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WTF is Scoisia thinking?


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I would of had Scott in too. Schoenweiss has done good and Spiez should of made the play.


THe key all comes down to Weber. What a freakin bum. 2 walks with 2 outs and no on one. Thats what you get you dumbass.


Then the ump sucked calling a strike on that 3-0 pitch to Eckstein. They would of had 1st and 2nd with nobody out.


Oh well the Angels blew it and stranded a ton of runners.

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Originally posted by Chisoxfn

I would of had Scott in too.  Schoenweiss has done good and Spiez should of made the play.


THe key all comes down to Weber.  What a freakin bum.  2 walks with 2 outs and no on one.  Thats what you get you dumbass. 


Then the ump sucked calling a strike on that 3-0 pitch to Eckstein.  They would of had 1st and 2nd with nobody out.


Oh well the Angels blew it and stranded a ton of runners.


Stranding "a ton of runners" and the bullpen blowing leads? Sounds familiar to me :mad:

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Anaheim. Thats what I said will happen and it will happen.


The Yanks aren't that good people, and the Angels blew one they should of won. I like game 3's matchup towards the Angels with Ortiz, but I think this is an even matchup. If the Angels win this one then they put themselves back on an even slate knowing Ortiz, possibly their best pitcher goes on Friday.

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I will say this, both of his moves were fine.


Could he of brought in Percival? yeah, but I don't think it makes a difference. Teams have 5-6 guys in the pen, 3-4 which they rely on. You can't just assume it is a bad move based on the outcome. Donnelly was pitching good for them all year.


Now I know everyone outside of baseball question it based on "playoff baseball", but the Angels won 99 games this season while using that same approach. It isn't as if he did anything different. He did what he usually does and got beat for it.


As far as the Yanks and Angels. I agree with Jason taht the Yankees aren't that great, but they don't make mistakes. If you make one mistake and slow down a bit they will hurt you come playoff time.


I do think the Angels, A's, or Twins can beat them, it may take the max amount of games, but they can definitely be beat.

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that is what the make the yanks who they are.


teams make mistakes, the yanks don't. the angels left men on base, and then gave the Yanks the chance to comeback and they won.


the yanks don't win on beating other teams, they win by waiting for other teams to fail.

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  • 11 months later...
There are tons of spots you can find anyone putting their foot in their mouths if you look around.

Uh yeah, i guess you could but i dont go looking for them. Someone revived the thread and i found the post funny. Do you have a problem with that? :huh:

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LMAO no, im just trying to figure out why people are so damn sensitive.  Im assuming you arent one of those people now. :P

Nah, I actually feel the same way you do. First real pennant race as long as I can remember and people are way too edgy. Damn people enjoy this, it might never happen again! This is why we are baseball fans, this is what we live for. This is meaningful baseball in September!!!

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