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My apology to the Arab world

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My apology to the Arab world

Mike S. Adams



June 14, 2004



Author’s Note: the following editorial contains mildly offensive language. Given the subject matter, the author is sorry that it does not contain highly offensive language.


Lately, I’ve been hearing a lot about the Iraqi prisoner abuse scandal. The pictures of those “abused” prisoners have been plastered all over the front pages of papers around the country. Some of my conservative friends have interpreted the excessive coverage as proof that papers like the New York Times are actually rooting against America in its current war on terror. Even those who aren’t willing to go that far say that such coverage is helping the enemy to recruit a new generation of terrorists to inflict harm upon our troops.


Despite these views, I have decided to make a formal public apology to the entire Arab world in the aftermath of Abu Ghraib. It is my hope that the following apology will help bring some clarity to the situation and, who knows, maybe even lasting world peace:


Dear Arabs,


I am truly sorry that Americans decided to take up arms and sacrifice their own youth in the defense of Muslims in Bosnia, Kosovo, and the first Gulf War. After we clear up this mess in Iraq, we will refrain from any such activity in the future.


I am truly sorry that I did not hear any of you call for an apology from Muslim extremists after 911. After all, the hijackers were all Arabs.


I am truly sorry that Arabs have to live in squalor under savage dictatorships throughout the Middle East. I am also sorry that the “leaders” of these nations drive their citizens into poverty by keeping all of the wealth in the hands of a select few.


I am also sorry that these governments intentionally breed hate for the U.S. in their religious schools while American schools do the exact opposite.


I am sorry that Yasir Arafat has been kicked out of every Arab country and has attached his name to the Palestinian “cause.” I am also sorry that no other Arab country will offer nearly as much support to Arafat as we offer to them.


I am sorry that the U.S. has continued to serve as the biggest financial supporter of poverty stricken Arab nations while wealthy Arab leaders blame the U.S. for all of their problems.


I am sorry that left-wing media elites would Rather (pun intended) not talk about any of this, thereby perpetuating your anger towards us. It’s probably really bad for your blood pressure. I am also sorry that most of you lack the medical resources to measure your blood pressure. And, of course, I’m sorry that few of you have indoor plumbing. That’s bad for your health, too.


I am sorry that the U.N. cheated so many poor people in Iraq out of their “food for oil” money so they could get rich while the tortured, raped, and poverty-stricken citizens of Iraq suffered under Saddam Hussein.


I am sorry that some Arab governments pay the families of homicide bombers after their children are blown to pieces in pursuit of Arafat’s “cause.”


I am sorry that these homicide bombers have as little regard for babies as the local office of Planned Parenthood.


I am sorry that so many people are unable to differentiate between the gang rape rooms and mass graves of Saddam Hussein on the one hand, and the conditions of Abu Ghraib on the other.


I am sorry that our prison guards do not show the same restraint that Arabs show when their brothers in arms are killed. By the way, you shouldn’t be sorry about that.


I am sorry that foreign trained terrorists are trying to seize control of Iraq and return it to a terrorist state. I am sorry we have not yet dropped at least 100 Daisy cutters on Fallujah in order to stop that effort.


I am also sorry that cleaning up the mess in Iraq is taking so long. It only took Saddam Hussein about 30 years to accomplish all he did in the realm of human rights. Come to think of it, that’s about ten years less than the duration of our War on Poverty in the U.S. Come to think of it, I’m sorry we haven’t sent all of our gang bangers from South Central Los Angeles to Fallujah.


I am sorry that every time the terrorists hide, it just happens to be inside a “Holy Site.”


I am sorry that Muslim extremists have not yet apologized for the U.S.S.

Cole, the embassy bombings, and for flying a plane into the World Trade Center, which collapsed in part on Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, which is one of our Holy Sites.


I am sorry that we have not taken a portion of the diet of Michael Moore and shipped it to one of your starving villages in the Middle East. You need it Moore (pun intended) than he does.


I am sorry that your only supporters are professors, journalists, and other assorted Leftists who also support homosexuals, bisexuals, transsexuals, partial birth abortion, and everything that you abhor in this world. I am sorry that everyone else in America is against you.


Finally, I am sorry that I am going to have to end this apology by asking you to kiss the right side of my conservative butt. I’m probably just having a bad day.


For that I am truly sorry.

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I love it when assholes think they are funny.


