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Saw it today and I really liked it. What "The Passion of the Christ" is to most Christians, "Saved!" is to Cwsox. (IMO) I appreciate the striation of characters, starting with the drastically evangelical Mandy Moore, to the middle of the road Patrick Fugit, and onto the wheel-chair rebel Macaulay Culkin.


I saw it for what it was, a satire and a look at some of the stereotypes and realities of religion and moral brickwalling that Evangelical Christians are sometimes prone to. I could name people I know first hand that could have played all of the roles in that movie. The most interesting thing about the movie, however, is the Producing credit given to Michael Stipe, of REM fame. Makes me wonder where his head is at. From the "New Adventures in Hi-Fi" record...


" can't say that I love Jesus.

That would be a hollow claim.

He did make some observations

And I'm quoting them today.

"Judge not lest ye be judged."

What a beautiful refrain.

The studio audience disagrees.

Have his lambs all gone astray?


Call me a leper

Call me a leper

Call me a leper


"You are lost and disillusioned!"

What an awful thing to say.

I know this show doesn't matter.

It means nothing to me.

I thought I might help them understand

But what an ugly thing to see.

"I am not an animal"

Subtitled under the screen.


Call me a leper

Call me a leper

Call me a leper


When I tried to tell my story

They cut me off to take a break.

I sat silent five commercials

I had nothing left to say.

The talk show host was index-carded.

All organized and blank.

The other guests were scared and hardened.

What a sad parade.


Call me a leper

Call me a leper

Call me a leper. "

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Saved looks like it's worth seeing, thanks for the review, PA!

you are 100% correct. I think it speaks volumes about American Christianity and the prostitution of the Faith. Go see it. Roger Ebert said it was an important movie because it's a teen movie that actually had something to say. go figure, huh?

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Donnie Darko's Jena Malone looks frickin cute.


Also, New Adventures in Hi-Fi = Highly underrated

I agree, Hi-Fi was better than the last couple releases before it. For my ears on the REM offerings, how goes Peter Buck, so goes the band. If he gets apathetic or stuck in the same rut for an entire album, sound-wise and attack wise, it's hard for the rest of the album to rise above that.


I still miss the jangly meandering Peter Buck style of old, not to mention the dueling, interwoven countermelodies of the two Mikes, but I don't fault them for growing beyond that.

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I saw a review of this yesterday on tv - and I think movies that make you see "Christianity" for what it is for a lot of people, a "pop culture", and really questions that and makes you think, is at least worth a look.


Society (humanity!!!) sure has put a bad spin on religion.

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I saw a review of this yesterday on tv - and I think movies that make you see "Christianity" for what it is for a lot of people, a "pop culture", and really questions that and makes you think, is at least worth a look.


Society (humanity!!!) sure has put a bad spin on religion.

I'd say you're right, but I think Chrisitans have put a bad spin on religion. Have you ever been to Texas A&M? yikes....

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I saw a review of this yesterday on tv - and I think movies that make you see "Christianity" for what it is for a lot of people, a "pop culture", and really questions that and makes you think, is at least worth a look.


Society (humanity!!!) sure has put a bad spin on religion.

Religion is a human construct, so it's completely up to us to sink or soar with it. Unfortunately it seems like we sink more often than soar.

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Religion is a human construct, so it's completely up to us to sink or soar with it.  Unfortunately it seems like we sink more often than soar.

religion is a human reaction to a God that created us, interacts with us, and desires our faithful following... so it makes sense that when left to our own devices we sink it more often than not.




just thought I'd correct what Jim had to say ;)

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religion is a human reaction to a God that created us, interacts with us, and desires our faithful following... so it makes sense that when left to our own devices we sink it more often than not.




just thought I'd correct what Jim had to say ;)

Umm, thanks...? :D


I think spititiality is more appropriately the human reaction to a perceived Hand of God, at least on a personal level. Religion, the socialization and codification of those spiritual longings and leanings, is where we tend to get it wrong I think.

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The previews alone made me not want to see it. I can never ever think of macauly Culkin as anybody but the Home Alone kid, NEVER. And Mandy Moore, while attractive, can't deliver any lines that make me think she's a believable character. All he funny lines in the preview ("I am filled with Christs love!" "I crashed my car into Jesus") seemed very forced. So I'll pass.

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The previews alone made me not want to see it. I can never ever think of macauly Culkin as anybody but the Home Alone kid, NEVER. And Mandy Moore, while attractive, can't deliver any lines that make me think she's a believable character. All he funny lines in the preview ("I am filled with Christs love!" "I crashed my car into Jesus") seemed very forced. So I'll pass.

I understand where you're coming from, and realize that this movie is far more satirical than serious, but I think the point is that it's a teen movie that tries to speak on real social issues.....rather than some kid sticking his johnson into a pie or a popular teen guy accepting money to take out the nerd girl, only to fall in love with her.


meh, do what you want :)

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I understand where you're coming from, and realize that this movie is far more satirical than serious, but I think the point is that it's a teen movie that tries to speak on real social issues.....rather than some kid sticking his johnson into a pie or a popular teen guy accepting money to take out the nerd girl, only to fall in love with her.


meh, do what you want  :)

Well I don't want to see any of the kinds of movies you listed there to begin with. When I saw the preview I didn't really give a crap what Saved was about I just don't like Mac or Mandy Moore.

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