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KaZaa and other P2P's


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but got busted for copyright infringement for actually sharing the files.


Oh-oh. What exactly transpired?



Kazaa Lite (with source-seeking sweep option and a few bells and whistles is actually faster with new files than D++ because it adds thre users together: if 30 users have a file available, all they have to do is share at the 5 kps rate on average for the TR to be at more than stellar 150, which is basically dowloading a movie in less time than it takes to view it. The problem arises with movies than are older and rarer (anything not a blockbuster success and/or released prior to 2001); Mulholland Drive, The Sweet Hereafter, Vertical Limit, etc both made just a few years back are only shared by a few people at one time if at all. Needless to say, the D/L time increases dramatically and PITA (pain-in-the-ass) factor comes into play. With DC++, you have tons of hubs to search and both flicks (as well as many foreign ones and other files not available on K or KL) are in ample supply. DC sucked because of only one slot (one channel to download) and inability to search in more than one hub at a time, but DC++ fixes those problem with a bang. Recommended.


EMule is not bad at all. Faster than DC++ and has more files than KL, though like the former it's of the "user manually seeks the hub/server of his/her liking and sets all the preferences" kind, which may be puzzling for beginners.

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Oh-oh.  What exactly transpired?

We violated University policy by sharing files with each other on the DC++ server. They said they didn't mind that we had the files but that we were sharing them in a way where any person on the internet could get them. So, they shut our internet off in a bunch of rooms all through the University that got busted. Basically we just had to unshare everything and the assistant dean turned our internet back on.


I wouldn't worry about it unless you are at a school with a no public file sharing policy. That is what we got nailed for.


But DC++ is like the best thing since sliced bread. It is sooooo goddamn awesome (well, maybe that is me with our T3+ connection here at school, haha.)

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Basically we just had to unshare everything and the assistant dean turned our internet back on.


Good cuz for a moment I thought you was headin' to the Big House :)


(There is something to be said for downloading a movie in under 10 minutes


Lucky bastard. I personally have Cable so there is no "under 10 minute movie download"s for me ):

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