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Latroy Hawkins bashes media

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For those who didn't have a chance to catch this guy's rant on the news tonight, it was priceless. He was saying he won't apologize like Koch did when he screwed up, and also said he's tired of the media hanging around his locker as he is not as media-friendly as Borowski, and thus will not speak to the media any further from this point on.


Here's hoping for a repeat of his closer "success" in Chicago like he had in Minnesota. Couldn't happen to a nicer jackass.

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Hawkins planning silent treatment


By Dave van Dyck


Tribune staff reporter


June 7, 2004, 11:15 PM CDT



Before we start with a LaTroy Hawkins interview, let's go to the end of the interview.




Because, apparently, these are the last words you'll read that originated from the mouth of the Cubs' new closer. So read carefully.


"That's it, I'm not talking anymore," Hawkins said Monday. "I've got nothing else to say to the media. That's why I did this [interview]. I'm completely done. Don't hover around my locker. I'm not going to be a guy to talk every day like Joe [borowski]. I'm not talking. I just want to do my job and go home."


So there you have it from the Cubs' heir to Borowski's role as closer and regular-guy standup man after games.


But Hawkins won't even be around then.


"Nope. I'm done talking," he said.


He wasn't done, however, before he allowed the media—and Cubs fandom—a glimpse into what he thinks about being a savior.


On the difference between pitching in the eighth and ninth innings:


"It depends how much emphasis you put on it. I try not to put any. It's not an easy job. You've got to go out there and do it. Getting three outs is not easy at any point in the ballgame, but people put the spotlight more on the ninth.

"It doesn't matter what happens in the ninth, as long as you don't give up the lead. I don't care who's sitting on the edge of their seat, I'm not going to apologize for putting you on the edge of your seat like [White Sox closer Billy] Koch did a couple of weeks ago. I'm not going to apologize for that, because I can do what you guys can do, [but] you can't do what I do."

So the Koch apology to fans was going above what was necessary?


"I think so," Hawkins said. "I don't have to apologize to anyone. That's just me. I don't care if you guys are biting your fingernails or your knuckles until they bleed. That's not my problem, that's [yours]. As long as I get the job done. Koch was getting the job done. I didn't think he had a reason to be apologizing."


On being the Twins' closer in 2001 (28 saves) but being a setup man the next season (zero saves):


"The last time I closed, the main problem was not throwing enough strikes. I'm at a point now where I can throw enough strikes. I don't worry about the hits. But I can control the walks and things like that."


On taking over for Borowski, who has landed on the 15-day disabled list:


"I do feel for Joe, because he told me in spring training that something wasn't right.He went out there without his best stuff every time knowing something was wrong.


"That shows something about Joe's character right there. You [media] guys didn't give him a break at all, and the man was going out there on pure will. ... Wherever I go, if I'm in a fight, I want Joe with me. He's a helluva dude."


Finally, we'll close with manager Dusty Baker's assessment of Hawkins' future boycott:


"That's his prerogative. He's a grown man. And you can't tell a man when to be quiet and you can't tell a grown man to talk."

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I actually agree in principle with Latroy and I am happy he has called out the media


Idiots like Jay Moronotti and many others in many cities have no talent or skill at what they do.


Trust me, most of us here could write articles on sports. It is not a difficult job. But very few could throw the baseball or do whatever the given athlete does as well as them.


Facts are these journalists take it too far in their bashing and their constant whining is pathetic. Just because they have the pen, they lose sight of their moral responsibility to be fair in their reporting. They behave like the mob, where they all keep saying the same thing (many times which is wrong), and then suddenly that becomes the truth.


A simple eg:


Lord knows how many times Blache has been roasted for saying that he cares about wins and not about sacks. That does not mean he does not want his D to get sacks. Come on.....of course if he got a sack on every play he would be ecstatic...facts are he never had the players that could get him sacks (look at how hard Jerry A tried to get Kearse and Ogunleye afterwards). But the "dumb as rocks" media kept repating this BS until now it is like Blache does not want sacks and does not teach that to his players.


Ignorance runs rampant in journalism today. Sadly it is the sign of our times. One would think internet made things better....but this concept of message boards, chats, online info, newspapers etc has driven a lot of people to whine much more than enjoy the sport they seemingly love.

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I like the attitude.


I wish LaTroy was on the Sox.


Closers need to be tough and realistic when they suck, but apologies aren't a necessary part of pitching.



Even though Sox fans are supposed to hate the Cubs, I like LaTroy's style.


I wish his success didn't equal the Cubs success though.

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I'm going out on a limb here and betting that Latroy couldn't write an article witout splitting an infinitive, or leaving a dangling participle.


I bet Latroy can't hit a curve either.

Yea, but journalism for the most part is a talent you can learn. A mid 90's fastball is one you can not.


I'm with LaTroy on this one.

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"It doesn't matter what happens in the ninth, as long as you don't give up the lead. I don't care who's sitting on the edge of their seat, I'm not going to apologize for putting you on the edge of your seat like [White Sox closer Billy] Koch did a couple of weeks ago. I'm not going to apologize for that, because I can do what you guys can do, [but] you can't do what I do."

A couple of weeks ago?


Koch does it all the time :lol:

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Writing isn't that easy. It is a very competitive field and only the best of the best survive.


I believe a player has the right to remain silent. I also believe he has an obligation to his employer to help in marketing the team. The team needs the publicity to build and keep fan interest. Popular players, who put butts in the seats, are almost always great with the media. Contrast the media ass kisser Sosa to Thomas. Both are HoF caliber players, yet one has the town falliong at his feet. Why? One is media friendly. Take a thousand casual fans, put them in Chicago for the day, and ask them who they would rather see, Sosa or Thomas. Who do you think will fill the seats?


