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Jerry Manuel


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I agree with everyone that JM tends to tinker excessively. He needs to stay with his players and TRUST them to do their job. Trust is a very important thing for a manager. Look at Scisocia, he aint firey like Pinella, he TRUSTS his players and encourages them. JM isnt necessarily a bad manager, and im sure he wants to win badly, but i dont necessarily agree with his coaching techniques neither.

Best wishes to JM and the Sox.

Imagine him winning manager of the year :lol: :lol:

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Great points by Baggs, especially "i hoipe he figures it out this year."

I wonder how long we'll stick with him if we fall 8 games behind Minn by mid May or something stupid like that.

We need to win the division. Too many good teams with money to bank on the wildcard any more.

And if we fire JM, who replaces him? We don't have very good candidates on the bench now.

thanks greg


we have 2 good candidates in the system...nick leyva, who mangaed the phillies i nthe early 90's has been in our system for quite a while..he managed the puetro rican champion winterball team this year that had jose valentin and harris on it...


the other is ex-met 2nd baseman wally backman...who has been honing his craft in our minor league systems and has been picked by a few minor league baseball pubs as a guy that should get a MLB job soon..

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IMO, Scisocia should be the role model for all managers(call me biased since i like the angels too). If you've seen this guy coach, you'll see wut I mean. As I've stated, he really TRUSTS his players. The Angels were HORRIBLE in April, Sciosia was patient, stayed with them, and who woulda thought the Angels would win it all. Say what you will about Torre and Pinella, but Scisocia is the best in the game right now. Im really happy for him that all his hard work payed off. :headbang Now JM needs to watch how that man coaches

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CW, I agree with everything you said, EXCEPT, that Pineilla didn't have anything to do with the 116 wins in 2001. If you'll remember, that team had just lost A-Rod, nobody knew too much about Ichiro, and Bret Boone came back from the dead and had a fabulous year. Besides Edgar and Olerud, they're best offensive player was Cameron! He had Carlos Guillen at SS, David Bell at third, Dan Wilson at catcher, and a total platoon in left field. He had a good pitching staff, but he worked it very well. Having watched almost all of their games that year, I think he did a fabulous job.



Having said that, I don't think he'll make much of a difference in Tampa Bay.

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CW, I agree with everything you said, EXCEPT, that Pineilla didn't have anything to do with the 116 wins in 2001.  If you'll remember, that team had just lost A-Rod, nobody knew too much about Ichiro, and Bret Boone came back from the dead and had a fabulous year. Besides Edgar and Olerud, they're best offensive player was Cameron!  He had Carlos Guillen at SS, David Bell at third, Dan Wilson at catcher, and a total platoon in left field. He had a good pitching staff, but he worked it very well.  Having watched almost all of their games that year, I think he did a fabulous job.



  Having said that, I don't think he'll make much of a difference in Tampa Bay.

nobody could say manuel wasnt patient enough with clayton or lee :lol: ..why he was so quick to dismiss foulke when he accomplished more in his little pinky then those guys put together is beyond me...i thin kthat one came from above...


i think for jerry to really get the respect of his players he will have to stand to KW next time KW makes a move he disagrees with...players need to see thats its manuel and not KW that run this team

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CW, I agree with everything you said, EXCEPT, that Pineilla didn't have anything to do with the 116 wins in 2001.  If you'll remember, that team had just lost A-Rod, nobody knew too much about Ichiro, and Bret Boone came back from the dead and had a fabulous year. Besides Edgar and Olerud, they're best offensive player was Cameron!  He had Carlos Guillen at SS, David Bell at third, Dan Wilson at catcher, and a total platoon in left field.   He had a good pitching staff, but he worked it very well.  Having watched almost all of their games that year, I think he did a fabulous job.



    Having said that, I don't think he'll make much of a difference in Tampa Bay.

nobody could say manuel wasnt patient enough with clayton or lee :lol: ..why he was so quick to dismiss foulke when he accomplished more in his little pinky then those guys put together is beyond me...i thin kthat one came from above...


i think for jerry to really get the respect of his players he will have to stand to KW next time KW makes a move he disagrees with...players need to see thats its manuel and not KW that run this team

Baggs you know what's ironic about him being patient with Lee and Clayton but NOT Foulke?


Clayton and Lee are both KW boys.....Foulke is obviously not(considering he is in Oakland now).


Yet again...HSC is right(IMO anyways)....corg has also said that before

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All this information about how the head office has screwed up and is to blame.  

And how the players have let us down, year after year.  

     So much blame for our disappointment.  So much hope for our pitching staff-etc.

Yet I am waiting to read --  How do the fans evaluate the field manager?

     Please tell me why there is so little attention and apathy to the man given the challenge to produce a winner.


     In 5 years the Sox are 16 games over .500      ( 19 ) regular season.

 Manuel came in to a line-up with:  


                              Frank Thomas    In his prime

                              Robin Ventura

                              Albert Belle

                              Harold Baines

                              Ray Durham

                              et cetera            so sad


    And what have we to show for it?---- 2 losing seasons, 2 over .500 seasons, and

                                                         and 1 break even year.


    I'm not critizing, but is that the best he can do?  Is that OK with you?

I am not saying that JM is the best manager, but I am also not saying he is the worst. The past 3 seasons Manuel has done pretty good, especially in 2000. I think he is a pretty good manager and I would hate to see him go. If we got a new manager, he could be infected with DonBayloritis, in which everyone thinks you will be a savior, and then you suck :P !

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