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It's still highly unlikely that this would ever happen, but Guillen is really thinking aobut it now......


Tough choice, and DH is not an option

Konerko or Thomas may sit in NL parks

By Dave van Dyck

Special to the Tribune


White Sox manager Ozzie Guillen has a major decision to make before handing in his lineup card against the Atlanta Braves on Sunday: Does he go for offense or defense for the upcoming series in Florida?


If he chooses offense, Paul Konerko will be the third baseman and Frank Thomas the first baseman in the series finale. They are 1-2 on the team in both home runs and RBIs.


Because there is no DH, either one of them plays first base against the Marlins or both play at different positions. And Guillen has indicated that Konerko will not play third base in Florida unless he gets an on-the-job refresher course Sunday.


While he has not made the final decision, Guillen is keeping with his initial "doubt" that Konerko will play third for the first time in years. This is an important choice because of the amount of offense being lost by benching either one, and it could come back to haunt Guillen.


"I don't want to take a chance," he said. "We would have Frank and Konerko at the corners and we're going to play two teams (Florida and Atlanta) who like to bunt a lot."


Left unsaid was that neither is a great fielder and neither is very fast, so they could get bunted to death. Who plays at first in Florida will be a tough decision, because each is swinging a hot bat.


"Frank played with me for so many years," Guillen said. "He's not a Gold Glove, but he will make the plays."


Thomas was at first base Saturday for the first time this season and Konerko was the DH.


"I don't mind DHing here and there," Konerko said. "I'd rather play the field. DH is tough, because you're not in the flow of the game."

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I totally forgot about the no DH thing in NL parks. That's a tough call if I ever heard one.


I know Thomas is marginally better offensively but he's a total butcher in the field.


I think that you have to go with the hotter hand and go with Thomas though if it came down to it.

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Crede is starting to pick it up now and PK doesn't need to be anywhere NEAR the hot corner.  Best to sit him if necessary.  I hate sitting PK as much as the next guy but I dont see any choice as hot as Thomas has been.

Actually in the last week crede's batting average has gone down.

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Crede is starting to pick it up now and PK doesn't need to be anywhere NEAR the hot corner.  Best to sit him if necessary.  I hate sitting PK as much as the next guy but I dont see any choice as hot as Thomas has been.

4-for-26 over the last 7 games isn't picking it up. 2 of those hits have been downright terrible swings. One was a 9th inning HR in a Blowout loss -- Thanks for the help JC.


Everyone's expectations for Crede have been lowered. People around here practically wet themselves when he actually makes contact. If Jose Valentin put together a few months like JC has he would have been run out of town already.

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If Guillen wants to get an idea of what having both Thomas and Konerko in the field would be like, he can test the idea during tomorrow's game. Crede has two hits on Saturday, but he doesn't look comfortable at the plate right now. Both Frank and Paulie are swinging the bat well, so it makes sense to do whatever is necessary to keep both of them in the lineup. The bunts may just be something the Sox have to live with for a few games.

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I totally forgot about the no DH thing in NL parks.  That's a tough call if I ever heard one. 


I know Thomas is marginally better offensively but he's a total butcher in the field. 


I think that you have to go with the hotter hand and go with Thomas though if it came down to it.

Not true. That's a misconception.

Frank has a weak throwing arm, but has soft hands, is decent at scooping throws in the dirt and is more nimble around the bag than he is given credit for.

He's not a Gold Glove 1B, but he is also no butcher.

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If Guillen wants to get an idea of what having both Thomas and Konerko in the field would be like, he can test the idea during tomorrow's game. Crede has two hits on Saturday, but he doesn't look comfortable at the plate right now. Both Frank and Paulie are swinging the bat well, so it makes sense to do whatever is necessary to keep both of them in the lineup. The bunts may just be something the Sox have to live with for a few games.

Why would Ozzie risk that move if he didn't have to. I can see it in a blowout game, but if he makes that call today in the starting line up and it costs us the game, you can bet we will lose the division by one game.

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Don't forget how important a stud pinch hitter is without the DH. Who ever doesn't start is still likely to get a key at bat. I'd go mostly with Konerko so you don't have to save Gload for late inning defense. But Frank would be handy to double switch for with a late lead (you just can't leave him in if there is a possibility of a throw home).


It's gonna be fun!

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