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As I recall, Jordan only wanted to play for Phil Jackson. With Phil gone he had Chicago, didn't he?


I mean, please correct me if I'm wrong, I'm just going off recollection.


Its amazing how a player can turn fans against a franchise.

Dude, how old are u? Mj did say he would play for no other coach but, Phil. And when the Bulls let Phil go he retired from the Bulls. It didn't neccessarily mean he would play for no other coach PERIOD. And Mj turned on the franchise? How do u figure that? The entire city of Chicago owes Mj. The Bears haven't done s*** since 85, The Cubs and Sox? I don't even have to get into those 2. The Blackhawks? Another Joke. The Bulls were the only team this city has had that they could be proud of in the last, I don't know 30 plus years.

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Dude,  how old are u?  Mj did say he would play for no other coach but,  Phil.  And when the Bulls let Phil go he retired from the Bulls.  It didn't neccessarily mean he would play for no other coach PERIOD.  And Mj turned on the franchise?  How do u figure that?  The entire city of Chicago owes Mj.  The Bears haven't done s*** since 85,  The Cubs and Sox?  I don't even have to get into those 2.  The Blackhawks?  Another Joke.  The Bulls were the only team this city has had that they could be proud of in the last, I don't know 30 plus years.

Don't get me wrong, Jordam was such an amazing player, but he turned the entire city against Krause and would be partly responsible for us sucking so bad since he left. HE broke up the dynasty and made it the popular opionon for Free agents NOT to play in Chicago. He had to get out of basketball so badly to spend time with his family. SO BADLY that he continues to play basketball within a few months, becomes joins the Wizards Franchise, and then even plays for the Wizards. He was a control freak that needed every excuse he could to get out of Chicago, because the Jerry's smartly didn't give him the control he desired (and when he did get that control in Washington, he blew it terribly). Don't quote me on this, but IIRC, Reinsdorf did offer Jordan a position of upper management with the Bulls but Jordan wanted and demanded more. Even though we were not such a great Franchise without Jordan, I don't think we would have been much better with him. The Wiz realized he wasn't getting their franchise anywhere and was, in fact, HOLDING back the young players (the opposite of his plan) so they showed him the door.


MJ was the best player ever to step on a basketball court, but people think he is God and caonnot do wrong. Being the greatest player ever does not mean he will be a great GM, coach, scout, etc. Two separate entities.

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Don't get me wrong, Jordam was such an amazing player, but he turned the entire city against Krause and would be partly responsible for us sucking so bad since he left. HE broke up the dynasty and made it the popular opionon for Free agents NOT to play in Chicago. He had to get out of basketball so badly to spend time with his family. SO BADLY that he continues to play basketball within a few months, becomes joins the Wizards Franchise, and then even plays for the Wizards. He was a control freak that needed every excuse he could to get out of Chicago, because the Jerry's smartly didn't give him the control he desired (and when he did get that control in Washington, he blew it terribly). Don't quote me on this, but IIRC, Reinsdorf did offer Jordan a position of upper management with the Bulls but Jordan wanted and demanded more. Even though we were not such a great Franchise without Jordan, I don't think we would have been much better with him. The Wiz realized he wasn't getting their franchise anywhere and was, in fact, HOLDING back the young players (the opposite of his plan) so they showed him the door.


MJ was the best player ever to step on a basketball court, but people think he is God and caonnot do wrong. Being the greatest player ever does not mean he will be a great GM, coach, scout, etc. Two separate entities.

Mj turned the city against, Krause? Mj broke up the Bulls? What are u smokin? Krause is the single reason that team was broken up. Scottie hated him. Phil hated him, and Michael hated him. He couldn't handle the fact that Michael, Scottie and Phil got credit for the titles won while he got little to no credit. Mj made it unpopular for free agents to come to Chicago? Would you want to go to a team as bad as the Bulls? How can you blame him for that? Mj left basketball in 98 because Phil and Scottie weren't brought back. Michael has gone on record saying atleast 100 times that if the team had been brought back he would have come back. Now as far as the Wizards go..I COULD CARE LESS. Why would anybody in Chicago give a damn about the, WIZARDS? They weren't s*** before Mj got there. They weren't that great while he played. But atleast they were competitive. Mj made them million on top of millions. You say they fired mj cause he was holding their young guys back? What was their record in 2004? 24-58? Doesn't look like he was holding anybody back. Looks like they just SUCK.

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Mj turned the city against, Krause? Mj broke up the Bulls? What are u smokin?


Yes, Yes, Nothing.


Krause is the single reason that team was broken up.


If MJ came back without Phil or Pippen, the team wouldn't have been broken up. That reason right there gives Jordan at least SOME responsibility for the breakup, so it is naive to say that is was solely Krause.