As a moderate I agree and disagree with certain points.


First of all there is no excuse for the actions of our prison gaurds. I don't care if terrorists blow up Washington D.C. We still must take the higher moral ground and represent this country in the best way possible. I am sure arab people thought very highly of america when they saw their brothers tied together naked. It was simply one of the most disgraceful moments in the last century of American history.


Secondly this guy loves to stereotype.


I am truly sorry that I did not hear any of you call for an apology from Muslim extremists after 911. After all, the hijackers were all Arabs.


Disgusting...simply disgusting. I live 20 minutes from NYC. Standing on my street I could see the plume of smoke. I Also saw the palestinian children celebrating, I heard about the palestinians celebrating in Liberty State Park who were deported soon after. Are those people wrong? They are certainly terribly misguided. So how do we fix their wrongs? How do we win over people in that region? I don't have all the answers but I know making sarcastic remarks and terrible generalizations won't do the trick.


I am sorry that Muslim extremists have not yet apologized for the U.S.S.

Cole, the embassy bombings, and for flying a plane into the World Trade Center, which collapsed in part on Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, which is one of our Holy Sites.


I actually seem to remember quite a few muslim leaders coming out and denouncing the attacks.


I am sorry that the U.S. has continued to serve as the biggest financial supporter of poverty stricken Arab nations while wealthy Arab leaders blame the U.S. for all of their problems.


This guy should read the book "The Ugly American" I read it in my history class this year, and I am astonished at how history repeats.


I am sorry that foreign trained terrorists are trying to seize control of Iraq and return it to a terrorist state. I am sorry we have not yet dropped at least 100 Daisy cutters on Fallujah in order to stop that effort.


This is when I realized this guy is totally inane and shouldn't even be allowed to speak his mind. People can be so stupid. Anyone who suggests that we should start freely bombing cities should die in the terror attacks that would follow a campaign like that. What a f***ing moron, does he want peace? Or does he want his fellow americans killed.


This guy probably loves the fact that the Twin Towers were destroyed. Now he has a bloody towel to wave at the Arabs. Well this guy can go f*** himself, because he is part of the reason terror attacks will continue.

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First if you're a moderate why do you only list the points you disagree with?? I mean you call the guy an asshole and then say you agree and disagree with some things, but you only state the things you disagree with. You're learning from media well...



Second if you're a moderate you come off pretty liberal with this "This is when I realized this guy is totally inane and shouldn't even be allowed to speak his mind."


That's perfect leftist speak...Everyone that doesn't think like me shouldn't be allowed to speak.


and finally you come with this ridiculous accusation and let your rage show through "This guy probably loves the fact that the Twin Towers were destroyed. Now he has a bloody towel to wave at the Arabs. Well this guy can go f*** himself, because he is part of the reason terror attacks will continue. "


Maybe you should turn some of that anger towards our enemies....You DO know who who they are...right???

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from 1549:


I actually seem to remember quite a few muslim leaders coming out and denouncing the attacks.


I don't have all the answers but I know making sarcastic remarks and terrible generalizations won't do the trick.


This guy should read the book "The Ugly American" I read it in my history class this year, and I am astonished at how history repeats.


:headbang :headbang :usa :usa :headbang :headbang :usa :usa :cheers


and in the face of insuts such as you have received above: my friend, hang in there; take it for what it is worth. :snr

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First if you're a moderate why do you only list the points you disagree with?? I mean you call the guy an asshole and then say you agree and disagree with some things, but you only state the things you disagree with.  You're learning from media well...



Second if you're a moderate you come off pretty liberal with this "This is when I realized this guy is totally inane and shouldn't even be allowed to speak his mind."


That's perfect leftist speak...Everyone that doesn't think like me shouldn't be allowed to speak.


and finally you come with this ridiculous accusation and let your rage show through "This guy probably loves the fact that the Twin Towers were destroyed. Now he has a bloody towel to wave at the Arabs. Well this guy can go f*** himself, because he is part of the reason terror attacks will continue. "


Maybe you should turn some of that anger towards our enemies....You DO know who who they are...right???

This is what I agree with

I am truly sorry that Arabs have to live in squalor under savage dictatorships throughout the Middle East. I am also sorry that the “leaders” of these nations drive their citizens into poverty by keeping all of the wealth in the hands of a select few.


