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Sox Power ranking

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I personally don t take that much out of the power rankings for baseball but when I see this it just makes me smile...


8. Chicago White Sox :cheers


9.Chicago Cubs :finger

:headbang :headbang :headbang

this is according to Sports Weekly which i am a subscriber to. they have an article talking about awards for the 1/3 point in the season with Ozzie being #2 for AL manager of the year and Frank Thomas #9 with one first place vote for MVP they also mention us being more aggrasive in getting freddy garcia

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So much pride in being one up on a team that is in 5th place in their division... :rolleyes:


We wouldn't have to be worrying about power rankings if the Sox would just stop choking in games and plummeting in the standings like turkeys from a helicopter.



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Who wants to bet me that Steve Stone I mean Brando comes in here and says how s***ty,  horrible,  awful,  lucky the Sox have been compared to the mighty,  powerful,  dynasty that is the Cubs who's only flaw is that they've had injuries?

SHUT THE HELL UP! Brando is one of the smartest and most respected posters here. Get off his nuts! What is your beef with him? BTW, the Cubs dont deserve number 9.

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SHUT THE HELL UP! Brando is one of the smartest and most respected posters here. Get off his nuts! What is your beef with him? BTW, the Cubs dont deserve number 9.

b****, YOU SHUT THE f*** UP. Nobody was f***in talkin to you. What r u his fricken daddy? I didn't call him a name or anything. I made a comment how he's always trashin the Sox even when they do well and hypin up the Cubs. BIG f***IN DEAL. My beef with him? I don't know him from Ronald f***in Reagan. I don't have a beef with anybody. Get your facts straight and mind your own f***in business. BIATCHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

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b****,  YOU SHUT THE f*** UP.  Nobody was f***in talkin to you.  What r u his fricken daddy?  I didn't call him a name or anything.  I made a comment how he's always trashin the Sox even when they do well and hypin up the Cubs.  BIG f***IN DEAL.  My beef with him?  I don't know him from Ronald f***in Reagan.  I don't have a beef with anybody.  Get your facts straight and mind your own f***in business.  BIATCHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Wow! Chill the f*** out! Why the f*** are you getting pissy at me. Taking shots at people over the net is just immature. I mean, seriously, come on. Just chill out. No, I am not Brando's father and I do not appreciate being called a b****. Chill the f*** out with that attitude buddy.

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Wow! Chill the f*** out! Why the f*** are you getting pissy at me. Taking shots at people over the net is just immature. I mean, seriously, come on. Just chill out. No, I am not Brando's father and I do not appreciate being called a b****. Chill the f*** out with that attitude buddy.

You just don't tell somebody to "SHUT THE HELL UP" and not expect a reaction. I made a simple comment. I was half joking anyway. I didn't call Brando a name or say he was dumb or anything like that. I made a simple observation and you snapped. But my bad for going off like that.

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With that team, yes.



Without Tim Samon, Garret Anderson, Darien Erstad, and Troy Glaus, is a differnt team.

Even without those players, they still have a lineup that can hang with Texas' in the West. Their pitching definitely is better than Texas'; regardless of those players being out, they should win the division.

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You just don't tell somebody to "SHUT THE HELL UP" and not expect a reaction.  I made a simple comment.  I was half joking anyway.  I didn't call Brando a name or say he was dumb or anything like that.  I made a simple observation and you snapped.  But my bad for going off like that.

Sarcasm = green letters Be sure to remember that because people take stuff seriously sometimes. I read your post and inferred that you were talking s***. I dont appreciate people who make less of others. we are all Sox fans here and we shoudl all be at peace with one another. Just remember to use green when your joking so stuff like this doesnt come up again or at least put a smiley at the end of it. I hope you understand. Seriously though, calling someone Steve Stone IS an insult. :lol:

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Sarcasm = green letters Be sure to remember that because people take stuff seriously sometimes. I read your post and inferred that you were talking s***. I dont appreciate people who make less of others. we are all Sox fans here and we shoudl all be at peace with one another. Just remember to use green when your joking so stuff like this doesnt come up again or at least put a smiley at the end of it. I hope you understand. Seriously though, calling someone Steve Stone IS an insult.  :lol:

I see your point. But in my defense. You can't honestly tell me Brando isn't a jackass a lot of the times and doesn't insult people that don't agree with him. I've seen him piss off plenty of people on this board. Not that I really care. I deal with people like that all the time. But it's cool. Lets just forget about it.

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Even without those players, they still have a lineup that can hang with Texas' in the West.  Their pitching definitely is better than Texas'; regardless of those players being out, they should win the division.

Texas? Who said anything about Texas? Oakland is in 1st place.......

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Brando has a lot of insightful opinions and they are usually right on the money. What Brando lacks, at times, is a bit of tact when someone disagrees with him. Though, I get the feeling that is by his own choice and really doesn't care who he irritates. :lol:


However, I've been guilty of the same thing on occasion. So please, Brando, don't take this as critcism. It is not intended as such.

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