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Nine Innings with Kris Honel


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Well i got this magazine in the mail today (they're trying to get me to subscribe, lol). Its a decent minor league mag, but this issue happenes to have a nice Kris Honel article/interview in it so i'll type it out for you. Here goes:


After three pro season, Kris Honel has posted a 23-18 record and a 2.95 ERA in 64 games. The Illinois native returned to open the 2004 season in Birmingham, logging a 0-1 record and a 6.75 ERA in one game before being placed on the DL due to a strained elbow on April 24. Read more about Kris from his archived journals at attheyard.com


Top 1st: You're known for your knuckle curve ball...What is it exactly?

A: Basically it is a different way to throw a curve. Everyone thinks it knuckles but it actually has a sharper bite than a normal curve ball.


Bottom 1st: As far as baseball superstitions go, it's said tobe bad luck to step on the foul line. Do you hop over it or tempt fate?

A: I hop over it; it is my way of putting my game face on.


Top 2nd: Who was your favorite baseball player as a youngster?

A: Frank Thomas. I has posters all over my wall of him.


Bottom 2nd: Who was the pitcher that you emulated as a young player?

A: Kevin Brown and Mike Mussina really stick out to me.


Top 3rd: On a minor league budget, where would you take a friend out in Chicago?

A: Probably the ESPN Sports Zone.


Bottom 3rd:...and on a major league budget?

A: Every nightclub in town!


Top 4th: Bears or Bulls?

A: Bears.


Bottom 4th: On Saturday Night Live, was Chris Farley's depiction of the stereotypical Chicago sports fan an accurate one?

A: To a 'T'. People in Chicago are all big sports fans. It is almost like a disease. "Da Bears".


Top 5th: When you are on the road, which takes top piority: a quality bed or close proximity to restaurants?

A: Food!


Bottom 5th: What's your favorite pre-start meal?

A: Schlotzky's Deli's giant sandwiches or Subway's foot-long chicken breast sandwich.


Top 6th: On the bus, do you have a seat to yourself or do you double-up?

A: Shoot, I am the youngest guy every year. I either have to double-up or I'm in the aisle.


Bottom 6th: Clean or messy locker?

A: Clean but very full, it might look messy because of all my stuff.


Top 7th: What kind of manager do you think Ozzie Guillen would be to play for?

A: He is enthusiastic and he will want players playing with their heart, much like he did.


Bottom 7th: What's your favorite musical group?

A: I wouldn't say I would have just one. I like Korn and rap but there are too many one hit wonders in rap...Led Zeppelin is good.


Top 8th: Old Comiskey vs New Comiskey

A: New Comiskey


Bottom 8th: Hawk Harrelson vs Harry Carey

A: Hawk.


Top 9th: Is being a number-one pick all it's cracked up to be?

A: I'd say at first it is, with all the whirlwind that is caught up with it. But after you get in the minor leagues you tend to get teased a lot. If you take it well and go with it nobody seems to bother you.


Bottom 9th: Life on the DL can be challenging. How disappointed are you?

A: I had hoped for a good start, something to put the wheels in motion for the White Sox to figure me into the plans should any need arise for pitching help early in the season. This makes you realize what a moutain it is to climb to get to the bigs.

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Good Interview, I wonder if Frank starts to feel old when kids come on the team and watched him when they we're really young?


The article also got me thinking, if Honel had pitched all year so far, and put up some decent numbers, I wonder if he would have been given a look in the 5th starters spot the way it's going so far?

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The article also got me thinking, if Honel had pitched all year so far, and put up some decent numbers, I wonder if he would have been given a look in the 5th starters spot the way it's going so far?

Most likely. Same goes for Wing if he was healthy and pitching well..

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Bottom 5th: What's your favorite pre-start meal?

A: Schlotzky's Deli's giant sandwiches or Subway's foot-long chicken breast sandwich.


Top 6th: On the bus, do you have a seat to yourself or do you double-up?

A: Shoot, I am the youngest guy every year. I either have to double-up or I'm in the aisle.

Schlotzky's sandwhiches are awesome, as is there pizza (althought the pizza is a little small, it's still damn good).


Also, I love the part about how he had to double-up or sit in the aisle. That just makes me think about my lacrosse team's trips that we took when we made the only freshman on varsity sit in the places that no one wanted to sit. One time he did actually have to sit on a cooler that we had in the isle of the bus for the 3 hour trip. But, once he started bringing his portable DVD player all the seniors wanted him to sit next to them so they could watch, so he started getting pretty good seats. ;) :lol:

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