I am also sorry that these governments intentionally breed hate for the U.S. in their religious schools while American schools do the exact opposite.


First if you're a moderate why do you only list the points you disagree with?? I mean you call the guy an asshole and then say you agree and disagree with some things, but you only state the things you disagree with. You're learning from media well...


I am a moderate and I do tolerate views from both sides of the spectrum. However, this guy says things that are bordering on reactionary. A Reactionary point of view should not be tolerated by anyone not wearing a swastica arm band.


Second if you're a moderate you come off pretty liberal with this "This is when I realized this guy is totally inane and shouldn't even be allowed to speak his mind."


That's perfect leftist speak...Everyone that doesn't think like me shouldn't be allowed to speak.


Anyone who believes we should drop 100 of the most horrific bombs in our arsenal on a city full of civilians should not be allowed to speak. It has nothing to do with democrat or republican. Any one who has a right mind knows that this it is a stupid thing to suggest.


and finally you come with this ridiculous accusation and let your rage show through "This guy probably loves the fact that the Twin Towers were destroyed. Now he has a bloody towel to wave at the Arabs. Well this guy can go f*** himself, because he is part of the reason terror attacks will continue. "


Maybe you should turn some of that anger towards our enemies....You DO know who who they are...right???


Perhaps when I am in the military I will be confronted with 50 arab terrorists. I am forced to mow them down with my M-16. In my rage I kill them all, impale their bodies, and for a bit of cruel revenge I hang their corpses. Surely then I will have taught my enemies a lesson, then they won't mess with the U.S.!


Unfortunately this kind of anger will only enrage them further and those 50 dead terrorists will be replaced and more citizens will die.


Diplomacy and good will wins wars like this my friend, not anger. I will instead direct my anger at those who refuse to see what is going on.

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Diplomacy and good will wins wars like this my friend, not anger. I will instead direct my anger at those who refuse to see what is going on.


Indeed. The only part is, though, is to not become apethetic to what's happened. I agree that some of the original author's comments are ignorant, but at the same time, I think that our nation is trying to do the best it knows how to do. Oftentimes, we become so desenitized to events and happenings, that we lose focus on what really matters.

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Diplomacy and good will wins wars like this my friend, not anger.  I will instead direct my anger at those who refuse to see what is going on.

Diplomacy and good will works with civilized people but not with Islamic terrorists. There are some people who cannot be reasoned with & cannot be negotiated with. Those are the people who understand only one language........force.


Those are the type of people who can only be dealt properly with by beating them so badly that they lose the desire to fight us and only then can there be peace with them.

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Indeed.  The only part is, though, is to not become apethetic to what's happened.  I agree that some of the original author's comments are ignorant, but at the same time, I think that our nation is trying to do the best it knows how to do.  Oftentimes, we become so desenitized to events and happenings, that we lose focus on what really matters.

Here is what matters:


keeping the USA, and free countries all over the world safe.


How do we achieve that? By making the middle east a better place to live. Good living conditions, freedom, and an education not blurred by rhetoric will stop arab citizens from becoming killers.


There are 2 ways to achieve the above statement.

1- take over these countries and do some nation building.

2- diplomacy and good will.


Neither is a quick fix, neither is guarunteed to work. Both are extremely expensive. However, chances are #1 won't work, because people get angry when their country is being destroyed. And if you fail in achieving #1, you have only made matters worse. #2 on the other hand will at worst make the US look like the good guys and portray the foreign leaders as not wanting peace.


#1 is also risky because of the instability that comes hand in hand with nation building. Instability is what terrorists look for. Instability gives rise to evil leaders. We are looking at a catch-22. A smoothe talking evil terrorist leader could turn Iraq into hell again if he was elected by the people. But it is not fair to deprive these people of the freedom to choose a leader.


Following the French-Indochina war, North and South Vietnam were to unite in an election to pick a national leader. North Vietnam was already being led by Ho Chi Minh, the US feared Ho Chi Minh would win, so they did not allow the election to occur. Diem was placed in power, and he was the worst thing to happen to South Vietnam.


Ho Chi Minh would have won because a lot of the people of S. Vietnam had nothing, so communism was appealing. When Diem was placed in power the people still had nothing, nothing was accomplished and communism was still appealing.


