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Disheartening Article: Magglios GAWN in 05.

Flash Tizzle

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I'm sorry but I disagree with you guys.

1.) I do not want us to sign anyone to a long term contact without some kind of deferments or diminished skills clause... all it would take is one injury next year and we would be looking forward to being a 4th place team.

2.) We could find a decent hitting OF for half the price of what we would pay for Maggs, and we wouldn't have to break up the rest of the team to sign him.

3.) We need to build this team around people who are full of talent and fit into that small ball ozzie ball mindset, Frank Catalanotto comes to mind.


Maggs is a good player and he will be missed, but we just cannot afford to throw that much money at him.

Especially considering the fact that we CAN win without him.

People don't seem to realize that moves like this are the kind of things that doom a team to last place, just look at the Rangers.

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I'm sorry but I disagree with you guys.

1.) I do not want us to sign anyone to a long term contact without some kind of deferments or diminished skills clause... all it would take is one injury next year and we would be looking forward to being a 4th place team.

2.) We could find a decent hitting OF for half the price of what we would pay for Maggs, and we wouldn't have to break up the rest of the team to sign him.

3.) We need to build this team around people who are full of talent and fit into that small ball ozzie ball mindset, Frank Catalanotto comes to mind.


Maggs is a good player and he will be missed, but we just cannot afford to throw that much money at him.

Especially considering the fact that we CAN win without him.

People don't seem to realize that moves like this are the kind of things that doom a team to last place, just look at the Rangers.

I dont think at this point in Maggs' career that he needs a diminished skills clause, nor have injuries been a problem for him up until 2 weeks ago.


One thing I do agree with is that while his departure would leave a hole in the lineup I think that using the cash to get a quality starting picture and a better closer would stand us in good stead in the long run.

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-Telling a guy he needs to go get season tix when he lives in Texas is a stupid comment, nuff said.

actually our attendance problems can be directly attributed to texas sox fans not pulling thier weight. i will post a graph at a future time that shows this correlation.

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I never said I was smarter than you although by dragging this out you're not doing yourself any favors.  Way to put words in my mouth.


-Telling a guy he needs to go get season tix when he lives in Texas is a stupid comment, nuff said.




So tell me, how many games does one have to attend before they are no longer "bulls***" in your eyes?  Making broad and inflammatory generalizations about fans who dont live in Chicago is pretty stupid in my eyes but maybe with your level of education you're just catching something that my lesser educated self overlooked.

Way to put words in your mouth, well if I am a dumbass and you claim your not smarter than me, what does that make you? This is personal now. You made it that way not me.


As far as Tex is concerned it looks like that is settled. maybe your response should have been "Quickman you may not know it but Tex lives in texas and cannot make it to game" but no you called me a dumbass. But that is OK, because you obviously think I am a dumbass.


Quite frankly I am tired of all the bulls*** from people who don't go to games. Yet they rant and rave about attendance being low and payroll being low. Put up the cash and go. Go on nights when its not half price night. make the attendance better by investing in the team. Otherwise your just ranting and b****ing. That was my point, but I am a dumbass so it may take me longer to get that across. Maybe your not smarter than me. Maybe your as smart as I am which would make you a dumbass.



I understand the other message as well, as I type fast and mis spell.

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I dont think at this point in Maggs' career that he needs a diminished skills clause, nor have injuries been a problem for him up until 2 weeks ago.

Would you buy a new house without getting some kind of insurance?

No lets say that a year into your Morgage your house burns down.

Your stuck paying all that money without any hope of getting it back.


It's stupid to not expect him to sign a diminished skills clause. GM's who don't are stupid and it's why they are not sucessful {Or their the Yankees... :D }.

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Way to put words in your mouth, well if I am a dumbass and you claim your not smarter than me, what does that make you? This is personal now. You made it that way not me.


As far as Tex is concerned it looks like that is settled. maybe your response should have been "Quickman you may not know it but Tex lives in texas and cannot make it to game" but no you called me a dumbass. But that is OK, because you obviously think I am a dumbass.


