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2.6 mil new jobs doesn't sound crazy anymore


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Did ya notice how John Kerry stopped whining about lost jobs and is now focused on wage growth?  Now that the economy is on fire he's getting squeezed out of a major talking point in his campaign. 



Oh darn!

Wage growth is accelerating, as is manufacturing hiring. He is quickly losing the whole economy issue.

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Wage growth is accelerating, as is manufacturing hiring.  He is quickly losing the whole economy issue.

Someone send this growth my way please...with the wedding next year (finally set the date 10/29/05 :wub: ) we need to be fully employed!

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So what you're saying is that after four years... we'll be back to where we started when Bush takes office?


Wow, thats quite an accomplishment.


Vote Bush/Cheney: Net Gain - Nothing.

you are wrong.


It is less than nothing.


The manufacturing jobs have gone and have been replaced with minimum wage or just above jobs with no health insuance.



So IF they reach the number of jobs that they lost, the average worker is in a far worse situation financially.


In our community we are losing Electrolux (2700 workers), a plant that has been here for over 100 years, outsourced to Mexico. Our town has 8,000 citizens so do the math what this does to us and the surrounding community. Federal Mogul is shutting its plant, 540 jobs outsourced to Mexico.


We are getting a WalMart. 1600 jobs, all part time, pay being 1/4 or less of what our Electrolux and Federal Mogul employees were paid.


This is Bush economics.


God better bless America because Bush is f***ing the place royal.



Reading that radical hippy leftist magazine Business Week today - the Bush administration has seriously undercounted the number of jobs moved off shore, in the hundred of thousands to millions. That is in Business Week, an April edition.


But believing this administration:


- nulcear fuel rods in Africa

- weapons of mass destruction in Iraq

- Iraq involved in al qaeda and September 11

- terrorism reached a new low --- [no, oops, terrorism reached a new high]

- the vice president's office knew nothing about the deal to haliburton

- we will get osama dead or alive

- the PDB that says that al qaeda plans to attack the US with planes, mentioning New York and DC, was not "actionable" intelligence

- we will be out of Iraq in a few months

- mission accomplised

- the cost of the Iraq war is $87 billion - no it is $125 billion more - no it is more but we will tell you after the election

- the federal deficit will 300 trillion - no, maybe 425 trillon, no more like 500 trillion

- Clinton lied about a blow job


not a thing they say is worth the effort to mouth the words

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The manufacturing jobs have gone and have been replaced with minimum wage or just above jobs with no health insuance.



So IF they reach the number of jobs that they lost, the average worker is in a far worse situation financially. 


In our community we are losing Electrolux (2700 workers), a plant that has been here for over 100 years, outsourced to Mexico.  Our town has 8,000 citizens so do the math what this does to us and the surrounding community.  Federal Mogul is shutting its plant, 540 jobs outsourced to Mexico.


We are getting a WalMart.  1600 jobs, all part time, pay being 1/4 or less of what our Electrolux and Federal Mogul employees were paid.


This is Bush economics.


God better bless America because Bush is f***ing the place royal.



Reading that radical hippy leftist magazine Business Week today - the Bush administration has seriously undercounted the number of jobs moved off shore, in the hundred of thousands to millions.  That is in Business Week, an April edition.

Manufacturing jobs are leaving by the millions huh? If that's so then why has there been a net gain of 55,000 or so manufacturing jobs in the last 2 months according to the labor departments employment reports and why have upward revisions been made to manufacturing employment stats every month for the last 3 months? The economy works in cycles my friend and now we are firmly into a growth cycle after 2 years of recession.


To say that all the jobs that are now being created are minmum wage crap jobs is as typical of your side as it is ludicrous. In fact according to the last months jobs report, the wal-mart type retail jobs you're whining about were barely a blip on the radar screen when compared to increases in such areas as Construction, Manufacturing, Financial and Health Care services.







The first link is a breakdown of average hourly earnings which shows that workers average earnings have risen by almost 40 cents an hour in the last year. If we were swapping high paying manufacturing jobs for part-time low pay wal mart jobs the opposite would be true. The second link is a breakdown of employment gains sector by sector.


Dont take my word for it though, go look for yourself.


Also, to blame outsourcing of jobs on the president just proves how ignorant about economics you are. The president has absolutely no say so whatsoever about whether or not a company stays in the US or moves its operations overseas. You should save your venom for the corporate execs who make those decisions.

