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Oakland A's Local Commercials....Hysterical!

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I am getting kind of sick of our Banjo twang commericals.

The A's are having some fun! I would love to see see Brooks get our guys to have some fun with Ozzie in some commercials.

Show the city how fun the White Sox are now.


Anyway here is a link to those A's commericals.


Oakland A's - Different Brand of Baseball


My fave is Ken Macha using a bazooka to get a ball past Chavez.



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The A's have some great commericals. Last night I was fliping through the channels and the Giants were on. They have some horrible commericals. The commerical I saw last night dealt with people at the game. THey interviewed one women and she said. A good place to eat, have fun, meet friends, and oh baseball too. What? Um isn't that why you go to a game. But than again it is the giants, and i don't think their "fans" no anyone besides bonds and schmidt. There fans are homers. Reminds me a lot of another team in Chicago. Oh and sports radio is just as bad. When they talk about baseball its all giants all the time, and here and there they will talk A's. I was doing my laundry the other day, and the host read an e-mail from an A's fan asking why is it when they talk about the A;s its always complaining about the attendece (because no one goes) and the the stadium.


Ok off my rant. Talk about getting off topic there, but I needed to share :lol:

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Hey Mach do you know who's going to be your opening day starter this year?

Mach: Hudson, definitely Hudson. :lolhitting


I love the "Z" for Zito in the "shooting range".


The rook falling for the old gonna be in a video game trick is good too.


A lot of good ones. Thanks for posting the link!

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