Quite frankly I am tired of all the bulls*** from people who don't go to games. Yet they rant and rave about attendance being low and payroll being low. Put up the cash and go. Go on nights when its not half price night. make the attendance better by investing in the team. Otherwise your just ranting and b****ing. That was my point, but I am a dumbass so it may take me longer to get that across. Maybe your not smarter than me. Maybe your as smart as I am which would make you a dumbass.



I understand the other message as well, as I type fast and mis spell.

You know, you're right. After reading the post I'm quoting here I no longer think of you as a dumbass. Now I consider you to be a thin skinned whiny little b****. I have to laugh at someone who'd get all wrapped around the axle about what gets said on a message board. What you just wrote because reminds me of a little school girl whining because someone was calling her names.




For you to lump people who live in Chicago and dont go to games in with people who live hundreds ( if not thousands ) of miles away and say they shouldn't have a voice because they CAN'T make it to the ballpark is wrongheaded to say the least. I dont think you're gonna find a whole lot of support for that viewpoint.

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Would you buy a new house without getting some kind of insurance?

No lets say that a year into your Morgage your house burns down.

Your stuck paying all that money without any hope of getting it back.


It's stupid to not expect him to sign a diminished skills clause. GM's who don't are stupid and it's why they are not sucessful {Or their the Yankees...  :D }.

There's always some risk inherent in paying a player millions of dollars but it's not all that great IMHO.


LOL at the spankee comment. It's pretty hard to not succeed when you have more money than god at your disposal but the Spanks make it look easy.

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It's true, lots of people complain about not signing player x or player y and then choose to spend their discretionary income elsewhere.


It's not just this ownership group, though many here aren't old enough to remember others. Allyn was notoriously cheap (frugal?) and so was the much beloved Bill Veeck. Veeck always cried poor but made millions with every franchise he ever sold, including carpetbagging the St. Louis Browns to Baltimore.


White Sox ownership has ALWAYS run this franchise like a business. I suspect they don't care about making money, they just don't want to lose money. I will eat crow on Colon, I thought they should re-sign him but they didn't and at the money he's making vs. the results he's getting, it was a prudent business move.


If you can't make it to the games or can't spend the $$, that's cool, you are still entitled to your opinion. But I admit to having the opinion that your viewpoint carries a little less weight vs. a season ticket holder. I am a season ticket holder so maybe I feel like I'm entitled to voice my opinion to the White Sox more (and stronger) ... I may be wrong on that but that's how I feel.


It is also true that some of the guys on this board b**** just to b****. It's your right to do so. Those of us who don't have the right to call you out about it.


No biggie.


I think this ownership group should focus on THIS year right now, an opportunity is there. We should look to add players at the least possible cost of prospects, because a team like the White Sox who can't or won't run out and buy high ticket free agents has to keep their eye on the future.

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You know, you're right.  After reading the post I'm quoting here I no longer think of you as a dumbass.  Now I consider you to be a thin skinned whiny little b****.  I have to laugh at someone who'd get all wrapped around the axle about what gets said on a message board.  What you just wrote because reminds me of a little school girl whining because someone was calling her names.




For you to lump people who live in Chicago and dont go to games in with people who live hundreds ( if not thousands ) of miles away and say they shouldn't have a voice because they CAN'T make it to the ballpark is wrongheaded to say the least.  I dont think you're gonna find a whole lot of support for that viewpoint.

Again you made it personal. Not me. You should have never been involved in the conversation to begin with. The post was not to you. Not many others are jumping in here, because it does not concern them. I think tex is smart enough to answer for himself. he doesn't need you. Nor would your comments of me being a dumb ass warrant any other response than what I gave you. if you are personally attacked you defend yourself. You made this into a personal thing.


I think for the good of the board that we end this now. You can hate me and I can hate you. how about you not respond to my posts and I will do the same for you. Sound ok to you? Sound like a whining little girl? or a dumbass?

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There's always some risk inherent in paying a player millions of dollars but it's not all that great IMHO.

