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My politics are in the middle. I personally think Saddam should go, but we should have finished what we started in Afghanistan. As far as this being a CORPRATE COUNTRY, it is true. Our nation is so brain washed that we perceive advertisements for fashion. Everytime you put on a Nike, Adidas, Tommy Hillfiger, etc. shirt look at yourself in the mirror. Look at what is on your chest. That Swoosh sign, Tommy signature, etc is not fashion. It is their corprate logo. True or false? And you just paid $30+ to walk around sporting a corprate logo. You paid to become a HUMAN BILLBOARD. Do you need more proof that our population is brain washed. Every Super Bowl what is the big news story? What are the advertisements going to be. We have millions of people sitting on their couches, actually tuning in, & waiting to be advertised to. Or how about this, every election what do we all say? "All the politicians are corrupt. I'm just going to vote for whoever will steal less." We freely accept that our government is for corprate America and do nothing about it. We accept that our government bails out corporations with multi-billion dollar loans or tax cuts but they don't have a extra million dollars for public school children who are over crowded & under teached. I could go on & on but I won't. Oh ya for you guys that think I am some ranting hippie, I'm not. I am an Enginner student who was a highschool wrestler, baseball player, and a highschool Heisman nominee. I am also a fowl hunter.

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