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Call Me Crazy...


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Yes you can call me crazy for suggesting this, and maybe it has been suggested already on here, but why don't we try to trade for Corey Patterson?


He's cheap, left-handed, young and plays a quality centerfield. I know he's playing terrible right now but it's because of the pressure cooker that is Wrigley Field these days. They treat him like crap over there, so it's no surprise to me that he's struggling. I mean the kid is only 24, he still has some time to learn the game and be the player he was projected to be.


Now if you haven't flipped off the screen yet, you might now because I suggest we deal Jose to them as part of the deal. :ph34r: When you think about it though Jose is the prototypical player the Cubs trade for (high K's, good power). See Aramis Ramirez, Jose Vizciano, et al. So toss them Jose, Rowand or Perez, and a bullpen arm and see if they bite.


Now you may wonder if I'm off my rocker with this one, but when you think about it the Sox really wouldn't "lose" anything in this deal. Jose is probably gone anyways after this year, Rowand/Perez get replaced by Reed/Borchard anyways, and we can replace the pitcher we give up (maybe Rauch?). If anything the sox lose a possible draft pick for letting Jose go in the offseason. What they pick up is a quality left-handed pure centerfielder who could possibly ease the loss of Ordonez...that is of course if we can't re-sign Mags. Lee, Patterson, Borch/Reed wouldn't be all that bad an OF and would come pretty cheap (Patterson is getting paid 480k this year).


All I'm saying here is this used to be the untouchable of untouchable prospects who's value is probably at it's lowest it'll ever be. So maybe, just maybe the World Series crazed Cubbies could panic and drop him to a team like us. And if we do get him and he ends up thriving on the Southside the Cubs could have a constant reminder of how they screwed up for a LOOOOONG time (along with Jon Garland of course).


So yea, that's my idea. I hope you all have the extra large flamethrowers out. :P

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No way the Cubs trade him....yes he has issues right now but that is mainly because they brought him up earlier than they should have....the kid can be great


NO way they give up a future stud for a Jose Val


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I'm not just saying Jose, I was suggesting a package including Jose because of their current need at SS. Hell, I'd give up a quality prospect or two for this guy but I feared that could be considered blasphemy.

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See that's what I don't get, I really don't understand the fascination with Reed right now. His numbers haven't been all that stellar and his wrists are still bothering him. Why should we risk dropping his trade value by bringing him up (assuming he struggles a bit)? Frankly, I'd rather see Borchard get called up (assuming he's 100%) because he's on a tear and he's older than Reed.


This brings us back to the topic at hand though, by bringing in Patterson we can allow guys like Reed/Borchard to get more time in AAA. This gives us more flexibility is possible trades for pitchers and allows Reed/Borch to get to play everyday. If/when we lose Ordonez, then we've got a young, talented, and cheap OF.

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Yea, I figured as much (that the Cubs probably wouldn't trade him). But if there was anytime in which Patterson were "available" it would be now. I think Patterson is in the same boat as Sheets in which their team's think they have great potential yet wouldn't mind pulling the trigger if the right deal came along.


However, where I think the Cubs differ from the Brewers is in what they would actually want. I don't think the Cubs would be looking for a HUGE prospects package because it's obvious they want to win now and so do their fans.


To me, this could be reminiscent of a George Bell/Sammy Sosa swap or a Matt Karchner/Jon Garland swap, only it would be on a grander scale.

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See that's what I don't get, I really don't understand the fascination with Reed right now. His numbers haven't been all that stellar and his wrists are still bothering him. Why should we risk dropping his trade value by bringing him up (assuming he struggles a bit)? Frankly, I'd rather see Borchard get called up (assuming he's 100%) because he's on a tear and he's older than Reed.


This brings us back to the topic at hand though, by bringing in Patterson we can allow guys like Reed/Borchard to get more time in AAA. This gives us more flexibility is possible trades for pitchers and allows Reed/Borch to get to play everyday. If/when we lose Ordonez, then we've got a young, talented, and cheap OF.

