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A small political observation


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I certainly am not big into politics or anything, but I think people seriously took Clinton for granted. I think it was a testimony to his work in office that complaints about him were limited to mostly his personal life, as compared to Bush, who we are having serious political and economic problems with at the moment. Clinton's 8 years of peace and prosperity are vastly overlooked and I think he could be one of the greatest presidents in recent history. That's just my opinion though.


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I am putting you both in my will tomorrow morning.



I think Clinton was one of the best presidents ever (watch the howls come for that statement) and I have never it described the way cubsuck has but that is exactly right and I appreciate the fresh insight and believe me I will borrow that one! :headbang :headbang


There were many ways other than economic that the 8 Clinton years were the best that I have ever seen in my life in this country. I can certainly critique his adminsitration too, no administration is perfect and his was not, but I so much wish he were still president now.


Thank you cubssuck for sharing your thoughts. :usa :usa :usa :usa :usa :usa :usa :usa :usa :usa :usa

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Understandable. I'll take it.  :D

any particular jerseys you want? Other Sox memorabilia? Chris Snopek's pants? Autographed baseballs? A Bill Melton baseball card from the early 70s? I got a bit of everything. I have Jason Buehrle's autograph. (Anyone can get Mark, I got Jason, much tougher to get!)


my grandson gets the bobbleheads but I have a ton of Sox stuff and the only other promised item is a jersey for Rocky Biddle's step mom.


Or are you looking for cash? Stocks?


better tell me where you inheritance interest lies! ;)

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any particular jerseys you want?  Other Sox memorabilia? Chris Snopek's pants?  Autographed baseballs? A Bill Melton baseball card from the early 70s?  I got a bit of everything.  I have Jason Buehrle's autograph.  (Anyone can get Mark, I got Jason, much tougher to get!)


my grandson gets the bobbleheads but I have a ton of Sox stuff and the only other promised item is a jersey for Rocky Biddle's step mom.


Or are you looking for cash?  Stocks?


better tell me where you inheritance interest lies! ;)

Is Jason Mark's father. I seem to remember seeing a pic of someone with his dad at a Soxtalk tailgate.


All I demand is my dignity. :lol:

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cubssuck, how much did cw pay you to make that post? ;)


Seriously, I think Clinton did some good things. One of the best things he did was welfare reform IMO. That was all Clinton.


I think Clinton's great attribute was to know when to ride the wave, and when to jump off. A good example was the whole HillaryCare. He let it ride and totally dissed it once he knew that America was not quite ready for socialistic healthcare. That system has its advatages, but its disadvantages.


He deserves some credit on spending, but not all. Remember, the House sets the spending, and the budgets were not balanced until a Republican Congress took hold. Having said that, Clinton was a better person at working the Congressional vote then Bush has been, that's for damn sure.


The single biggest "problem" with Clinton was his constant policy forming on public opinion. But then again, that's not all bad, because at that point, you're doing what the majority of the country wants, but it can lead to some terrible pitfalls, like making tough decisions when the time is needed that is contrary to popular opinion.


That's about as nice as I can be for now. I can shred apart Clinton with arguments, as I can Bush now. They both have their positive attributes.

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cubssuck, how much did cw pay you to make that post?  ;)


Seriously, I think Clinton did some good things.  One of the best things he did was welfare reform IMO.  That was all Clinton. 


I think Clinton's great attribute was to know when to ride the wave, and when to jump off.  A good example was the whole HillaryCare.  He let it ride and totally dissed it once he knew that America was not quite ready for socialistic healthcare.  That system has its advatages, but its disadvantages. 


He deserves some credit on spending, but not all.  Remember, the House sets the spending, and the budgets were not balanced until a Republican Congress took hold.  Having said that, Clinton was a better person at working the Congressional vote then Bush has been, that's for damn sure.


The single biggest "problem" with Clinton was his constant policy forming on public opinion.  But then again, that's not all bad, because at that point, you're doing what the majority of the country wants, but it can lead to some terrible pitfalls, like making tough decisions when the time is needed that is contrary to popular opinion. 


