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I don;t know if any one actually looks at profiles but if you do let me explain before I get any hate mail. I said my favorite Sox moment was when Comiskey died. It is because instead of the teen era Sox known as the greatest dynasty, or the Sox being the greatest single season team (you pick a year) of all time they are remembered as the Black Sox. Because he under paid them, and treated them like dirt. For those of you who don't know, they were called the Black Sox before the scandal because Comiskey refused to pay for the teams jersey laundry, so the players would show up in filthy uniforms. If any one wants to argue about the Sox being the greatest dynasty remember that guy called Jackson batted .408 his rookie season in the dead ball era, they had four 20 game winners, Eddie Collins on second, Weaver on third. Sould I go on. So that is why the greatest Sox moment is Comiskey's death. The Sox could have been America's team if it wasn't for Comiskey's cheapness. As far as Jackson accepting a bribe he didn't. He told Comiskey about the fix and showed him the money he was offered. Comiskey told him to,"Get the hell out and keep your mouth shut!" Oh yeah JAckson was the greatest hitter that ever played the game. If you want back up just ask Babe Ruth, & I think his baseball opinion counts more than mine :bringit

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I can't agree that a great moment is when a person dies, but I know whart you are saying. I also think that Jackson took the money or how else could he show it to Comiskey?


Other than that, I concur whole heartedly with the rest of your thinking.


There is no need to be defensive in that a whole of others here will agree with you as well. This is the place where educated Sox fans hang out! :) You are among your own people now - relax, enjoy, and welcome!

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Popeye, buddy, with all due respect, you can probably see by my name that I support Comiskey. And I do. Comiskey formed this team and he was very important in the creation of the AL. Gandil and Risberg were just jerks. Jackson was just an illiterate southerner. The other five just had no clue what they were doing. Its not Comiskeys fault. He was a bit stingy but these ballplayers were just out of line. And like cw said its not cool when anybody dies. That said, make yourself at home and have some fun on the boards! :D

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If those players had not thrown the world series the White Sox could be like the Yankees are today...We would have won in 1919 obviously, we would have won it 1920 and there is no reason why we couldn't stop winning after that. In those days the teams with all the wins would get the best "prospects", like the yankees got Gehrig and all the players that would help them become a dynasty. So if Comiskey would have opened his damn wallet we wouldn't have to suffer for 85 years

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Comiskey was an asshole. That's why the naming rights of cell-field dont bother me. Comiskey park was the most beautiful parks to me. It was ripped down 12 years ago. The new park should have never been call "Comiskey"


Maybe that's the Sox' jinx for the last 85 years? Comiskey's name everywhere.

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I have NO respect, and never will for Charles Comiskey, he was a no good cheap bastard, son of a b**** and it is WELL documented. He alone set the Sox back 20 years. When you hear the same thing about a guy from 2000 different people you know he was a prick bastard. :bringit

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On these boards, everyone is entitled to their opinion. While some may disagree with yours, you still have the right to voice it. You don't need to explain yourself. I'm sure there are more than a few here that would be downright giddy if JR bit the big one today. As for Comiskey..... f*** him! :headbang

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Comiskey was no worse than any of the other owners of the day. Living and playing in the most corrupt city in the country probably had more to do with the alledged throwing of the series more than Comiskey's cheapskatedness.


And for the record, they were never actually convicted of the crime. Landis just banned them, anyway. Only one guy ever admitted to throwing the series (Cicotte) and the 8 guys didn't even get their full share of the deal anyway.

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