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Jury Duty

Queen Prawn

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I had jury duty yesterday and almost had a chance at being on the jury, but there was a continuance so the judge sent all of us home without selecting a jury. It turns out it would have been a murder trial. :o


I was on a jury when I was 18 or 19 - it was a tampering with a witness trial. She was guilty (guilty as sin). Has anyone here been on a jury? If so, what type of trial was it and what was the out come?

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I had jury duty yesterday and almost had a chance at being on the jury, but there was a continuance so the judge sent all of us home without selecting a jury.  It turns out it would have been a murder trial.  :o


I was on a jury when I was 18 or 19 - it was a tampering with a witness trial.  She was guilty (guilty as sin).  Has anyone here been on a jury?  If so, what type of trial was it and what was the out come?

I've been called 3 times in the last 4 1/2 years (Twice since September :angry: ), but never even got up to be questioned. I was next in line when they selected the final alternate on what was a murder trial and the judge told everyone to expect to be there for 2 weeks. I'm glad I missed out on that one. So, to answer your question, no. :)

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I get called EVERY YEAR for the last 10 years, but so far have never been selected. What gets my goat is that I keep having to go to the courthouse downtown, instead of maybe Markham. What a royal pain in the ass it is to get there. Some people (my wife!) never seem to get called.

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That was my fourth call in 10 years (jury the first time, standby and didn't have to go the second time, called a few months later and never left the jury room and this time called to the court room, well see above lol).

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I get called EVERY YEAR for the last 10 years, but so far have never been selected.  What gets my goat is that I keep having to go to the courthouse downtown, instead of maybe Markham.  What a royal pain in the ass it is to get there.  Some people (my wife!) never seem to get called.

I always get called to go to 26th and California (but I live closer to Markham). Brian's been called a few times, but not in the last five years or so and mom hasn't been called in 20 something years...check that...once in the last 20 years (she was called a year or so ago).

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I've gotten a letter in the mail twice and gotten chosen to be in a jury group, but they never called me to be used.


My mom was in a murder trail jury.


The woman who was on trial smiled a s*** eating grin when they took her mugshots.


She also said to the police "I'm glad the b**** is dead!"


Needless to say, the trial went quick. :D

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I'm literally on call for a potential trial starting today -- went in Monday and 33 of us were grilled for a half-day and they sent us home while the lawyaers compared notes and made their selection. That process had not finished up yesterday and so I have to call at 10:30 this morning to see if we report for final selection. It seems a very weird way to do things.


Most unfortunate, if I get selected and have to serve today and/or tomorrow it screws up my plan to make the drive down to Pro Player for either tonight's or tomorrow's game. I've been looking forward to it since I saw the Marlins on teh schedule this year, so it figures this is the week I get selected for jury duty.


(No murder case here - just good old contractors operating without a state license.)

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I get called EVERY YEAR for the last 10 years, but so far have never been selected.  What gets my goat is that I keep having to go to the courthouse downtown, instead of maybe Markham.  What a royal pain in the ass it is to get there.  Some people (my wife!) never seem to get called.

My wife has never been called either. The thing that gets me is, 5 years ago, when I got called for the first time, someone asked the guy how often we shold expect to get called. He said, you can get called once a year, but it would be rare to get called ever again in your life. BS!

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My wife has never been called either. The thing that gets me is, 5 years ago, when I got called for the first time, someone asked the guy how often we shold expect to get called. He said, you can get called once a year, but it would be rare to get called ever again in your life. BS!

Tell them what industry you work in, they will eliminate you ASAP because we tend to make snap judgements and be overly opinionated. Imagine that :lol:

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Tell them what industry you work in, they will eliminate you ASAP because we tend to make snap judgements and be overly opinionated.  Imagine that :lol:

I think it's on my info sheet. That's why I've never been even called into the jury box to be questioned by the lawyers.

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I'm not sure how it is in most states.. but in Michigan, only registered voters get summoned for jury duty.


Needless to say, that's MAYBE 30% of the population.

its the same in illinois. i have 5 months till i register so yeah needless to say ive never been on a jury

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While I am not 100% sure, I believe that Illinois switched to drivers license registration as the list for potential jurors.  Either that, or added that list as an addition.

According to the speech, it is DL and voters reg (that's how my my got called because she has no DL, but she does have a state ID).

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My jury duty saga of the moment continues...


I was made to call into the court's computerized phone system hourly from 10:30 am today. Each time me and the rest of the potential jury pool assigned to a certain judge would be told to stand by and call back in one hour. Apparently a trial that was supposed to be argued in one day yesterday and deliberated by some time this morning lasted longer than expected.


FINALLY, at 1:30 pm today we are called off for the day, but told to report at the courthouse at 9am tomorrow. If I get selected it would pretty much blow a chance at trripping down to Miami for the game tomorrow...


So I went down today - 350 mile round-trip and the added joy of seeing Pavano shut us down and Carlos' streak to come to an end. :angry: I just got back and now it's off to sleep so I can be a bright-tailed and bushy-eyed juror tomorrow.


re, the game tonight - although I didn't like seeing us give up 12 hits, it was kind of cool for trhe Marlins home crowd because everyone gets a dozen Krispy Kremes if they bring their ticket to a participating shop tonight. Around hit number 10 the crowd was chanting "WE WANT DOUGHNUTS!" and it was pretty entertaining.

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My parents have been ignoring the jury duty letters for damn near 20 years now.


As for me, hell, I never even registered to vote. I got my drivers license back in 1994. :headbang


Needless to say, no jury duty.


Honestly, I could care less about Politics. I'm not a voting mang. Plus, even if I were registered, I'd be too lazy to go out and vote anyway.

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My parents have been ignoring the jury duty letters for damn near 20 years now.


As for me, hell, I never even registered to vote.  I got my drivers license back in 1994. :headbang


Needless to say, no jury duty.


Honestly, I could care less about Politics.  I'm not a voting mang.  Plus, even if I were registered, I'd be too lazy to go out and vote anyway.

Living the American Dream there, eh Hammer? ;)

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Jury duting and voting are things that I make sure I do. Jury duty because, God forbid, I end up at the defendant's table, I want to think I will get a fair trial and voting so I can whine when the other person wins lol.

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Jury duting and voting are things that I make sure I do.  Jury duty because, God forbid, I end up at the defendant's table, I want to think I will get a fair trial and voting so I can whine when the other person wins lol.



There's a reason it's called Jury Duty.

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Living the American Dream there, eh Hammer? ;)



I'm living the "American Loophole", actually.


But seriously, there are people who know a little about a lot of things, and then there are people who know a lot about only a few things. In my case, the latter is true, and I know absolutely nothing about Politics outside of what I learned in college. Absolutely nothing. It would be a name recognition vote, which is just sad.

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Well, jury DOODIE ate up most of the last week for me. I spent two days in selection panels for two different trials and another on call, and this afternoon I was finally released from service for the week. Today's trial was a pretty straightforward DUI. The lady refused to submit to a breathalizer test and was planning on refusing to testify on her own behalf. I can't tell you how many times her lawyer told us perspective jurors she is still innocent until proven guilty despite those facts. I wanted to get on that jury just to see the police video of her falling all over the place and still hear the defense lawyer try to spin it.


Damn, back to work tomorrow.

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