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David Cronenberg's "Spider" was unwatchable unless you happen to be on Ritalin.


Bubba Ho-Tep was the worst rental I've ever made.  This piece of crap is starting to get some buzz as a cult classic, and I have no idea why.  It's completely stupid, and not even bad enough to be good.

I love Bubba-Ho-Tep, but then again, the original short story author Joe R. Lansdale is as close as I believe we will ever come to finding God on Earth, so I might be a little biased. I still wish one of his other, better, stories had been the first to be adapted to the screen. But with the word of mouth that Bubba has recieved, I can only hope that someday a great screen version of any of the Hap and Leonard novels might hit the screen!!!


I also forgot to add what might just be the single most annoying movie ever made, I hate it so much I had almost successfully put it out of my head: WHITE MEN CAN'T JUMP!!! God save this planet from that horribly annoying Rosie Perez abomination! Plus, Lord knows I have anything but a clean mouth, but the language in that film actually pissed me off! Horrible, ugly, and offensive beyond all imaginable realms! The worst film ever made, bar-none.


The movies I walked out on? Robin Hood: Men In Tights and I think I left before the terrible Natural Born Killers assaulted my eyes for the final few seconds. That movie is only second to White Men.

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Unless i'm crazy....Michael Caine starred in a movie called "Water" back in the late 70's early 80's. It was the only movie i think i've ever gotten up and walked out of sober. (there were others during the college years but i digress)


All i remember was Caine played a member of the British military stuck in a desert outpost when somehow they discover water underground. I was only 7 or 8 at the time and don't remember the whole plot but i remember an oil rig in the desert with water shooting out of it. My older cousins and i left about halfway through.





:cheers :fthecubs

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Dark City - Hi!! Try spending more that $19.95 on your special effects next time around.


Dracula, Dead and Loving It - Cost me $1 to see this, and yet I still walked out of the theatre


Hollywood Homicide - Harrison Ford+Josh Hartnett does not make for a good movie without a plot

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Dark City - Hi!! Try spending more that $19.95 on your special effects next time around.

WOW!!! I have yet to meet anybody who thought that about that film! Most people who have seen it will praise it and tear into The Matrix for being the lesser of the two similar films. I found the FX work in Dark City to be nothing short of stunning, and it was even praised by most FX people I know of.


I love these types of lists, as you really do get to see that not everybody see things the same, not even close to the same!

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So how about it?  Since M&C was "terrible", I am sure you could come up with 10 flicks in that particular genre that are much better, off the top of your hammer head.


I thought so. ;)

GENRE: Action/Adventure, War, Past-based, NAVAL ADVENTURE/SEA ADVENTURE to be specific. If we were to expand it to past-based war flicks, I'd be here all day listing movies that were better. But since it's strictly naval/sea adventure, well, there aren't very many good flicks in this genre to choose from, are there?

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GENRE: Action/Adventure, War, Past-based, NAVAL ADVENTURE/SEA ADVENTURE to be specific.  If we were to expand it to past-based war flicks, I'd be here all day listing movies that were better.  But since it's strictly naval/sea adventure, well, there aren't very many good flicks in this genre to choose from, are there?

Could go for Below, but it is a strange mix of Horror, War, Action, Mystery, and whatever else you can imagine! :headbang

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Dark City - Hi!! Try spending more that $19.95 on your special effects next time around.

I agree with Gleason on this one – I thought Dark City was visually and stunning and created an amazing, dark Gotham-City-meets-SciFi atmosphere. It presaged the Matrix, except that it was space zombies and not machines. I love the Matrix, but I turned a bunch of people onto Dark City for comparison when that came out.

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The movies I walked out on? Robin Hood: Men In Tights and I think I left before the terrible Natural Born Killers assaulted my eyes for the final few seconds. That movie is only second to White Men.


Men in tights was horrible, but man it was pretty funny that I watched it to the end.

Charlie's Angels Full Throttle was awful too, One movie that was also awful, but I love the book from it, was Macbeth. MIB 2 was also sucky and the movie Garfield (which is out right now in theaters) looks like s*** too...

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I agree with Gleason on this one  – I thought Dark City was visually and stunning and created an amazing, dark Gotham-City-meets-SciFi atmosphere.  It presaged the Matrix, except that it was space zombies and not machines.  I love the Matrix, but I turned a bunch of people onto Dark City for comparison when that came out.

Dark City was pretty good, no doubt.


Unfortunately, the completely unnessesary Kiefer Sutherland VOICE-OVER in the very beginning spoils the rest of the flick. What were the idiots thinking!

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Don't blame the genre for your own shortcomings. :lol:

My shortcomings, or the sea/naval adventure genre's? Huge difference there, partner. ;)


And besides, from what I can tell, our tastes in movies are on opposite sides of the spectrum, you being a Reese Witherspoon fan and all. :D


Marlon Brando is the man, however.

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My shortcomings, or the sea/naval adventure genre's?  Huge difference there, partner. ;)


And besides, from what I can tell, our tastes in movies are on opposite sides of the spectrum, you being a Reese Witherspoon fan and all. :D


Marlon Brando is the man, however.

Yeah the whole genre is at fault and not you, sure....:lol: :bang


Hey, I DO like Freeway , gotta a prob wit dat?



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Pearl Harbor is easily the worst movie. ever. Only good scene in the entire film is the Japanese surprise attack. Everything else is crap.

No. Three Men and a Baby was the stupidest movie ever. Three guys get a baby then dont know what to do with it so they act like retards for 2 hours.




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No.  Three Men and a Baby was the stupidest movie ever.  Three guys get a baby then dont know what to do with it so they act like retards for 2 hours.




Didn't that movie come out in the 80's? :o

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