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Remember mariotti's column yesterday?


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For what it's worth:


I work at a White Hen, and we get this beef jerky product, and it either comes in a Sox BUcket or a Cubs bucket. The owner gives away the buckets to a list of people after all the jerky is sold. No one has requested any Cubs buckets, while there's a list of 5 people waiting for Sox buckets. :) :D


I can feel the change, too!

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I mean, I don't think we had this feeling even in 2000.


I think it has a lot to do with Ozzie. This team lost a lot of attendance due to the White Flag trade and has been hurting ever since. I think Ozzie is helping bring back the feelings of 93/94...


I'm also curious. Was much made of the Pepsi commercial with Sammy and the Sox Fan?

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I agree w/ the artile definitely. Look in the papers, on the news, the sox are not always behind the cubs. The sox are finally making a name for themselves in this town. A good combination of a lot of people and a lot of wins are transforming this town.

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Yup.  Something's changing.  It's very subtle, yet I think anybody who went to the park last week understands and has sensed it.

There is a lot more energy there now than there was even a couple of weeks ago. It's starting to feel like 2000 again and I couldn't be happier about it.

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Rozner printed my email on June 22, but he didn't include the Soxtalk plug. I tried.

North vs. South II


From e-mailer YASNY, responding to an e-mailer who said Cubs fans ask questions about the Cubs game, while Sox fans ask if the Cubs won rather than questions about the Sox: "A Sox fan doesn't ask those questions because he already knows the answers. A Cubs fan will ask those questions as he is stumbling out of Wrigley Field.''




EDIT: Oops. I bumped the wrong thread with this. But. I'll let it stand here. You all get the point, regardless.

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Rozner printed my email on June 22, but he didn't include the Soxtalk plug.  I tried.




EDIT:  Oops.  I bumped the wrong thread with this.  But. I'll let it stand here.  You all get the point, regardless.

Haha awesome. It'll be interesting to see if they get any kind of response to you message.

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