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I'd say their rotation is strong....aside from Milton atleast. And if you're a Twin fan, then you are happier with Santana in the rotation than Milton....Milton blows....but Santana is f***in awesome....he scares the hell out of me. He could be the Twins ace by mid-season....he's got some nasty s***. Radke and Mays are decent....and Lohse will be a good pitcher over time. Reed is older than dirt...and I expect him to have an ERA over 4.00....he can't keep it up. I also look for Guardado and Hawkins to come down to earth a little as well. Fetters and Fiore aren't that good, and I don't know who they are going to use for their 6th bullpen spot....but Romero is a mean mofo. He is also pretty damn good and will be closing by the end of May....cuz Guardado will not have his spot as closer much longer(especially if we rock the s*** out of him at the end of April)

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You guys do remember Santana's only start against us last season right? He lasted 3 2/3 Innings gave up 8 ER, and 3 HR's included Hurt's Ungodly concourse shot, anybody remember that?

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Guest hotsoxchick1

oh gawd i hate the thought of seeing santana...........not like i would want to wish this on anyone or anything like that but... why couldnt it have been him instead.... geez...(my bad i know sorry)...

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It's all coming together like i said, that pitching staff is as fragile as a vase.

That is so, so true. And it looks like Homer Simpson was carrying the vase just then and now it's broke. Shattered shards of vase lying about the floor, just like the soon to be Minnesota Twin's, lying about the AL Central thanks to their annhiliation by The Chicago White Sox :headbang !!!

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You guys do remember Santana's only start against us last season right? He lasted 3 2/3 Innings gave up 8 ER, and 3 HR's included Hurt's Ungodly concourse shot, anybody remember that?

This may not directly effect us....because we might still kick the s*** out of Santana. You are not looking at the big picture....Santana is a mean mofo on the mound....and he's had good success. Can you imagine what his stats would look like WITHOUT that game against us? He'd have had an ERA of about 2.75 or maybe even lower.


Colon was not that good against the Twinkies last year....but he still had a very good year. I was happy we got Colon not necessarily because he was good against the Twins career wise(because that's not true)....I was happy because we got a workhorse who is a freak of nature that gets stronger as the game goes on.


I don't like the fact that Santana will be in their rotation...and no Sox fan should. When he is on....he is near unbeatable. I remember a game against Toronto last year when he had his good stuff(and I would have watched it too....as much as I don't like the Twins, I do like watching Santana pitch....he's a real good pitcher and it is fun to watch real good young pitchers pitch...but the damn game wasn't on TV)....he had like a 3-hit complete game shutout...and the Blue Jays got 2 of those hits in the 9th. He had like 13 K's and maybe 2 walks....he's awesome. It was something like that anyways....and he was f***ing awesome...and that's what he's like when he is pitching well. If given the chance, I would trade any of our pitchers, outside of Buehrle and Colon, for Santana straight up(assuming he was in another division)

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It sounds like Milton is going to be out just long enough for Santana to establish himself in the Twinkie rotation. That really sucks. It could be worse, too. It's a good thing the Twins could not afford to draft Mark Prior. Add him to that staff and look out.

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It sounds like Milton is going to be out just long enough for Santana to establish himself in the Twinkie rotation.  That really sucks. It could be worse, too.  It's a good thing the Twins could not afford to draft Mark Prior. Add him to that staff and look out.

No s***....we would be in major trouble.


I'd much rather hear about how the Cubs have Boy Wonder than having to face him 4 times a year and most likely getting our asses handed to us each time out.

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I'd much rather hear about how the Cubs have Boy Wonder than having to face him 4 times a year and most likely getting our asses handed to us each time out.

I know it was only one game, but the White Sox did win the game that Jesus Prior started 5-4 :headbang

didn't frank hit a laser beam out into the Sox bullpen in that game?

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I'd much rather hear about how the Cubs have Boy Wonder than having to face him 4 times a year and most likely getting our asses handed to us each time out.

I know it was only one game, but the White Sox did win the game that Jesus Prior started 5-4 :headbang

didn't frank hit a laser beam out into the Sox bullpen in that game?

Yes. It was a line drive shot. Hurt hammered it. Moisty Alube hit two off of Garland that day and CubKilla Carlos Lee hit one off of Juan Cruz in relief. That was also the game where Osuna pumped his fist in the air after striking out ShamME Soso in the 9th to win the game and Soso talked to the press about "I never show up the pitchers like Osuna showed up me" after the game.

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I'd much rather hear about how the Cubs have Boy Wonder than having to face him 4 times a year and most likely getting our asses handed to us each time out.

I know it was only one game, but the White Sox did win the game that Jesus Prior started 5-4 :headbang

didn't frank hit a laser beam out into the Sox bullpen in that game?

Yes. It was a line drive shot. Hurt hammered it. Moisty Alube hit two off of Garland that day and CubKilla Carlos Lee hit one off of Juan Cruz in relief. That was also the game where Osuna pumped his fist in the air after striking out ShamME Soso in the 9th to win the game and Soso talked to the press about "I never show up the pitchers like Osuna showed up me" after the game.

I remember that, it was a great game

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The Twinkies will still be tough. Now their rookie Santana will get Milton's innings. He is supposed to be a dandy. The 19 or so games that we have with the Twins will be important/critical. Don't get overconfident about them. Our players better not. There's not a doubt in my military mind that the Twins think they have the better team.

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the Twins think they have the better team.

Know why? They are -- until we (or someone else) proves otherwise.


They handed our ass to us last year, and they definitely had -- and still have -- the swagger that we had in 2000.


I firmly believe that we have a more talented team, but until we play as a team, we'll continue to eat their dust. If Frank, Mags, Konerko, and Lee go 0-16 in a game, Miguel Olivo and D'Angelo Jimenez need to step up and get some clutch hits, and our pitchers are going to have to be lights out. We can't have the 7 or 8 game stretches where we win 1 or 2 games. We need to be consistent and have multiple people step up at different times in the season, and our bullpen will have to make the 1 and 2 run leads stand.


Basically, all the things the Twins did last year is what we have to do in 2003 in order to win the AL Central (and obviously more if we want to still be playing in late October).



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the Twins think they have the better team.

Know why? They are -- until we (or someone else) proves otherwise.


They handed our ass to us last year, and they definitely had -- and still have -- the swagger that we had in 2000.


I firmly believe that we have a more talented team, but until we play as a team, we'll continue to eat their dust. If Frank, Mags, Konerko, and Lee go 0-16 in a game, Miguel Olivo and D'Angelo Jimenez need to step up and get some clutch hits, and our pitchers are going to have to be lights out. We can't have the 7 or 8 game stretches where we win 1 or 2 games. We need to be consistent and have multiple people step up at different times in the season, and our bullpen will have to make the 1 and 2 run leads stand.


Basically, all the things the Twins did last year is what we have to do in 2003 in order to win the AL Central (and obviously more if we want to still be playing in late October).



That post of yours nails it. I couldn't have said it better.

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