Suck it up, give the interviews, and quit whining. You're paid very nice wages to play a f***ing game. Most people here would rather switch places with you than the reporter.

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I'm not sure civilization will be able to survive a summer without fascinating insights from LaTroy and his 140-plus IQ.


Scratch, spit, curse. Meditate on global warming and the Iraqi government handover.


Might have to stick to reading Thomas Friedman, James Wolcott, David Remnick and Maureen Dowd.


Please LaTroy don't punish us this way!



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I agree with him 100000%. I hope he sticks to his word.

Then let's all not read or watch any sports news for the summer. Everyone who agrees with athletes not talking to the media go a month without sports news. Just read the box scores.

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Then let's all not read or watch any sports news for the summer. Everyone who agrees with athletes not talking to the media go a month without sports news. Just read the box scores.

If they stuck to comments about the game, I'd question his boycott. But they don't. BS like "how did you feel when this or that happened...." or trying to get him to dog on his teammates when they do something to cause the team to lose is bs. He wants to do his job and not be forced to give a blow by blow of each pitch. I don't think that's necessary. Many of the writers are jerks and ask questions to get a negative response, and 95% of the time the players words are taken out of context. That part of his "boycott" I agree with.

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If they stuck to comments about the game, I'd question his boycott. But they don't. BS like "how did you feel when this or that happened...." or trying to get him to dog on his teammates when they do something to cause the team to lose is bs. He wants to do his job and not be forced to give a blow by blow of each pitch. I don't think that's necessary. Many of the writers are jerks and ask questions to get a negative response, and 95% of the time the players words are taken out of context. That part of his "boycott" I agree with.

I have to disagree with the so-called boycott. Why do that to the fans? If such questions are asked (and such questions are idiotic - how the hell do they think it feels to blow a game), why is it so hard to say, 'No comment?'

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I have to disagree with the so-called boycott.  Why do that to the fans?  If such questions are asked (and such questions are idiotic - how the hell do they think it feels to blow a game), why is it so hard to say, 'No comment?'

What's the difference..? No comment or nip it in the bud before they come over and start pissing him off intentionally..?

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A challenge to anybody who supports LaTroy:


Start a thread with all the interesting, unforgettable and essential quotes from his entire career.


I'd love to read them -- if there bloody were any.


As former Sun-Times columnist John Schulian said in his farewell to the press box before he moved to Hollywood and became one of the top script-writers in America:


"Why am I leaving sports writing? I got tired of standing outside locker rooms, waiting to talk to illiterates."


Do us a favor and keep a sock in it for the rest of your career LaTroy.

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What's the difference..? No comment or nip it in the bud before they come over and start pissing him off intentionally..?

If that sort of stuff is unneccesary, then just print the box score. The reason sports are so popular is the why?. The human stuff surrounding the players. Don't ask Sammy about the cork, he'll get pissed. Don't ask Mark Grace about Sammy's cork, we don't need to know, or care to know, what Grace thinks about Sammy.


We are a nation of celebrity watchers. Why do baseball players make more than a soldier who protects our ass? Because we are facsinated by them, hero worship some, and pay money to know about them.


Suck it up and answer the damn questions. You can bet if he sets a record or wins a WS he'll talk about his wife's, sister's boyfriend's cat if asked. He's getting paid, in part, to represent his team and make his team financially sucessful. If he wants the bucks the fans pay, they answer the questions the fans, through the media, ask.

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Some of the media questions are ridiculous, but a complete boycott of the media is also, well, ridiculous. While i understand where LaTroy is coming from, a boycott is a bit drastic i think. He should just use this as a "warning" to the media, and from now on if it gets out of hand, all he has to say is "i'm done with this now" or "next question" or something of that nature. I don't know if not talking at all is the solution to the problem. How many guys have attempted to boycott the media an entire season and done it? Seems a lot of guys boycott the media only to come back eventually. If LaTroy flourishes as a closer, he'll want to talk about it in a few weeks.

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If that sort of stuff is unneccesary, then just print the box score. The reason sports are so popular is the why?. The human stuff surrounding the players. Don't ask Sammy about the cork, he'll get pissed. Don't ask Mark Grace about Sammy's cork, we don't need to know, or care to know, what Grace thinks about Sammy.


We are a nation of celebrity watchers. Why do baseball players make more than a soldier who protects our ass? Because we are facsinated by them, hero worship some, and pay money to know about them.


Suck it up and answer the damn questions. You can bet if he sets a record or wins a WS he'll talk about his wife's, sister's boyfriend's cat if asked. He's getting paid, in part, to represent his team and make his team financially sucessful. If he wants the bucks the fans pay, they answer the questions the fans, through the media, ask.

Taking it to the extreme Tex.... dontcha think?

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We are a nation of celebrity watchers. Why do baseball players make more than a soldier who protects our ass? Because we are facsinated by them, hero worship some, and pay money to know about them.

Why do they get more money? Because they are a form of entertainment. While it's unquestionable soldiers are more important to my life than Paul Konerko, i am not about to pay to watch them shoot the enemy.


Good points in that post though, Tex.

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I think it's pretty much the truth, sports are about people and the "why" or "how" part.

Let me clarify... who cares what he does or does not talk about? At this point in the season I pay attention to nothing but the Sox, so I give a rats ass what other players - especially Cubs players - have to say. If he talks, so be it. If he doesn't, so be it. But to comment on bs questions from the media which 95% of the time are used to cause some sort of controversy... I fail to see the point and I understand him - or anyone not wanting to be a part of it.


The "extreme".... bringing up why baseball players are paid more than the military. That's clearly a can of worms that is much bigger than this issue... no?

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