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The dude in Saudi Arabia was beheaded...


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Sitting here watching the local noon news. I guess Al Jazeera just broke the news that Al Queda has beheaded the dude they kidnapped in Saudi Arabia. The sad thing is I can see this being just like Nick Berg... all over the internet.


Dammit, Bush, why didn't you do anything?


Seriously, though, if true, God rest his soul. It's sad because he was simply at the wrong place at the wrong time.

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A fellow NJ citizen has been lost.


May God take care of his soul.


My prayers are with the family on this sad day. My prayers are also with those in power who had to stand idle while this was going on, it could not have been easy.

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Really tragic, and we and the Saudi's were powerless to do anything. What his family has had to go through since the ultimatum, and what they are going through now is hard to fathom.


The climate in the region has obviously deteriorated as has tolerance of a Western presence, and that is very much America's fault. But for the immediate moment that's beside the point. I think a non-negotion policy here is the right thing, even in light of something so incomprehensible as this.


My thoughts are with the family, and I feel like I've been kicked in the stomach. I hope Americans working in Saudi - especially parents with families back home - look at this and say screw the money I'm leaving, It's not worth the current risk.

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American Hostage Beheaded


Report: American Hostage Executed

Friday, June 18, 2004


RIYADH, Saudi Arabia — Terrorists in Saudi Arabia reportedly have carried out their threat and beheaded American hostage Paul M. Johnson Jr. (search), the Arab satellite network Al-Arabiya reported Friday.


No independent confirmation was available.


Thousands of Saudi police had searched Friday for Johnson, three days after the terrorists who captured him gave the government 72 hours to free Al Qaeda prisoners in exchange for his freedom.


Johnson's wife appealed for his safe return on Arab television Friday.


"Please! I want him to come back to see me. He didn't do anything wrong," Thanom Johnson, said in interview on Saudi-owned satellite TV channel Al-Arabiya (search). "I've never seen him having any problems with the people here. Never."


In Johnson's hometown of Eagleswood Township, N.J., relatives held a vigil Thursday night.


Johnson's kidnappers released a videotape of him on Tuesday night saying they would kill him unless the Saudi government released all militants in its prisons within 72 hours. The Saudis have rejected the demand.


Police went through several Riyadh neighborhoods from Thursday night through Friday morning, but authorities gave no indication they were any closer to Johnson, a Lockheed Martin (search) employee who was kidnapped Saturday by a group calling itself Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. The organization is believed to be headed by Abdulaziz Issa Abdul-Mohsin al-Moqrin (search), the top Al Qaeda figure in Saudi Arabia.

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I heard a suggestion that I thought might be possible. Offer soldiers and civilians over there the option of having a chip implanted under the skin that could be used to track them down. The only down side to this, and its a big one, is that if the people who have the person knows about such a device, I'd hate to think what they would do to find said device.

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I heard a suggestion that I thought might be possible. Offer soldiers and civilians over there the option of having a chip implanted under the skin that could be used to track them down. The only down side to this, and its a big one, is that if the people who have the person knows about such a device, I'd hate to think what they would do to find said device.

That's a very interesting idea

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That's not too bad an idea. It would just have to be done without any media knowledge.


I think we all knew this would be the outcome, as the captors knew. They knew we would never turn over any prisoners, and they really didn't want us to. They wanted us to do nothing, so they could kill again on a worldwide stage, and so that we would hopefully look like insensitive bastards who don't truely care for our own. I would also lay money on it that the guy didn't want to die, but he probably also didn't want to see us give in to the captors. I am sure he was resigned to his fate the second he made that tape, as I am sure he knew of Nick Berg.


I just think we can start to expect to see more of this stuff. The real problem is when it gets so easy for them, and it happens in our country, and it becomes obvious that we as individuals are not safe. I don't expect the next terrorist attack to be a major event like 9/11, but rather many individual attacks, in our own homes, and in our own small towns.

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Well, if that is the picture of the world with Mel, I guess it is better that one than one of him all decked in leather and wandering with a raggedy looking dog, a lanky guy with a long brown leather coat, and a kid who never speaks other than grunting!!! :lol:

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Johnson's kidnappers released a videotape of him on Tuesday night saying they would kill him unless the Saudi government released all militants in its prisons within 72 hours. The Saudis have rejected the demand.


No s*** they rejected.


That's like dirty dogs offering to return a body of a dead Israeli soldier in exhange for 200 militants freed from Israel's jails. Hello, any government official who would entertain this "offer" should be beaten by a nice bag of oranges.

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I keep seeing Mel Gibson stacking a million dollars on a table and say I'm not going to pay a ransom.

The whole world now knows, my son Sean Mullen was kidnapped for ransom three days ago. This is a recent photograph of him. Sean, if you're watching, we love you. And this - well, this is what waits for the man that took him. This is your ransom, $2,000,000 in unmarked bills, just like you wanted. But this is as close as you'll ever get to it. You'll never see one dollar of this money, because no ransom will ever be paid for my son. Not one dime, not one penny. Instead, I'm offering this money as a reward on your head - dead or alive, it doesn't matter. So congratulations, you've just become a $2,000,000 lottery ticket... except the odds are much, much better. Do you know anyone that wouldn't turn you in for $2,000,000?



Prayers go out to his family.

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Sad for his family, but he also knew the risks of being there.

Oh yeah.


You couldn't pay me enough to go to that place - or be in the military for that matter.


I mean...WHY? Is a few extra 10,000K worth your life/well-being.


Be less greedy, you'll happier, not to mention safer. :headbang :cheers

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