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Gammons Proposes White Sox/Rockies deal


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Regardless of how Rauch pitches Thur., Williams should still seek an additional starter outside our organization.  Do you honestly feel confident in Big Jon for the remainder of the season?  If he happens to strew across a few loses in a row it may be too late to for a trade. 


I understand the redudancy in suggesting this team needs another starter, but if KW is intending on improving this team (without foresaking the farm) Sox need someone to fill the role of a #3.  An ace will cost you too much, and the fifth starter is already occupied: Schoeneweis.

I do think that Kenny should acquire another starter if possible. All I was saying is that I don't want Jennings, Chacon, or any other 5th starter, and hopefully Rauch could keep him away from acquiring a 5th starter until more teams are willing to trade and we can get a #3 starter.

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