Scottie hated him. Phil hated him, and Michael hated him.


Though luck. Could you enlighten me as to why the hated him? Because he didn't dow down and grant them their every wish? Being the GM, Krause had the right over Jordan to do as he wished. Jordan was hird to play Basketball, not run the show for the entire franchise.


He couldn't handle the fact that Michael, Scottie and Phil got credit for the titles won while he got little to no credit.


Players play the games and they should obviously get most of the credit. However, Krause built Jordan two separate champonship teams. Jordan was great but his cast made it possible for the championships. Jordan deserves a ton of credit, but he could have been in a tmac situation as the lone star of a team. Think the Bulls would have won all their championships with Olden Polynice instead of Pippen?


Mj made it unpopular for free agents to come to Chicago? Would you want to go to a team as bad as the Bulls? How can you blame him for that?


Yes, he did. The Bulls were so bad because Jordan had to leave if his every specific coaching and team need. He hated Krause so bad that he pulled the whole ship down with him. End of franchise. Badmouthing ownership and Krause wouldn't encourage any FA's to come play here either. Jordan puts in the good word for Krause and we might have Tmac playing for us now. Remember?


Mj left basketball in 98 because Phil and Scottie weren't brought back. Michael has gone on record saying atleast 100 times that if the team had been brought back he would have come back.


So what? Phil and Scottie weren't going to come back, so why not be a professional. Did Jordan need Phil and Scottie to win? Apparently so after watching the Wizards debocle. Maybe he could have been a professional and play with the cards dealt. Just because a player or coach leaves doesn't mean a player should as well.


Now as far as the Wizards go..I COULD CARE LESS. Why would anybody in Chicago give a damn about the, WIZARDS?


You care less because Jordan couldn't win on the Wizards. If they even made the playoffs it would have been a different story. That example is showing that MJ can't do it alone. People would care because Jordan is a fan favorite in Chicago and helped win 6 rings for the city.


They weren't s*** before Mj got there.


Jordan was responsible for Basketball operations before he played there. So whose fault was that if they sucked? His obviously. He can't build a team. That's why Krause wouldn't trust him to run the Bulls, because he simply can't bulid a team, what he tried to do in Washington.


They weren't that great while he played. But atleast they were competitive. Mj made them million on top of millions. You say they fired mj cause he was holding their young guys back? What was their record in 2004? 24-58? Doesn't look like he was holding anybody back. Looks like they just SUCK.


What does that tell you? He coudn't do what he set out to do: improve the young players while being competitive and making a run at the playoffs. He failed.

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Yes, Yes, Nothing.




If MJ came back without Phil or Pippen, the team wouldn't have been broken up. That reason right there gives Jordan at least SOME responsibility for the breakup, so it is naive to say that is was solely Krause.





Though luck. Could you enlighten me as to why the hated him? Because he didn't dow down and grant them their every wish? Being the GM, Krause had the right over Jordan to do as he wished. Jordan was hird to play Basketball, not run the show for the entire franchise.




Players play the games and they should obviously get most of the credit. However, Krause built Jordan two separate champonship teams. Jordan was great but his cast made it possible for the championships. Jordan deserves a ton of credit, but he could have been in a tmac situation as the lone star of a team. Think the Bulls would have won all their championships with Olden Polynice instead of Pippen?




Yes, he did. The Bulls were so bad because Jordan had to leave if his every specific coaching and team need. He hated Krause so bad that he pulled the whole ship down with him. End of franchise. Badmouthing ownership and Krause wouldn't encourage any FA's to come play here either. Jordan puts in the good word for Krause and we might have Tmac playing for us now. Remember?




So what? Phil and Scottie weren't going to come back, so why not be a professional. Did Jordan need Phil and Scottie to win? Apparently so after watching the Wizards debocle. Maybe he could have been a professional and play with the cards dealt. Just because a player or coach leaves doesn't mean a player should as well.




You care less because Jordan couldn't win on the Wizards. If they even made the playoffs it would have been a different story. That example is showing that MJ can't do it alone. People would care because Jordan is a fan favorite in Chicago and helped win 6 rings for the city.




Jordan was responsible for Basketball operations before he played there. So whose fault was that if they sucked? His obviously. He can't build a team. That's why Krause wouldn't trust him to run the Bulls, because he simply can't bulid a team, what he tried to do in Washington.




What does that tell you? He coudn't do what he set out to do: improve the young players while being competitive and making a run at the playoffs. He failed.

I'm not even gonna respond to all that. Can't you make a point without typing an essay? I'm not respondin to all those quotes. I'll just say you're wrong on every account.

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