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Cubs as Champs

Who does not mind seeing the Cubs win a World Series this year?  

58 members have voted

  1. 1. Who does not mind seeing the Cubs win a World Series this year?

    • I do not mind
    • I absolutely mind. They can burn in hell forever.

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It would be far easier for me to live with a Cub WS win, being 1536 miles from the Cell. If I was still in Chicago, and working in Schaumburg, it would be a f***ing nightmare. :headshake :puke

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Are you insane?


If you cant see that it would kill the Sox for the cubs to win the World Series this year then you must be blind...


I dont think you really know what it would be like and I would like to not find out

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Maybe...you don't have to live/work amongst insufferable f***ing cub fans!

I never lived further south than Irving Park Road. My last home was in Wheeling and worked in Schaumburg. I know the irritation of being surrounded by Cub fans.

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Cubs just keep on winning. 10 games over .500 and yet to hit their stride. They got into Houston and St.Louis' heads the last couple of years worse than Twins got into ours - this Cub team is incomparably more talented than ANY Twin team, possibly ever.


And to think it all began with Bartolo Colon.....After dropping the first game in Anaheim to open a BRUTAL stretch (Angels-Astros-A's-Cards-Sox), they dropped to a season-low 2 games over .500 and were seemingly poised for a MOTHER OF ALL JUNE SWOOONS..........But then Bartolo threw a little of batting practice, lost that game, got their hitters on track and Cubs have been playing like the best team in NL ever since........Good to see Fatolo keeps hunting us from his California grave. :angry: :lol:

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I know I will take a lot of flak for this, but I have no problems seeing the Cubs win the WS this year.


I know some of their fans and some of the preferential treatment in the city by the media (though I have seen many instances to the contrary) make it difficult to like them. But I actually do not have a problem if they win it all this year.


It would be great for a city like Chicago. Of course it will hurt our chances for attracting the casual fan, which means lower payroll and worse teams for us. But it could work the other way too....maybe JR will finally realize he needs to do something to win if he sees how much a winner is revered here in Chicago.


Also, most of the Cub players are good people (Samme being an exception) and easy to root for. I love Prior, Wood, Ramirez, Alou, Patterson, Maddux, Zambrano, Clements etc ....and would love to have any of them on the South Side.


I firmly believe also that if one team wins the darn WS, then both teams will start winning them more often....just a gut feeling.


I doubt anyone else will vote for the 1st option, but would like to know your thoughts on this.



Sniff, Sniff, Sniff. You need to take a shower. BECAUSE YOU SMELL LIKE A f***IN CUB TROLL. This has got to be the dumbest thread i've ever seen. And that's saying something. Do White Sox fans wanna see the CUBS win a a world series? HELL f***IN NO. What the f*** would the Cubs winning it all do for the Sox? Not one positive comes from the Cubs winning it all. Any Sox fan who roots for the Cubs is a fake in my book. I remember last year. You had some Sox fans talkin about how good it would be for a Chicago team to win it even if it isn't the Sox. Could you imagine the reign of bulls*** Sox fans would get from Flub fans? But even with all that. I'm not worried about the Cubs winning it all. THEY'LL NEVER EVER WIN A WORLD SERIES. You know why? Cause they're the Cubs. They'll always f*** it up somehow someway.

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Cubs just keep on winning.  10 games over .500 and yet to hit their stride.    They got into Houston and St.Louis' heads the last couple of years worse than Twins got into ours - this Cub team is incomparably more talented than ANY Twin team, possibly ever.


And to think it all began with Bartolo Colon.....After dropping the first game in Anaheim to open a BRUTAL stretch (Angels-Astros-A's-Cards-Sox), they dropped to a season-low 2 games over .500 and were seemingly poised for a MOTHER OF ALL JUNE SWOOONS..........But then Bartolo threw a little of batting practice, lost that game, got their hitters on track and Cubs have been playing like the best team in NL ever since........Good to see Fatolo keeps hunting us from his California grave. :angry:  :lol:

All due respect BF, I think you are sadly mistaken.


Not only have the cubs already "hit their stride", they have peaked!


1. Zambrano and/or Hawkins cannot continue to pitch as well as they have.

2. Alou, Ramirez and Patterson cannot continue to hit as well as they have.

3. They have been playing WAY over their heads defensively.

4. They have been getting WAY too lucky schedule-wise, i.e. they play the Angels when they are decimated with injuries, same with the A's, same with the Cards last series (no Pujols), next the Sox (without Mags!).


What they do have going for them is a very weak September schedule (AGAIN!) and the fact that the National League SUCKS!

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All due respect BF, I think you are sadly mistaken.


Not only have the cubs already "hit their stride", they have peaked!