That's about as nice as I can be for now.  I can shred apart Clinton with arguments, as I can Bush now.  They both have their positive attributes.

Not understanding too much about what you said, I'll step back off the podium. However, your point is taken, nobody is perfect.

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Is Jason Mark's father. I seem to remember seeing a pic of someone with his dad at a Soxtalk tailgate.


All I demand is my dignity.  :lol:

Jason is the brother who looks like Mark.


John is the father.


If you demand dignity, you will need pants with a jersey so I guess you get Chris Snopek's pants. :headbang

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Not understanding too much about what you said, I'll step back off the podium. However, your point is taken, nobody is perfect.

Naah, don't go... :) :bringit


Seriously, keep posting what you think, but always remember, there are always two sides to every story, especially a political story. As you learn more and more, you can formulate your own opinions, notwithstanding what any of us say here. Some people are really passionate about what they think and rarely can express the good and bad of both sides.


Your own experiences will guide you ... don't believe everything you hear, and always look past the surface, and you're gonna be just fine.

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I certainly am not big into politics or anything, but I think people seriously took Clinton for granted. I think it was a testimony to his work in office that complaints about him were limited to mostly his personal life, as compared to Bush, who we are having serious political and economic problems with at the moment. Clinton's 8 years of peace and prosperity are vastly overlooked and I think he could be one of the greatest presidents in recent history. That's just my opinion though.


Don't believe the hype. People who don't believe that the Clinton years were all that have plenty of political arguements, and not just that it was just a blow job crap. (all though all of the some people seem to think that lying to Congress isn't a good thing again)


Personally I would like the Clinton administration to the Daleys here in Chicago. There are a million corrupt things that go on here. Some the Daleys get connected to pretty easily, some things they are obviously connected to, and never get "connected", and something Rich just flat out lies about. The Clintons were connected to a bunch of scandals. Basically they got off scott free on most of it, whether or not they were really guilty will be argued forever. Of course the scandals aren't mentioned anymore, but remember we had plenty of terrorist attacks, whitewater, travelgate, illegal fundraising, and Chinese spies steal our nuclear secrets... right off the top of my head. Its all in your perception of the Clinton years, and who you listen to tell the stories about them.

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The single biggest "problem" with Clinton was his constant policy forming on public opinion. 

Interesting then that he didn't stop Bin Laden. I guess the public didn't want him to?


If your guy polls a lot, he's genuinly interested in what the people who voted him in think, the other guy can't make up his mind. :D


Politicians have been polling for decades, Clinton may have set a new standard, but Bush has kept it up. I think it's a good idea he knows what Americans are thinking, not just his advisers.


I view the President as much for his personal traits as for his policy initiatives. Clinton, on a human level, failed in almost every area I value and judge a leader. His moral compass was so failed as to not be believed. He sold me one too many lies and for that, I cannot forgive. I would rather have a President of high moral character who I do not agree with politically then a morally bankrupt adulterer who I do agree with. We have checks and balances in our government. The President has great influence on our moods and behaviors, whether we notice it or not. The country takes on the personality of our leaders.


I am embarrased by my fellow Democrates who continue to defend him.


Having said that, between the lines he was very good. I agreed with many things he did and many more he tried to do. I wish he was able to do more with health care reforms.

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I am going to take exception to one thing in there. W pays no attention to polls and that might be his biggest downfall. He does not care what other people think, to the point of insanity. He has alienated so many people with his actions, there is no way you can say he has kept up the Clinton poll-obeying. Think about some of his stances on controversial things.

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I am going to take exception to one thing in there.  W pays no attention to polls and that might be his biggest downfall.  He does not care what other people think, to the point of insanity.  He has alienated so many people with his actions, there is no way you can say he has kept up the Clinton poll-obeying.  Think about some of his stances on controversial things.



Whether he pays attention to them or not, his political advisers are polling daily.


Did Cinton listen to Americans via the polls more than Bush listens to Amercans through the polls? I think you are correct, Bush doesn't care what we think and it is his downfall.

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