In Iraq replace the South Vietnamese people with Iraqi's and replace communism with terrorism and you have the same situation. How do we make terrorism unappealing? Give them lives worth living. The war in Iraq (#1 from above) is not doing that for the people. So until we stop the hate and the killing, the people will turn to terrorism.

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Diplomacy and good will works with civilized people but not with Islamic terrorists.  There are some people who cannot be reasoned with & cannot be negotiated with.  Those are the people who understand only one language........force. 


Those are the type of people who can only be dealt properly with by beating them so badly that they lose the desire to fight us and only then can there be peace with them.

I addressed the diplomacy issue in my last post. I don't feel like telling the history of Vietnam again, so you can just read my opinion there.


The people of Iraq who are considering terrorism won't respond to force. They believe their lives only mean something if they kill for allah. They don't think they can be defeated because they think they are fighting for allah. So our force will be met with their force until either a-their lives improve or b-they are all dead or c-they get a hold of weapons of mass destruction and organized society crumbles

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This is what I agree with





I am a moderate and I do tolerate views from both sides of the spectrum.  However, this guy says things that are bordering on reactionary.  A Reactionary point of view should not be tolerated by anyone not wearing a swastica arm band.




Anyone who believes we should drop 100 of the most horrific bombs in our arsenal on a city full of civilians should not be allowed to speak.  It has nothing to do with democrat or republican.  Any one who has a right mind knows that this it is a stupid thing to suggest.




Perhaps when I am in the military I will be confronted with 50 arab terrorists.  I am forced to mow them down with my M-16.  In my rage I kill them all, impale their bodies, and for a bit of cruel revenge I hang their corpses.  Surely then I will have taught my enemies a lesson, then they won't mess with the U.S.! 


Unfortunately this kind of anger will only enrage them further and those 50 dead terrorists will be replaced and more citizens will die.


Diplomacy and good will wins wars like this my friend, not anger.  I will instead direct my anger at those who refuse to see what is going on.

I am a moderate and I do tolerate views from both sides of the spectrum.  However, this guy says things that are bordering on reactionary.  A Reactionary point of view should not be tolerated by anyone not wearing a swastica arm band.


I'm not disagreeing that you're a moderate...I'm just telling you how you come off. The majority, if not all, of your posts are liberal. What reactoinary point of view?? He said one thing in that whole article that could be considered reactionary and that was reguarding Fallujah.


I have a right mind and I know Fallujah is a city that prospered under Saddam and they would benefit most if a regime similar to his was to regain power. The regime built chemical and other factories that generated jobs for Fallujah's workers and wealth for its businessmen. Many of Fallujah's young men joined elite regime forces such as the Republican Guard and Special Republican Guard.


This war has been fought with the utmost care and respect with regard to civilians, even to the detriment of our own troops. While dropping daisy cutters on the town would not be my course of action I can see his point of view. He is sick of seeing our troops die and I think he chose the phrase drop a "couple hundred daisy cutters" as effect to make his point. Just as you used "100 of the most horrific bombs in our arsenal on a city full of civilians " as effect.



In my rage I kill them all, impale their bodies, and for a bit of cruel revenge I hang their corpses.


Hanging their corpses...come on now 1549, you have the wrong side. I truly hope you never are confronted with that situation, but if so, please don't lay down your weapon and try to talk it out.


Unfortunately this kind of anger will only enrage them further and those 50 dead terrorists will be replaced and more citizens will die.


I can give a s*** about enraging the enemy...They are there trying to KILL you and you are worried about how they will react if YOU win. As for more citizens dying...like I said we treat their civilians with greater respect then they treat themselves. Our soldeiers care about their lives more than they care about their own.



Diplomoacy doesn't always work....

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See, I think we should pull all of our people out of the Middle East, hand them a couple hundred bucks, a box of Rice-A-Roni and a Gideons Bible, and let them be. They never wanted our help, and I have no problem not giving them any. Buy their gas, and let them war amongst themselves, as they have been doing since the T-Rex met Allah on top of Ol' Smokey. Eventually, if we all stay out of the place, we will be able to stroll in into the joint, look over all of the carnage and destruction, and start all over again.


Hell man, this is the way the cats and dogs want to be. We could appoint Allah in charge of that place over there, and they will all still find reason to fight.


In other words, there are NO ANSWERS FOR PEACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST!!!

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My apology to the Arab world

Mike S. Adams



June 14, 2004 



Author’s Note: the following editorial contains mildly offensive language. Given the subject matter, the author is sorry that it does not contain highly offensive language.


