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Ron Reagan


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I heard from a source that when Ronald Reagan was in office, he TRIPLED the national debt.. Maybe one of the Soxtalk political analysists could verify this for me?  :huh



and what was true was that was an unheard of, recordsetting national debt and Reagan promised Reagonomics would eliminate the much small debt he started with.


but it gets beter! Reagan's vice president becomes president and increases the national debt even more!



Then damn it that horny little Clinton boy got in there and turned those deficits to surpluses in record time when no one even thought it could be done



but by cracky the Reagan Bushies got in again and now the national debt is approaching 500 trillion



you see, we are where the USSR was in the mid 1980s - massively overspending and running astronomical deficits while engaged in war in Afghanistan and we being Americans add the bonus of war in Iraq - the bankruptcy that took down the USSR is soon to hit the US... un'ess we make a change and get those financially irresponsible and wastral reagan bushes out, and now.


once upon a time there were fiscally responsible republicans. But they are all dead now. Ev Dirksen, come back! come back Ev Dirksen!

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and what was true was that was an unheard of, recordsetting national debt and Reagan promised Reagonomics would eliminate the much small debt he started with.


but it gets beter!  Reagan's vice president becomes president and increases the national debt even more!



Then damn it that horny little Clinton boiy got in there and turned those deficits to surpluses in record time when no one even thought it could be done



but by cracky the Reagan Bushies got in again and now the national debt is approaching 500 trillion



you see, we are where the USSR was in the mid 1980s - massively overspending and running astronomical deficits while engaged in war in Afghanistan and we being Americans add the bonus of war in Iraq - the bankruptcy that took down the USSR is soon to hit the US... un'ess we make a change and get those financially irresponsible and wastral reagan bushes out, and now.


once upon a time there were fiscally responsible republicans.  But they are all dead now.  Ev Dirksen, come back!  come back Ev Dirksen!

God Bless America

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I heard from a source that when Ronald Reagan was in office, he TRIPLED the national debt.. Maybe one of the Soxtalk political analysists could verify this for me?  :huh

First, you have to be related to cdub because he's following every one of your little jabs at "conservatives" blessing every damn thing you have to say, and quite frankly it's nauseating.


Civics lesson #1:


Who writes the laws, and passes the budgets? The House of Representatives (Congress!!!)


Kind of ironic how CONGRESS votes all that stuff in the 1980s and THEY were the ones originating the bills, and then Glory Boy Clinton gets all the credit for narrowing the deficit, when a REPUBLICAN congress orgininated all the bills that balanced the budget.


Think before you just bless everything you hear.


BTW, it's not to say that everything Reagan was good. I'm glad the political shanigans we watched this week are over. But still, there is a lot of hatred going on around here.


I think I'm done with SLAP for a while. Too much self-serving ass kissing going on around here.



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Reagan wanted an escalaton of the military and rightfully has been called the Patron Saint of the Military. Congress did not want to cut other programs to fund the military build up. So they compromised and did both. They also increased taxes in 1982 or 1983 to try and pay for all this.


Interesting that conservatives give Reagan credit for the economic turn around and not the Dems. As was just pointed out ultimately the Dems approved the budget.


I believe their is an economy of Presidential personality. People save for a rainy day, generally when their are clouds. They spend when times look good. Reagan's personality was a ray of sunshine after a long time of uncertainty. Clinton's personality turbo charged the publis as well.


Politicians can reference "leading economic indicators" all they want but the public knows how they feel in their gut and that's what drives spending, investment in expansion, and saving.

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I don't know much, I am just making observations from what I hear on the radio and other sources. It seemed everyone was saying he was one of the greatest presidents ever; I'm not sure if I agree with that or not but I'm trying to get all the information I can about the situation before I make my own judgements. Sorry.

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