Ya Reed isn't batting .400 right now, but neither is Patterson. If you want to use Borchard, fine, I would rather call up Borchard than trade for Patterson. Patterson can be a good player, and the Cubs know it. They aren't going to trade him, and if they did, he wouldn't come cheap. Hence, call up one of our own guys.

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No way the Cubs trade him....yes he has issues right now but that is mainly because they brought him up earlier than they should have....the kid can be great


NO way they give up a future stud for a Jose Val

Nope the Cubs would trade him. Corey Patterson is a cock. What a b****. Seriously, I wouldn't want him. We don't need more guys who will swing for the fences. I'd rather get Finley, Cruz Jr, Burnitz, or Jenkins.

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Nope the Cubs would trade him. Corey Patterson is a cock. What a b****. Seriously, I wouldn't want him. We don't need more guys who will swing for the fences. I'd rather get Finley, Cruz Jr, Burnitz, or Jenkins.

At least half of the guys you just mentioned are just as big of fence swingers as Patterson.

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Yes you can call me crazy for suggesting this, and maybe it has been suggested already on here, but why don't we try to trade for Corey Patterson?


He's cheap, left-handed, young and plays a quality centerfield. I know he's playing terrible right now but it's because of the pressure cooker that is Wrigley Field these days. They treat him like crap over there, so it's no surprise to me that he's struggling. I mean the kid is only 24, he still has some time to learn the game and be the player he was projected to be.


Now if you haven't flipped off the screen yet, you might now because I suggest we deal Jose to them as part of the deal.  :ph34r: When you think about it though Jose is the prototypical player the Cubs trade for (high K's, good power). See Aramis Ramirez, Jose Vizciano, et al. So toss them Jose, Rowand or Perez, and a bullpen arm and see if they bite.


Now you may wonder if I'm off my rocker with this one, but when you think about it the Sox really wouldn't "lose" anything in this deal. Jose is probably gone anyways after this year, Rowand/Perez get replaced by Reed/Borchard anyways, and we can replace the pitcher we give up (maybe Rauch?). If anything the sox lose a possible draft pick for letting Jose go in the offseason. What they pick up is a quality left-handed pure centerfielder who could possibly ease the loss of Ordonez...that is of course if we can't re-sign Mags. Lee, Patterson, Borch/Reed wouldn't be all that bad an OF and would come pretty cheap (Patterson is getting paid 480k this year).


All I'm saying here is this used to be the untouchable of untouchable prospects who's value is probably at it's lowest it'll ever be. So maybe, just maybe the World Series crazed Cubbies could panic and drop him to a team like us. And if we do get him and he ends up thriving on the Southside the Cubs could have a constant reminder of how they screwed up for a LOOOOONG time (along with Jon Garland of course).


So yea, that's my idea. I hope you all have the extra large flamethrowers out.  :P


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I didn't say Reed needed to bat .400. Heck I think Reed is going to be a good ballplayer, I'm just in the opinion that he could use a full year at AAA.


I'm also not saying give up the farm for Patterson. The concept behind all of this is that if he can be had for a reasonable price right now, I say the Sox should jump on it. Granted his reasonable price may be *gasp* a good player or two, but you have to give something to get something.


To me, this is all moot if Mags is re-signed. However, if that's not going to happen then Patterson seems like the perfect fit to me. Also, like I hinted at earlier acquiring Patterson also allows us to deal one of our "stud" OF prospects for a need (pitcher, bullpen arm, etc.)


All in all, this is all "fun speculation" I don't mean to rile anyone up here.

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Btw, how can anyone say Patterson is a cancer? What evidence do you have of this other than "he swings for the fences." If he really caused that many problems in the clubhouse or effected chemistry THAT much you'd hear much more about it.

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Btw, how can anyone say Patterson is a cancer? What evidence do you have of this other than "he swings for the fences." If he really caused that many problems in the clubhouse or effected chemistry THAT much you'd hear much more about it.

Listen to talk radio.. Corey's less than adept about dealing with the media/ team mates.








Arizona is a more likely trade partner than the Cubs.


Why are we even discussing this?

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Btw, how can anyone say Patterson is a cancer? What evidence do you have of this other than "he swings for the fences." If he really caused that many problems in the clubhouse or effected chemistry THAT much you'd hear much more about it.

