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The Man...The Kid....The Ball


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ok...by now we've all heard about (and maybe all seen) the incident in Texas involving a guy going for a foul ball and bumping a kid. When i first heard the news story on the Score it was reported that the the guy "pushed down" the kid going for a foul ball. Hearing that...i pictured a kid going for a foul ball and being pushed by a guy also going for the ball. Like everyone else...i thought "What an asshole". :fyou


The last couple days i've heard a bunch of differnet newscast both local and national who describe the incident as a guy "shoving" a boy....a guy "trampling" a toddler, a guy ran "roughshod" over a kid, and three or four other descriptions about this heinous act.


Yesterday..i finally saw the video of the incident and you know what......the kid was hardly touched at all and the whole thing (in my opinion) has been blown WAY out of proportion. The guy dove for the ball over the seats and his calf bumped the kid who was about 3 or 4 empty seats away. The guy was reaching under the mother's seat for the ball. (if anything..the kid would be scarred by the vision of the guy looking like he was reaching under the mom's skirt)


the kid stayed a couple seats away while the guy got the ball. standing up, the guy's butt bumped the kid into the row a chairs ahead of them. Granted on TV, you can't tell how hard it was but to me it didn't seem too hard.



After listening to the fans and the announcers vilify the guy, i hear today he's apologized (which i think he should have done) and given the kid the ball (no way) and buying the kid tickets.




Does anyone else think that the guy is getting a raw deal. Getting the "Bartman" treatment when it realy isn't deserved???? i was glad to hear he apologized but in Texas news reports are reporting his name and he is getting harrassing calls just like Bartman.


I just think the guy is getting a bad shake and wondering if i was the only one or not???




FYI, Juddling wrote this using a computer that I was logged into, but I basically agree with the post, just the same. E.M.

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He didn't kill the kid like people want to think, but diving over the seat is a bit drastic. And then he showed off the fact that he got the ball, i don't think that helped.


I heard last night that the guy has had a change of heart, and is giving the kid the baseball along with an undisclosed amount of Texas season tickets to see more games this year.


Now they should really lay off the guy.

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You must not have kids, eveil monkey. Yes, he didn't hit the ground. Yes, he didn't trampole the kid. But the kid was squeezed up against the row of seats in front of him. A 4 year old can't take the force that an adult can. Watch the video again, but only watch the kid's face. He's scared and is repeatedly rubbing his arm, the same arm that was smashed into the seats. This guy's an asshole! Matt Starr!

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You must not have kids, eveil monkey. Yes, he didn't hit the ground. Yes, he didn't trampole the kid. But the kid was squeezed up against the row of seats in front of him. A 4 year old can't take the force that an adult can. Watch the video again, but only watch the kid's face. He's scared and is repeatedly rubbing his arm, the same arm that was smashed into the seats. This guy's an asshole! Matt Starr!

Yes, I have kids. And while that mom should be mad as hell (I would be if it were me), from a 3rd party point of view, while the guy acted like a jerk, he didn't 'trample' the kid. Nor did he 'push him down', or 'run him over' etc. With all the crazy assholes out there, who knows what someone might do to him, over a baseball. Will you be happy if someone beats him up with a bat a week or two from now, because of this? How about if he ends up in the hospital because of the beating? I will stand by Juddlings remarks that what he did doesn't deserve the treatment he is getting. As for "A 4 year old can't take the force that an adult can.", you must not have kids. I have seen my kids fall off the swing, run into walls, or each other, and get up laughing. They only seem to cry about it if someone else saw it happen. You would be suprised what kids can take. This is getting more coverage that the firecracker incident in Oakland last year did. In that one, someone DID get hurt.

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Yes, I have kids.  And while that mom should be mad as hell (I would be if it were me), from a 3rd party point of view, while the guy acted like a jerk, he didn't 'trample' the kid. Nor did he 'push him down', or 'run him over' etc.  With all the crazy assholes out there, who knows what someone might do to him, over a baseball. Will you be happy if someone beats him up with a bat a week or two from now, because of this? How about if he ends up in the hospital because of the beating? I will stand by Juddlings remarks that what he did doesn't deserve the treatment he is getting.  As for "A 4 year old can't take the force that an adult can.", you must not have kids.  I have seen my kids fall off the swing, run into walls, or each other, and get up laughing.  They only seem to cry about it if someone else saw it happen.  You would be suprised what kids can take.  This is getting more coverage that the firecracker incident in Oakland last year did.  In that one, someone DID get hurt.

No, I do have kids, and I know that they can take a lot, but when squeezed against something they don't have the strength to push back to lessen the force. I think I understand what you're saying, it was kind of blown out of proportion, but that doesn't make him any less of an ass. And, no, I don't advocate anyone beating this guy up over this.

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Now that i'm on the right name..lol......


orginally when i started this post...i was more angry about how the media was using words like 'knocked down' 'trampled' and 'pushed down' when nothing was further from the truth.


The reports (and TV announcers) made it sound like the kid was going for the ball when he was three seats away and probably doing what alot of kids do at a game and wasn't paying much attention. Again..i'm not faulting the kid for any of this. The guy was an ass and if it were my kid i would have wanted an apology. The press didn't need to continue to focus on him and report his name (like Bartman) because of the chance of someone out there doing something even more asinine then the first guy.




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I have a five year old son, and let me inform you that being squeezed against hard seats like that can HURT a child.


His reaction afterward was one of ambivalence. That's what broke the final straw in my eyes. He could see the kid sad and hurt, but he taunted the crowd insteadand acted proud.


He was a Jerk!

He was an Asswipe!

and he deserved every insult thown at him!



But I am happy he apologized. That will redeem him.

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He was a Jerk!

He was an Asswipe!

and he deserved every insult thown at him!

I agree that's what it comes down to. We all might get carried away going for a ball, but it's the job of the adults to remain aware of the kids that are around. And if you realize you may have hurt a kid, or even just scared him or whatever, make his day and give him the damn ball. Just my opinion.


Tangent: I sat in the front row in the right-center field bleachers during Sox BP for the game last night. All the kids scrambling for balls and yelling at Sox players on the grass to throw them balls were at a loss because they didn't know any of the players. I got a few balls thrown up to the kids sitting right around me from Garland, Marte and Adkins by telling the kids who they were so they could call them by name and get their attention.

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