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Penn & Teller


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Anyone else see "Penn & Teller: Bulls***!" last night on Showtime? The episode with all the nutcases predicting the end of the world was hilarious. They had some guy that built a bomb shelter by buring 47 old school buses under ground. During the interview he could only describe the shelter from above ground because the local authorities had condemend it due to unsafe conditions.


Penn & Teller

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Penn and Teller rule. And one of those "experts" is Hal Lindsey. That guy is a motherf***ing whack job.


He said that the HIV positive character they were test running in Africa to teach children that they can be friends with people who have that disease was actually a rouse by "the liberal homosexual friendly media" to bring rampant homosexuality into American homes and convert all our children to homosexuality. (Like being a homosexual is a choice somebody makes?) The guy is a giant assbag baffoon cashing in as part of God Inc. for all the people stupid enough to pay his lame ass.

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Yeah, I love watching Penn and Teller make these guys look like fools.......oh wait, they make themselves look like fools just by opening their mouths.

Tonights episode is on breast implants and penis enlargment scams. Should be a riot.

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