He was in an apartment by himself. ... He was heartbroken. He really was, because he didn't want a divorce from her. But Jane wanted it."


Reagan married his wife, Nancy, fours years after his divorce from the screen actress Jane Wyman.


1948 - May

After a brief reconciliation Jane Wyman files for divorce from R. Reagan.


1952 - March 4

R. Reagan marries Nancy Davis


Describing their first date in her book "My Turn," she said, "I don't know if it was exactly love at first sight. But it was pretty close."


"We had dinner together the first night. And the night after that. And the one after that. For the next month or so we must have gone to every restaurant and nightclub in Los Angeles," she wrote.


At the time, Reagan was a Hollywood actor, recently and painfully divorced from actress Jane Wyman. He also was president of the Screen Actors Guild.


He met his second wife when actress Nancy Davis arranged to see him to talk over a problem: Her name appeared, without her permission, on a list of left wingers in an advertisement in the Hollywood Reporter.


Two years later, they married, on March 4, 1952.




Yeah, sounds like it. It's sad that you feel you have to cut down and make up stories about a dead man to feel better about the antics of Bill Clinton. :headshake

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