1. Zambrano and/or Hawkins cannot continue to pitch as well as they have.

2. Alou, Ramirez and Patterson cannot continue to hit as well as they have.

3. They have been playing WAY over their heads defensively.

4. They have been getting WAY too lucky schedule-wise, i.e. they play the Angels when they are decimated with injuries, same with the A's, same with the Cards last series (no Pujols), next the Sox (without Mags!).


What they do have going for them is a very weak September schedule (AGAIN!) and the fact that the National League SUCKS!

I humbly diagree with you on most points, I4E.


There's no reason why Zambrano can't continue to pitch as he has. He has the stuff, and the only thing holding him back on occasion is his psycho demeanor. If he can ever mature and rein that in, he could be a Cy Young candidate.

Hawkins seems much more comfortable closing now than he did with the Twins.

Alou is a proven hitter.

Ramirez has done nothing to indicate that he's a fluke.

Patterson I'll give you - he's a flake, and he could crumble at any time if he struggles. He seems VERY weak of mind. However, he HAS finally gotten the hint that he can get a bunch of extra hits by bunting.

Their defense has been surprising, but some of that can be attributed to playing on a good team. Some guys play up to their team's capabilities, and likewise down to a bad team's ability. Ramirez has been a complete shock, but he looks really comfortable over there now.

Sometimes luck goes your way, sometimes you make your own luck. Either way, you can't expect luck, so you just take it and say thank you.


If they're anywhere near the division lead come August 1st - and there's no reason to think they won't be - the division will be theirs.

All I hope is that the Sox take care of their own business so we have something to look forward to come October as well.

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All due respect BF, I think you are sadly mistaken.


Not only have the cubs already "hit their stride", they have peaked!


1. Zambrano and/or Hawkins cannot continue to pitch as well as they have.

2. Alou, Ramirez and Patterson cannot continue to hit as well as they have.

3. They have been playing WAY over their heads defensively.

4. They have been getting WAY too lucky schedule-wise, i.e. they play the Angels when they are decimated with injuries, same with the A's, same with the Cards last series (no Pujols), next the Sox (without Mags!).


What they do have going for them is a very weak September schedule (AGAIN!) and the fact that the National League SUCKS!

Take off the Sox blinders israel.

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I am herein offering you 2 separate bets...


1.Sox WILL finish with a better record than the Cubs, AND

2. Cubs will NOT make the playoffs.


Any of you "closet Cub fans" wanna bet me???



If I were old enough to legally bet and gamble, I would take you up on those bets in a f***ing heartbeat.


It's like saying the Yankees will finish with a worse record then the White Sox and that they Yanks will not make the playoffs.


The Cubs rotation is way better then the Sox is 1-5...hell, their #4 starter would be an ACE for us(Maddux), let alone Zambrano, Wood, and Prior. Bullpens are about the same, and their offense is just as good as ours is. The only thing we have going for us right now is that we play in a much weaker division(and the Indians and Twins are both fairly good teams). Once the Cubs get fully healthy, they will be the most dangerous team in the majors. And they haven't hit their stride yet. Meanwhile, we WILL not hit our stride until we get a consistent 5-man rotation, be it by acquiring a pitcher(most likely Freddy Garcia, but a wildcard could slip in there...perhaps Russ Ortiz, Miguel Batista, or Randy Johnson...who knows), or by having Rauch just step it up and start to pitch well until we get a consistent starter.


The Cubs will make the playoffs. The only way they don't is if they lose huge numbers of players, because they've shown that even if they lose their two best starters and their best hitter, they can still hang around. If they have a healthy 5-man rotation for August and September, it's over, Cubs win.


They still need to add a reliever or two, but they'll get that taken care of.

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I am herein offering you 2 separate bets...


1.Sox WILL finish with a better record than the Cubs, AND

2. Cubs will NOT make the playoffs.


Any of you "closet Cub fans" wanna bet me???



I don't put my money up on anything I don't actually participate in myself.

I certainly wouldn't wager with an anonymous Internet being.


And I always enjoy how recognizing talent and not wearing the blinders makes someone a "closet fan" of a team. :rolleyes:

You don't have to like a team to recognize when they're good.

For example, I hate the Spankees, but I see the talent on the field.

Fact is, the Cubs are a good team, and they will win their division, in my opinion.

Astros are falling apart, Cardinals won't have enough pitching, and no one else has enough to hang in that race.

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Fact is, the Cubs are a good team,


No, IMO Cubs are a GREAT team once Wood is back. That's just reality, whether people want to admit or not.


A team that has one of the greatest pitchers of modern era Greg Maddux as its 5th starter and red-hot Hollansworth/Walker riding the pine should be the favorite to win it all - and they are. The only team I see beating them is Boston if they ever get a #3 starter. Yankees might too if Brown is healthy. That's about it.


