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Flag Facts


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Pet peeve of mine is incorrect displays of the US flag and these times always brings out some gaffs.


First off, unless you are on a ship, the flag is at half staff not half mast.

Raise it briskly all the way to the peak, then slowly lower to half staff. It must be raised again then brought down.



The Flag in Mourning

To place the flag at half staff, hoist it to the peak for an instant and lower it to a position half way between the top and bottom of the staff. The flag is to be raised again to the peak for a moment before it is lowered. On Memorial Day the flag is displayed at half staff until noon and at full staff from noon to sunset.


The flag is to be flown at half staff in mourning for designated, principal government leaders and upon presidential or gubernatorial order.


When used to cover a casket, the flag should be placed with the union at the head and over the left shoulder. It should not be lowered into the grave.

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Pet peeve of mine is incorrect displays of the US flag and these times always brings out some gaffs.


First off, unless you are on a ship, the flag is at half staff not half mast.

Raise it briskly all the way to the peak, then slowly lower to half staff. It must be raised again then brought down.



The Flag in Mourning

To place the flag at half staff, hoist it to the peak for an instant and lower it to a position half way between the top and bottom of the staff. The flag is to be raised again to the peak for a moment before it is lowered. On Memorial Day the flag is displayed at half staff until noon and at full staff from noon to sunset.


The flag is to be flown at half staff in mourning for designated, principal government leaders and upon presidential or gubernatorial order.


When used to cover a casket, the flag should be placed with the union at the head and over the left shoulder. It should not be lowered into the grave.

Thank you. One of my biggest pet peeves as well.


Also, the flag should be well lit if it is left outside at night.

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I should have added, if you have a flag that is fixed to the staff, you may continue to display it, even if the nation is in mourning. It would be appropriate to add some black bunting to the staff.

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im sure im going to ignite some fires here.. but what's the big deal about the flag? aren't the people and society behind the flag that's important?


just asking.

I agree it is the people behind the flag that is important, so let's get behind the flag. We are a nation of symbols, and this is one that should stand for unity. I think it represents all we agree on. Let other symbols be used to reflect our differences.

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To place the flag at half staff, hoist it to the peak for an instant and lower it to a position half way between the top and bottom of the staff. The flag is to be raised again to the peak for a moment before it is lowered.




I can understand ensuring it's in the right orientation or that half-staff status being used for the right occasions, but 'put it to the top for a moment before you lower it'? Who f***ing cares?

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im sure im going to ignite some fires here.. but what's the big deal about the flag? aren't the people and society behind the flag that's important?


just asking.

Its a symbol of the US, and how we treat it shows respect. It is kinda like borrowing something from a friend. What you borrow isn't the what the relationship is, but how you treat it, goes towards how much respect you have for the person you borrowed something from.

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Its a symbol of the US, and how we treat it shows respect.  It is kinda like borrowing something from a friend.  What you borrow isn't the what the relationship is, but how you treat it, goes towards how much respect you have for the person you borrowed something from.

Great post SS2K4. I like looking at it that way.


As far as why we raise the flag to the top, then lower it. First off it is the official Flag rules as outlined by congress. Second off it is a reminder of who we are and why we are flying at half staff. When it is time to retire the colors, raising it to the top is for optimism that this too shall pass and we will not be mourning forever.

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