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Where are these manufacturing jobs being created? It sure doesn't seem to be around here unless there is some creative accounting going on... There have been (and still more each month) factories shutting down completely or shutting down and moving either south of the border (Mexico, not Missouri) or to China.

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In addition to job growth, wage growth is accelarating at a very fast pace as well.  What is so hard to understand that?


Translation:  The jobs being created ARE NOT MINIMUM WAGE TYPE JOBS.

Where? No I know has gotten a raise in something like 3 years (and yes I know more than 2 people smart ass).

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Question for you Queen,


How profitable is your company?  Is it privately held or public?

It's a part of a larger group - I have to confess that I don't know for a 100% certainty. I know it was private before it was bought out and from what I understand I think it still is. The guy that owns us owns the Memphis Grizzlies.


We are on pace to have something like 6-8 million in sales, what that translates into profits, I am not entirely certain (but from what has filtered down, the big cheeses were excited about the sales prediction). What I do know is that they said we are becoming more profitable this year after a slow period. This company has been in business for about 80 years or so (sometime in the twenties it began).

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The reason I asked that is because when you get to a place where there are no salary increases for 3 years, and they sit there and tell you it's because they need to keep costs down, yet, senior management gets increases, that absolutely drives me crazy. It's not cool at all and morale goes down the crapper.


That's what happened to me at my last job, they kept promising things that never happened.


There is a lot of movement in the job market right now. Our company, privately held, (but it's health care, not manufacturing) is hiring 35 people between now and August, which is about a 15% increase (we currently employ almost 200). Who know what the fall will bring, which is our biggest time of the year.

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The reason I asked that is because when you get to a place where there are no salary increases for 3 years, and they sit there and tell you it's because they need to keep costs down, yet, senior management gets increases, that absolutely drives me crazy.  It's not cool at all and morale goes down the crapper.

Sounds like this company and the last company I was with (but my boss still managed to get me as many raises as possible - we were the only sox fans there so we had to stick together lol).

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Where are these manufacturing jobs being created?  It sure doesn't seem to be around here unless there is some creative accounting going on...  There have been (and still more each month) factories shutting down completely or shutting down and moving either south of the border (Mexico, not Missouri) or to China.

Jobs are being created all over the place. Productivity gains can only make up so much of a recovery. Right now companies are overusing employees and are having to hire people to prevent burnout and keep retention. Capacity utilization is way up in manufacting, meaning they need more people to use these machines that are being used again, and production that is occuring again. Companies are replenishing depleted inventories, and consumer demand has responded strongly.


The economy is humming again.

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So let me get this straight, after three years of negative job growth and flat to negative wage growth, we're supposed to reward a guy for bringing us back to where we were when he elected him?


The last time I checked - plant after plant in my state is closing with the jobs going out of this country. My business isn't replacing full time people who leave. If that's growth Bush style...

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So let me get this straight, after three years of negative job growth and flat to negative wage growth, we're supposed to reward a guy for bringing us back to where we were when he elected him?


The last time I checked - plant after plant in my state is closing with the jobs going out of this country. My business isn't replacing full time people who leave. If that's growth Bush style...

That whole statement is based on the misnomer that the recession was caused by the Bush White House. It is a fact that the recession officially began in March 2001. This is only about 6 weeks after the inauguration of W. The fact is that is takes money 6 months to a year to work its way through the massive US economy. Translation-The seeds of the recession were planted in the spring to late summer of 2000. The election hadn't even taken place, let alone inauguration.


The stock market bubble bursting in 2000 is what started the US economy on the road to recession IMO. Between the unprecidented equity levels, and the new greater emphasis on stock prices, this recession came quick. As soon as equity prices started to fall, companies did everything to cut costs (ie employees. FYI the estimated cost of an employee is about twice his annual salary. It only goes up as you get into white collar employees who have things like stock options etc) so that they could artificially prop up their falling stock price. Problem was there was such a bubble built up in stocks, that once it burst, everyone ran for their lives like a Tsunami was hitting the beach. That exaserbated the affect of the recession, as the fall was from a much higher perch than the historical business cycle. And then to top it off September 11th happened, which effectively was a kick in the nuts to an economy that already had a bloody nose and black eye.

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