Their BP weakness is exaggerated, but I am sure Hendry is looking for a good arm as well speak. Hawkins is fine as the closer.


Yeah Colon had a chance to totally ruin their roadtrip and instead he got them on HUGE winning streak that will probably culminate in them taking 5 out of 6 from the Sox.

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Everything turned the other way around when Dusty Baker came to the North Side and they started getting good players. The former coach of the Cubs didn’t do s***, that’s why they lost so many games and were always out of it. But once Baker came everything changed. The guy has experience since he’s been in the playoffs several times.


Now let’s look at our side. We also have a new manager. The young short stop Ozzie Guillen. Are we happy with what he’s done with this team? I sure am. And even if I weren’t happy I know why. Because Ozzie is just a rookie. He has absolutely no experience. Now I’m not saying he is stupid, but since it is his first year I’m pretty sure he knows what his job is. Win. And one more thing. Let’s not forget that Ozzie comes from a World Series champ team, the Florida Marlins. I’m pretty sure the Marlins coach gave Ozzie a couple of pointers and knew that he could be a good manager. That’s why he’s here with us.


So I say we also have a good chance of winning the division since we have Ozzie with us.

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Here's why the Cubs won't win dick!


Kerry Wood may not come back, he won't be 100% even if he does.

Prior is not 100%, got whacked around in 2 of his 3 starts.

Zambrano = flash in the pan

Hawkins will flame out once the (inferior) NL sees him more than once.


Guys like Hollandsworth, Walker, Alou, Ramirez, Barrett cannot play as good as they have been playing, just look at their lifetime stats.


They have a grossly overrated manager who has (will) burn out the arms of his pitchers cuz he doesn't know how to manage a pitching staff.


If anyone benefits by being in a weak division (and league) its the Cubs, the Cards have NO pitching (ZERO!), Astros are overrated, and everyone else just plain sucks.


There really is no excuse for the cubs not to make the playoffs, but, they'll find a way to f*** it up...they always do!

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Everything turned the other way around when Dusty Baker came to the North Side and they started getting good players. The former coach of the Cubs didn’t do s***, that’s why they lost so many games and were always out of it. But once Baker came everything changed. The guy has experience since he’s been in the playoffs several times.


Now let’s look at our side. We also have a new manager. The young short stop Ozzie Guillen. Are we happy with what he’s done with this team? I sure am. And even if I weren’t happy I know why. Because Ozzie is just a rookie. He has absolutely no experience. Now I’m not saying he is stupid, but since it is his first year I’m pretty sure he knows what his job is. Win. And one more thing. Let’s not forget that Ozzie comes from a World Series champ team, the Florida Marlins. I’m pretty sure the Marlins coach gave Ozzie a couple of pointers and knew that he could be a good manager. That’s why he’s here with us.


So I say we also have a good chance of winning the division since we have Ozzie with us.

I too am very glad Ozzie is managing the White Sox.

He brings an enthusiasm that has been missing for too long.

I would have liked to see him manage last year's team. That team really SHOULD have won the Central and made life miserable for whoever they faced in the playoffs. I still can't really believe that team fell short sometimes.


That said, I get somewhat of a bad feeling that this team is going to slip away a bit. I hope not, because the division is RIGHT THERE for the taking, but if KW doesn't convince some GM to part with a reliable #2 to #4 starter, it's gonna be REAL tough for the Sox to win the Central.


The Twins simply are NOT going to go away, and the Sox should be ( and I'm guessing they ARE ) much more concerned with the Twins than the Cubs.

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God damn. Is this Soxtalk.com or Northsidebaseball.com? I could go to a Cubs site and not see as much Cubs ass licking. Are the Cubs a good team? Yes. R they the 27 Yankees? NO. They don't have a true leadoff hitter for one. Say what you want about the Cubs pitching last year. THEY DON'T GO ANYWHERE WITHOUT THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF KENNY LOFTON. They don't have that this year. They're not a great defensive team outside of Lee and Gonzalez. I'm sure we all know that defense counts for a ton in the post-season. They have an AVERAGE bullpen at best. Nobody knows how Hawkins is gonna do longterm as the closer. Borowski, Remlinger, Beltran, Welmeyer and just about every other bum they have sucks. Farnsworth is as inconsistent as they come. Mercker is nothing to get excited about. Add to that, people act as if they know for sure that Wood is gonna come back and dominate. Who's to say he doesn't struggle at 1st? Who's to say beyond a shadow of a doubt that his injury won't bother him all season long? Nobody knows. And for the 50th time. THE MARLINS R THE TEAM TO BEAT.

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