He publically said he is a number three hitter, he is a homerun hitter, a power hitter. He said he will not change the way he goes by batting. Don't say something along the lines that he should be batting 3rd in a lineup where he should truely be batting 7th. Ramirez, Alou, Sosa, and Lee are all much better than he is. Instead of working to get on base when he was batting ahead of these guys, he'd try to be the hero himself. Especially seeing how he is a pup compared to the veteran sluggers, he should just do anything to help the team. Shut your mouth and play baseball. I don't like Paterson, and I want no part of him here. I say leave Willie!!!



BTW, there was a rumor of Ichiro for Patterson and Farnsworth/Mitre. He is not untouchable.

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The reason I brought it up is because I thought it would be an interesting discussion. Combine that with the fact that I'm sick of the Sox acquiring guys to be "stop-gaps". Alomar, Everett, etc. were all the type of acquisiton Finley would be.


Finley is a quality player and I'd love to have him, don't get me wrong, I just would like to see the Sox acquire someone who isn't elgible for social security at the trade deadline for once.


Patterson being a "cancer" just adds to his tradeability. Maybe it's the Cubs that cause him to be that way or the continuous attention the team receives? This seems like a can't stand the "yankee-esque" spotlight the media puts on the Cubs.


I just think this is a rare opportunity to grab a player who was touted for greatness just a year or two ago. Shouldn't we at least look into it?


EDIT: Btw Steve, this wouldn't bench Harris. It would move Harris back to 2nd most likely.

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The reason I brought it up is because I thought it would be an interesting discussion. Combine that with the fact that I'm sick of the Sox acquiring guys to be "stop-gaps". Alomar, Everett, etc. were all the type of acquisiton Finley would be.


Finley is a quality player and I'd love to have him, don't get me wrong, I just would like to see the Sox acquire someone who isn't elgible for social security at the trade deadline for once.


Patterson being a "cancer" just adds to his tradeability. Maybe it's the Cubs that cause him to be that way or the continuous attention the team receives? This seems like a can't stand the "yankee-esque" spotlight the media puts on the Cubs.


I just think this is a rare opportunity to grab a player who was touted for greatness just a year or two ago. Shouldn't we at least look into it?


EDIT: Btw Steve, this wouldn't bench Harris. It would move Harris back to 2nd most likely.

I am a bigger fanof Uribe. Uribe has to play. I am just coming onboard on Willie. There would be conflict if Patterson came here, JMHO.

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I'm sorry but this is a stupid idea.

If we wanted to get a below average CF who will swing for the fences and strike out alot why don't we just go out and get Singleton.

God knows that are almost exactly the same type of player.

This idea is absolutely retarded and I can't believe there are people that are in support of this.

Let Corey drag the scrubbies down into 4th place this year.

I much rather enjoy first.



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I'd not heard about Patterson saying those kinds of things. That's interesting...and he's a s***head. He's got the tools to be a good ballplayer, but if that's his attitude, he can go f*** himself. He's not the second coming.


Secondly, I don't know why people want to trade Jose. He's hitting for a solid average and he's got a good amount of homers while cutting down on the errors over the past month, let alone the fact that his OPS against RHP is somewhere around .950-1.000. Losing Jose would be bigger then most people realize. I'm not entirely against trading Jose for value, but if he has little value(like he does), why trade him?


I'm pretty sure KW has said he won't trade any regulars, so that most likely means Crede, Uribe, Valentin, and Harris are in their positions for good.



Here's what I'm wondering. Say we trade for Steve Finley. Do we play him everyday and adjust from there, or do we just play him against RHP in CF while putting Willie at 2B and Uribe at 3B with Crede sitting, and then have Willie play CF, Uribe 2B, and Crede 3B against LHP?

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Here's what I'm wondering.  Say we trade for Steve Finley.  Do we play him everyday and adjust from there, or do we just play him against RHP in CF while putting Willie at 2B and Uribe at 3B with Crede sitting, and then have Willie play CF, Uribe 2B, and Crede 3B against LHP?

Crede sits. Plays occasionally vs. LHP. (finley and willie alternate days off)


Uribe to third, Willie to second.

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