Lately, I’ve been hearing a lot about the Iraqi prisoner abuse scandal. The pictures of those “abused” prisoners have been plastered all over the front pages of papers around the country. Some of my conservative friends have interpreted the excessive coverage as proof that papers like the New York Times are actually rooting against America in its current war on terror. Even those who aren’t willing to go that far say that such coverage is helping the enemy to recruit a new generation of terrorists to inflict harm upon our troops.


Despite these views, I have decided to make a formal public apology to the entire Arab world in the aftermath of Abu Ghraib. It is my hope that the following apology will help bring some clarity to the situation and, who knows, maybe even lasting world peace:


Dear Arabs,


I am truly sorry that Americans decided to take up arms and sacrifice their own youth in the defense of Muslims in Bosnia, Kosovo, and the first Gulf War. After we clear up this mess in Iraq, we will refrain from any such activity in the future.


I am truly sorry that I did not hear any of you call for an apology from Muslim extremists after 911. After all, the hijackers were all Arabs.


I am truly sorry that Arabs have to live in squalor under savage dictatorships throughout the Middle East. I am also sorry that the “leaders” of these nations drive their citizens into poverty by keeping all of the wealth in the hands of a select few.


I am also sorry that these governments intentionally breed hate for the U.S. in their religious schools while American schools do the exact opposite.


I am sorry that Yasir Arafat has been kicked out of every Arab country and has attached his name to the Palestinian “cause.”  I am also sorry that no other Arab country will offer nearly as much support to Arafat as we offer to them.


I am sorry that the U.S. has continued to serve as the biggest financial supporter of poverty stricken Arab nations while wealthy Arab leaders blame the U.S. for all of their problems.


I am sorry that left-wing media elites would Rather (pun intended) not talk about any of this, thereby perpetuating your anger towards us. It’s probably really bad for your blood pressure. I am also sorry that most of you lack the medical resources to measure your blood pressure. And, of course, I’m sorry that few of you have indoor plumbing. That’s bad for your health, too.


I am sorry that the U.N. cheated so many poor people in Iraq out of their “food for oil” money so they could get rich while the tortured, raped, and poverty-stricken citizens of Iraq suffered under Saddam Hussein.


I am sorry that some Arab governments pay the families of homicide bombers after their children are blown to pieces in pursuit of Arafat’s “cause.”


I am sorry that these homicide bombers have as little regard for babies as the local office of Planned Parenthood.


I am sorry that so many people are unable to differentiate between the gang rape rooms and mass graves of Saddam Hussein on the one hand, and the conditions of Abu Ghraib on the other.


I am sorry that our prison guards do not show the same restraint that Arabs show when their brothers in arms are killed. By the way, you shouldn’t be sorry about that.


I am sorry that foreign trained terrorists are trying to seize control of Iraq and return it to a terrorist state.  I am sorry we have not yet dropped at least 100 Daisy cutters on Fallujah in order to stop that effort.


I am also sorry that cleaning up the mess in Iraq is taking so long. It only took Saddam Hussein about 30 years to accomplish all he did in the realm of human rights. Come to think of it, that’s about ten years less than the duration of our War on Poverty in the U.S. Come to think of it, I’m sorry we haven’t sent all of our gang bangers from South Central Los Angeles to Fallujah.


I am sorry that every time the terrorists hide, it just happens to be inside a “Holy Site.”


I am sorry that Muslim extremists have not yet apologized for the U.S.S.

Cole, the embassy bombings, and for flying a plane into the World Trade Center, which collapsed in part on Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, which is one of our Holy Sites.


I am sorry that we have not taken a portion of the diet of Michael Moore and shipped it to one of your starving villages in the Middle East. You need it Moore (pun intended) than he does.


I am sorry that your only supporters are professors, journalists, and other assorted Leftists who also support homosexuals, bisexuals, transsexuals, partial birth abortion, and everything that you abhor in this world. I am sorry that everyone else in America is against you.


Finally, I am sorry that I am going to have to end this apology by asking you to kiss the right side of my conservative butt. I’m probably just having a bad day.


For that I am truly sorry.

This article is AWESOME!!!


WE owe the Arab world NOTHING! (Which is exactly what we get from the Arab world.)


:headbang :notworthy :usa

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