Even if it's a remote chance it's not one that I would want to take.

Besides i'd much rather have a solid RF, solid #3 starter, and a real closer with that money....

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It's true, lots of people complain about not signing player x or player y and then choose to spend their discretionary income elsewhere.


It's not just this ownership group, though many here aren't old enough to remember others.  Allyn was notoriously cheap (frugal?) and so was the much beloved Bill Veeck.  Veeck always cried poor but made millions with every franchise he ever sold, including carpetbagging the St. Louis Browns to Baltimore.


White Sox ownership has ALWAYS run this franchise like a business.  I suspect they don't care about making money, they just don't want to lose money.  I will eat crow on Colon, I thought they should re-sign him but they didn't and at the money he's making vs. the results he's getting, it was a prudent business move.


If you can't make it to the games or can't spend the $$, that's cool, you are still entitled to your opinion.  But I admit to having the opinion that your viewpoint carries a little less weight vs. a season ticket holder.  I am a season ticket holder so maybe I feel like I'm entitled to voice my opinion to the White Sox more (and stronger) ... I may be wrong on that but that's how I feel.


It is also true that some of the guys on this board b**** just to b****.  It's your right to do so.  Those of us who don't have the right to call you out about it.


No biggie.


I think this ownership group should focus on THIS year right now, an opportunity is there.  We should look to add players at the least possible cost of prospects, because a team like the White Sox who can't or won't run out and buy high ticket free agents has to keep their eye on the future.

Heading to the game, sure you can't go. i have an extra

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Again you made it personal. Not me. You should have never been involved in the conversation to begin with. The post was not to you. Not many others are jumping in here, because it does not concern them. I think tex is smart enough to answer for himself. he doesn't need you. Nor would your comments of me being a dumb ass warrant any other response than what I gave you. if you are personally attacked you defend yourself. You made this into a personal thing.


I think for the good of the board that we end this now. You can hate me and I can hate you. how about you not respond to my posts and I will do the same for you. Sound ok to you? Sound like a whining little girl? or a dumbass?

Last time. You said something stupid and I called you out & then you got all wrapped around the axle about it. Whatever, I dont care.


That being said that was the first thing you've said that made any kind of sense so I'll go with it.

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Quick and Nuke, if I have to close a thread about the teams "best player" leaving I'm going to be pissed.


Just let it go.

I think we agreed to do that. during the last part of this thread. I am sorry I dishonored the board. it was not my intention.


I will not post here anymore. If you don't mind I will look in to get information.

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I think we agreed to do that. during the last part of this thread. I am sorry I dishonored the board. it was not my intention.


I will not post here anymore. If you don't mind I will  look in to get information.

No need to leave...everyone has seen worse here. Don't worry about it. You have no need to leave.

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I think we agreed to do that. during the last part of this thread. I am sorry I dishonored the board. it was not my intention.


I will not post here anymore. If you don't mind I will  look in to get information.

The fighting doesn't bother me at all, when I get messages from other posters who don't want to see it then I have to step in.


I'm not trying to be a dick and say that you have to go, or you've ruined the board.

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but If I am running a team that brings in 17,000 a game I am not spending either for the sake of the bulls*** people on this board that make it to 7 games a year.

Fact A. I have purchased as gifts or donations 50 tickets so far this season. My parents have purchased many more for our business. If the Sox hadn't been so unprofessional when a drunk fan who had gotten our seats at a charity event caused a problem we would still have 4.


Who cares about out of town fans? Look to the north. How much of a fan base did the Cubs build from out of towners who all visit Wrigley on their vacation. But I'm certain with your two degrees you're smarter than that.


You will be happy with a second place finish and a profit. Oh please JR don't win a division if it means losing money. We only want players who are "worth it".


So you can choose profits over victories and rate players not on if they will improve the team, but will they be a bargain and play better than others with the same salary. Keep cheering JR and the shareholders over a winning product on the field. Keep disrepecting our soldiers with "cutting grass" references and somehow feeling superior. But we know our nation needs soldiers like Nuke before assholes like you.

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