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There were no beer venders between the foul poles. In other words, the outfield. And only one beer per person at the stands. While I think it's a bulls*** rule, I understand why they felt they had to do it but, you should be warned when you buy those tickets that you will not receive the same service as in other parts of the park.


They've alienated most of Chicago. Then they alienated the upperdeck people. Now it's the outfield. This organization is so screwed up it's silly. They have the absolute worst PR department in MLB. I am so sick and tired of being treated like I'm an asshole because I like the cheap seats. I'm scum because I sit in the Upper deck and the outfield.


Also, at the top of the ramp we had to wait in a 15 minute line while 1, yes 1! security guard checked to make sure we had lower level seats. Come see all the new things at the park...unless you bought an upper deck ticket, you scum bucket!


Screw this organization! :fyou

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Well if it is any consolation, I think you are a scumbag from knowing you, not from your tickets :lol:


Yeah, I totally agree with a lot of what you said. The Sox for whatever reason do an awful job of communicating with the average fan. I would email something into Brooks Boyer and see what he saids about it.

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There were articles in all 3 papers last week and over the weekend stating that beer vendors were not going to be in the outfield.

I'd rather them not be anywhere because I usually get mad and end up smarting off at one when they stand in front of me when I am trying to watch the game.

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Also, at the top of the ramp we had to wait in a 15 minute line while 1, yes 1! security guard checked to make sure we had lower level seats. Come see all the new things at the park...unless you bought an upper deck ticket, you scum bucket!

We waited too. We were in the line when the introductions were done and fireworks went off.. which was followed by a unch of kids chanting "Let's go White Sox". Didn't miss but 1 pitch, and it was nice to see the kids having a good time.


Regardless.. it was OUR fault for not getting up there a bit earlier to ensure we made it to our seats in time. It was obvious ALL DAY that the game was going to be crowded, and I don't fault the THREE people checking tickets at the top of the BPB ramp for little delay. There were 33K people there, and they were doing their best.



Oh.. IMO.

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We waited too. We were in the line when the introductions were done and fireworks went off.. which was followed by a unch of kids chanting "Let's go White Sox". Didn't miss but 1 pitch, and it was nice to see the kids having a good time.


Regardless.. it was OUR fault for not getting up there a bit earlier to ensure we made it to our seats in time. It was obvious ALL DAY that the game was going to be crowded, and I don't fault the THREE people checking tickets at the top of the BPB ramp for little delay. There were 33K people there, and they were doing their best.



Oh.. IMO.

That's cool. But my arguement is if they don't check tickets at all, nobody waits.

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That's cool. But my arguement is if they don't check tickets at all, nobody waits.

Ya know what.. I'm torn. I sit in the UD once a year and we do it on purpose (that's the only place to get 10 tickets together for the Cubs/Sox game). If I have to wait an extra 10 minutes for someone to check my ticket, or have to walk to the concourse to get a beer.. and that prevents some other asshole from causing trouble... then I just have to deal with it. It's a no win since we have no control. I guess we just pick our battles.

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The problem is this is a classic excuse. Don't blame the idiots fighting. Don't blame the lack of security. I know, I got it...it's the beer's fault! Yeah! That's it! :rolleyes:

Eye... it's a process. I guess they could be real assholes and say NO BEER at all in the outfield on Tuesday nights...?? Or ALL nights like the Yanks, and Boston, and a few others do in specific sections..? :huh

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The problem is this is a classic excuse. Don't blame the idiots fighting. Don't blame the lack of security. I know, I got it...it's the beer's fault! Yeah! That's it! :rolleyes:

Ya it's a conspiracy. The Sox want to sell less beer. Screw the revenue, that'll show us. Nothing to do with everyone complaining about the drunken fighting. :rolleyes:

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Wow! I didn't realize there would be so many Sox apologists on here.

eye, what do you want them to do after all the fights and everyone starting to call Tuesday nights Tuesday Night Fight Night. Do you know of another soluthion? I don't think they are trying to alienate fans, rather they are trying to make the fans that come to WATCH the White Sox feel safe and comfortable while doing so.

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I'm a little shocked to see you say such a thing. Apologist...? Me..? For the Sox...?  :huh

Not only you. All the comments were cool with all the restrictions. The frog in the frying pan, I guess.

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Not only you. All the comments were cool with all the restrictions. The frog in the frying pan, I guess.

Who's "cool" with them..? They are a necessary evil at this point. And they aren't the fault of the Sox.. talk to Bud.. he forced the hand. Doesn't mean I, or anyone else, supports them. IMO, of course.

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There's nothing wrong with Beer Free zones, didn't the Cubs have Family Bleacher sections for a while in the 80s and 90s? So you have to walk a few minutes to get a freakin beer between innings, so what? Whats next, gonna complain because you can't smoke at your seat either? The Upper Deck restriction IS retarded though.

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I had NO problem with the restrictions.

I was with three other buddies last night in 159, we all got up to get beers together, got 4, sat back down.


We didn't wait in line long. But then again we knew of the restrictions from the three articles in the paper.


By the 8th inning, we were in the bullpen bar where there are NO restrictions.


By the way, if you have season tickets in the upper deck ( like I do) they allow you onto the main level.



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There's nothing wrong with Beer Free zones, didn't the Cubs have Family Bleacher sections for a while in the 80s and 90s? So you have to walk a few minutes to get a freakin beer between innings, so what? Whats next, gonna complain because you can't smoke at your seat either? The Upper Deck restriction IS retarded though.

They still do. Only about 50 seats though. In the furthest corner of RF.

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